Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My Geneaholic Wednesday - 20 May 2015

This was an all-genealogy day, except for the nap, until the evening.  Didn't sleep well last night...

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote The Seaver-Hildreth Gravestone in Leominster, Mass. -- Post 360 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday and then SCGS Genealogy Jamboree is June 4-7, 2015 in Burbank and set it for late morning.  Downloaded the Jamboree app. 

*  Went off at 11 a.m. to McDonalds for lunch, then the bank, and the library.  Sat in on John's group for awhile, then to the CVGS Computer Group which was boring.  Felt tired, home at 1 p.m. to take a nap.

*  Online at 2 p.m. to answer email, add to the Best Of post, do some WikiTree work, and wrote New Database - Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records, 1875-1940.

*  Took a 30 minute walk around the mile track - need to do that more often.  

*  Checked email and Facebook, then went in for dinner and watched TV.  Online at 6 p.m. to work on Humphrey White profile.  Even used the White surname book I made several years ago.  Found two deeds in Bristol Count, Mass. and saved them - will transcribe some time.

*  Went in at 7:30 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper and read my book.  Pads lost 3-2 to the Cubs.  Drat, so 20-21.

*  Online at 10 p.m. to read, and write this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

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