Thursday, April 2, 2015

My Semi-Geneaholic Thursday - 2 April 2015

Well, the early part of this day didn't go well...

*  Read email and blogs, and noted that Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 256: 1759 Birth Record of Elizabeth Keyes in Westford, Mass. posted.

*  Left at 8:45 a.m. for the dentist for my cleaning appointment.  My previous hygienist retired aft 40-some years, so I have Lorraine who is very nice.  We did the bitewing x-rays, and the wrap-around x-ray, and then the "how deep are your pits" measurements, and then she called the dentist over.  I have to go back four times for deep cleaning.  One tooth may have to be replaced.  Drat.  April will be the No Fun month, I fear.

*  Home by 10:30 a.m. read, then wrote FamilySearch Responses to Questions About IGI Extracted Sources.  Checked Facebook, and answered some email.

*  Checked my AncestryDNA for more circles, and didn't find any - just the two I had before.  Wrote  AncestryDNA Launches New Ancestor Discoveries Feature and set it for later in the afternoon.

*  Answered more email, watched a DearMYRTLE and an AncestryDNA video, and worked on the John Seaver parents problem a bit without resolution.  Worked a bit in Charting companion too.

*  Added some recent photos to Pinterest, then went through older Treasure Chest images and wordless Wednesday images and added them to Pinterest.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV, read the paper, eat dinner, and start the laundry.

*  Online at 6:45 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, work on the CVGS Newsletter, and got it about 75% finished.  Worked up the 52 Ancestors profile for Friday.

*  Back to Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

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