It was a genealogy day, until I went to the airport at dinner time to pick up Linda.
* Read emails and blogs, wrote Tuesday's Tip -- Watch Family Tree Webinars for Genealogy Education and then The 1858 Murder Trial of Mortimer Seaver - Post 11: Testimony of 12 More Defense Witnesses and set it for later.
* Watched several ancestry YouTube shows, and some of Cousin Russ's too. Researched and wrote Checking Out the FREE Census Indexes on
* Added about 15 town record images to Media, along with source citations, in my RootsMagic database.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to read the paper and watch TV news, left at 5:45 for the airport, got Linda at 6:40, we ate at Hob Nob Hill and home by 8:15 p.m. to watch the rest of the Padres game. Pads won 7-2 over Giants, so we're 34-44, and have won 5 of 7 now.
* Online at 10:15 p.m. to send an email, read blogs, check Facebook, and write this post. Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.
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