* Read email and blogs, and researched and wrote Tuesday's Tip - Use the Improved BLM General Land Office Website to Find Federal Land Patent Locations. Checked out Carolyn's DNA stuff some more. Answered email.
* Worked on the presentation syllabus and edited the two presentations a bit. Put them in Dropbox for safekeeping. Deleted duplicate stuff out of Dropbox too.
* Linda took the Lincoln to Don's for oil change and smog test, and I took the Mercury down later for the oil change and try to fix the check engine problem. Not sure they can and it may not be able to be smogged. Drat.
* Wrote Book Notice: Evidence Explained, Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, Third Edition and then Win a Free AncestryDNA Test Kit - Contest Ends 5 July.
* Answered more email, worked a little in WikiTree, checked Facebook and Google+, then searched for solutions to the computer problem. Restoring to before 6/27 might work or might not. I may have to just set up a new account for her on Windows and Thunderbird.
* Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner and watch the end of the soccer match. USA won. Online at 6:15 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and add content and sources from Ancestry Hints.
* Went in at 7:10 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, read my book, do the dishes, use the tablet to read online. Padrex lost 4-0. Hitless wonders sometimes. Now 37-42 on the season.
* Online at 9:40 p.m. to read, then write this post. Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 30 June (with increases in the numbers from 31 May in parentheses):
* 44,892 persons (+ 8)
* 17,960 families (+ 6)
* 141,282 events (+ 409)
* 8,404 places (+ 2)
* 1,210 sources (+ 11)
* 63,110 citations (+ 465)
* 1,117 Multi-media Items (+ 8)
* 2,985 Multimedia links (+ 16)
* 7,224 matched to FSFT (+ 289)
I'm up to 44.67% (+0.20%) for citations/events and 140.58% (+1.01%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for June (compared to stats for May):
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: Worldwide: 314,004; US: 114,598 (Alexa)
* 76,887 page views (2,563 per day, Blogger Stats, - 450)
* xx,xxx web page visits (xxx per day, Site-meter) (+ xx) NOTE: Sitemeter not working
* xx,xxx page views (xxxx per day, Site-meter) (+ xx ) NOTE: Sitemeter not working
* xx,xxx web page visits (xxx per day, Site-meter) (+ xx) NOTE: Sitemeter not working
* xx,xxx page views (xxxx per day, Site-meter) (+ xx ) NOTE: Sitemeter not working
* >1,200 readers on Feedly (+??)
* 1,729 readers via email (Feedburner) (+ 4)