Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Genealogy Thursday - 5 September 2013

This turned into a real interesting genealogy day...maybe a major turning point in my genealogy life.  Or not.  We'll see.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 180: Pennsylvania Land Warrant for Cornelius Feather (1777-1853) and then Ancestry "Old Search" and "New Search" Comparison with Exact Matches and set it for later.

*  Worked in the Pennsylvania Archives website trying to find more info about land warrants and patents.  Didn't find what I wanted.

*  Received interesting email from James asking for information about using  Answered him.  During the day, received two more emails and answered them with more information.

*  Received phone call from reader about, and talked to her for about 40 minutes.  Interesting conversation.  Checked Facebook too.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV news and football, read the paper and eat dinner.  Did the dishes and watered the front plants.  

*  Online at 6:15 p.m. to finish up the CVGS Newsletter, then talked to James on the phone about and more.  Will meet him on Monday to thrash out some details.

*  Worked online adding content and sources to the database.  Got stuck on some thorny problems and didn't get much done.  

Wrote this post, added to the Best Of post.  Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.

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