Monday, August 17, 2015

My Genealogy Monday - 17 August 2015

This was an all genealogy day until the evening and the Padres game.

*  Read email and blogs, noted that Amanuensis Monday - Week 281: 1754 Will of Sarah (Warren) (Little) Sever (1692-1756) of Kingston, Mass. posted, and tried to find what to discuss on Mondays With Myrt.

*  Tuned in to Mondays With Myrt in the green room, and then 90 minutes of discussion.  I demonstrated Pedigreeable and discussed the internet as genealogy progress.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, worked a bit on the CVGS program, then did some searching for Angeline King data.  Noted that New or Updated Record Collections at - August 10 to 16, 2015 posted, and wrote Who were the Parents of my 4th Great-Aunt, Angeline (King) Vaux (1813-1852)? and set it for later.

*  Went in at 2:30 and took a nap.  Online to check Facebook, read blogs, and look for other King probate records in Erie county, finding some but none mentioning Angeline.

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to eat dinner, watched TV, and read the paper.  Online at 6:15 p.m. to work in the database - searched for parents of John D. Seaver, then added my data for his descendants to the FamilySearch Family Tree. 

*  Went in at 7:30 p.m. to watch the Padres game, finish the paper and read my Mary Clark book.  Padres won 5-3 over Braves.  Now 57-62 on the season.

*  Online at 10:15 to read, add to the Best Of post, and write this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

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