Thursday, July 5, 2012

My genealogy day - 5 July 2012

Well I'm home from Brookdale and all grandfathered out!  I did manage to read every day, and had some time on Tuesday to write two blog posts.  I flew home on Wednesday, and we went to the church picnic and watched fireworks from the Country Club next door at 8:30.  It was over by 9, and I read but didn't write a post.

Today, however, was a significant genealogy day.

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - 1920 U.S. Census Record for Frederick W. Seaver Family.  

*  Reviewed and edited my four OASIS class handouts, and will copy them on Saturday.  Answered some email (managed to get it down from 50 to 26 today).  

*  Researched and wrote Finding James Vaux Probate Records in Erie County, New York.

*  Worked on the Jane presentation, adding content and editing format.  Got about 50% of the England material added, so am about 75% complete now.  Will try to finish it up on Saturday and Sunday.

*  Wrote Live Blogging my Survey on Hints and then went in for dinner at 5:30 p.m.  After dinner, put the trash out, fed the birds, and watered the front plants.

*  Started the CVGS Newsletter - got it started, but then went in at 7 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, and read the book I started on the airplane home.  Padres won 2-1 on a walkoff hit in the 9th over the Reds - now 6 wins in a row (34-50), and not in last place!

*  Read, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

The monthly stats summary for June (30 days):

* 1026 Feedburner for Genea-Musings (email) readers (+21)

* 1,380 Google Reader readers for Genea-Musings (+33)
*  Genea-Musings traffic rank:  worldwide: 235,981; US:  57,831 (Alexa)
* 49,271 page views (1642 per day, Blogger Stats)
* 22,827 web page visits (761 per day, Site-meter) (-2)
* 38,841 page views (1,295 per day, Site-meter) (+7)

End-of-May statistics for RootsMagic database:

* 41,312 persons (+6)
* 16,445 families (+14)
* 112,927 events (+479)
* 5,474 places (+93)
* 778 sources (+7)
* 28,857 citations (+237)

 I'm up to 25.55% (+0.05%) for citations/events and 69.8% (+0.5%) for citations/persons.

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