* Dropped Linda at the Y, came home to read emails and blogs, noted that More Hallowe'en Name-Whacking posted, picked her up, and home by 9:05 a.m.
* Joined Mondays With Myrt and we discussed We're Related app, DNA books, my free RootsTech pass, and more.
* Noted that Added or Updated Record Collections at FamilySearch.org - Week of 23 to 29 October 2016 posted, read emails and blogs, then noted that Amanuensis Monday - 1676 Probate Records of Francis Bloodgood (1630-1676) of Flushing, New York posted.
* Worked in Ancestry Member Trees looking at Richmond photos on other trees. Searched for more Pickford data. Had lunch. Worked a bit on Findmypast on Vaux folks without much success. Answered email. Had my nap.
* Online at 2:40 p.m. to read, check Facebook, add to the Best Of post, and looked at Ancestry Hints. Found some Kemp data and added it to the database. Researched and wrote Comparing Search Results on Four Record Providers from FamilySearch Profile Page.
* Went in at 6 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV news and then football, and washed the dishes.
* Online at 7:30 p.m. to write the Tuesday post, add to the Best Of post, and worked in Ancestry on the V surnames down to Vining.
* Checked Facebook, wrote this post. Genealogy today was 10.5 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 31 October (with increases in the numbers from 30 September in parentheses):
* 46,960 persons (+ 164)
* 18,770 families (+ 67)
* 150,996 events (+ 446)
* 2,175 Alternate Names (+ 127)
* 9,627 places (+ 87)
* 1,415 sources (+ 6)
* 77,719 citations (+ 959)
* 1,128 Multi-media Items (- 1)
* 3,108 Multimedia links (+ 3)
* 13,404 matched to FSFT (+ 281)
I'm up to 51.47% (+0.45%) for citations/events and 165.50% (+1.47%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for October (compared to stats for September):
* 83,596 page views (2,696 per day, Blogger Stats, - 618)
* 25,095 page views ( 810 per day, Statcounter, - 73)
* 18,818 unique visitors (607 per day, Statcounter, + 55)
* >1,200 readers on Feedly (+??)
* 2,127 readers via email (Feedburner) (+ 11)