Friday, May 31, 2013

My genealogy Friday - 31 May 2013

Five months down, seven to go.  What will June bring besides Jamboree and a trip to Santa Cruz?

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Follow-Up Friday - Helpful and Interesting Reader Comments and then SCGS Genealogy Jamboree - My Saturday Sessions.

*  Researched and wrote First Look at's Story View and set it for early afternoon.

*  Wrote three blog posts for Saturday.  Answered some email, wrote some email, and checked Facebook.

*  Went out and mowed the front yard, then came in for dinner.  We went to Barbara's for a bit, and home to write two posts for the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe. 

*  Went in to watch the Padres game, still playing as I type at 10:45 p.m., 3-3 with Toronto.  Added to the Best Of post.  Wrote this post.

So that's nine blog posts today...genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 31 May (with increases in the numbers from 30 April 2013 in parentheses):

* 41,626 persons (-8)
* 16,605 families  (-5)
* 120,898 events  (+195)
* 6,420 places  (+57)
* 900 sources (+6)
* 41,240 citations (+399)

*  409 Multi-media Items (+ 2)

*  1,301 Multimedia links (+ 10)

 I'm up to 34.11% (+0.27%) for citations/events and 99.07% (+0.97%) for citations/persons.

Genea-Musings statistics for 31 May  (compared to April stats as of 30 April 2013):

* 1,188 Feedburner subs for Genea-Musings (email) readers (+22)
*  42 Feedburner subs for The Geneaholic (email) readers (+3)

* 1,732 Google Reader readers for Genea-Musings (+45)
*  Genea-Musings traffic rank:  Worldwide: 284,381; US: 111,169 (Alexa)
* 82,382 page views (2,657 per day, Blogger Stats, -1070)
* 23,361 web page visits (754 per day, Site-meter) (-46)
* 38,693 page views (1,248 per day, Site-meter) (-80)

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