I stayed home again and worked on genealogy, and my Padres won their second straight game.
* Read email and blogs, wrote Follow-Up Friday - Interesting and Helpful Reader Comments.
* Worked in Family Tree Builder 7 and MyHeritage for awhile, made some screens, and eventually wrote Family Tree Builder 7.0 Software Synchronization with MyHeritage Family Tree - Post 1. Checked out Record Matches from within FTB also.
* Updated the checkbook and balanced the accounts with MSMoney.
* Answered some email, checked Facebook, checked Google Plus, just sort of messed around. Then went in for dinner at 5 p.m.
* Back online at 6 p.m. to work in the database for awhile, adding content and sources. Into the Corn* names now.
* Went in at 7 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, and read my book. Pads won 2-1, so now 7-15, 3-7 at home, 4-8 on the road.
* Online at 10 p.m. to read, add to the best Of post, and write this post.
Genealogy today was 6.5 hours. I guess I slacked off today!
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