This was almost an all-genealogy day, such as it is. I got very little of consequence done, and shirked finishing off the presentation. Drat. Tomorrow will be no better.
* Read email and blogs, wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 268: 1850 U.S. Census Entry for Amos Underhill (1772-1865) Household and then Findmypast Community Edition Now Available to U.S. Libraries and set it for late morning.
* Left at 10 a.m. for my doctor's appointment, everything seems OK, and home by 11:15 a.m.
* Read, added to the Best Of post, and worked a bit on the DNA match tree, adding folks on Ancestry (from the FSFT work last night).
* Had lunch, and watched the Padres game, read the paper, dozed off a bit. Pads got behind 7-0 and I came online to work some more on the Ancestry tree, then Pads made it 9-8 in the 8th but the Giants won 13-8. Drat. Now 35-40, first time 5 under .500 all year. Which means they are 25-35 in the last 60.
* Online to write Has Over 700 Free Data Collections. Who knew?
* Answered email, worked more on the DNA tree in RootsMagic, made a name list and sent it to C.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner, and change the hose out front. Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, then work some more on the DNA tree. Got the 52 Ancestors person ready to go. Added a bunch of Life Sketches to FamilySearch Family Tree.
* Worked a bit in the database in the K surnames adding content and sources, but not much progress.
* Checked Facebook, then wrote this post. Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.
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