Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Genealogy Tuesday - 12 May 2015

This was a pretty full genealogy day until the evening, when the Padres lost again.  Drat.  Ruined the day for me.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Tuesday's Tip - A Digital Newspaper Archive Database and then updated my Pennsylvania presentation and practiced it.

*  Added to the Best Of post, and worked in MyHeritage for a bit, then wrote Mining the NewspaperARCHIVE Collection on MyHeritage Record Matches.  Worked more in MyHeritage confirming or ignoring matches.

*  Checked Facebook, answered email, and played with two of the timeline programs I found.  

*  Wrote New Ancestry.com Database -- Oregon Motor Vehicle Registrations, 1911-1946.  Took a 30 minute nap.  Answered more email.

*  Went in to watch TV, eat dinner and water the front yard.

*  Online at 6 p.m. again to read, copy stuff to Dropbox, then worked with Ancestry Hints to add content to the database.  Ignored 170 Hints.

*  Went in at 7:10 p.m. to watch the Padres game.  Read the paper, finished my book, and got the laptop out to set up for Wednesday CVGS Research Group.  Read blogs, Facebook, and added some photos to Pinterest.  Padres lost 11-4 to Mariners and it wasn't that close.  Now 17-17.  Can't hit consistently, can't pitch consistently.

*  Online at 10:30 p.m. to read, then wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 10.5 hours.

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