Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Randy's Genealogy Day - 7 December 2010

Pearl Harbor Day - nobody attacked us again - 69th straight year since the big one!  Thank goodness.

*  Read email and blogs, noted that Advent Calendar - December 7: Christmas Parties posted, wrote Tombstone Tuesday - Julian Cemetery.

*  Got cleaned up, Linda came home with new license plates for the cars - switched them out and she took old plates back to DMV. 

*  Wrote First Look at Google eBooks and then did a lot of reading. 

*  Finished adding sources to database in FTM 16 that were in place names and adding info to place names - got from West-- to Z today, finding them in FTM 2011.  Had lunch.

*  Wrote CVGS Newsletter for December 2010 is online on Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog. 

*  Compacted FTM16 file, then read it into FTM 2011.  Started resolving place names.  Got from A to I.  Lots still to fix...I didn't do a good job at the start of the alphabet. 

*  Went in at 4:30 to watch TV, read the paper, put stamps and return labels on Christmas card envelopes, and we had dinner.

*  Back online at 6 p.m. to get the Christmas card mailing labels fixed and printed.  Worked on the Christmas letter and have it ready to copy. 

*  Updated the Family Journal index to include the last two years.  Started Volume 23 of the Family Journal.  Can't decide on pictures to use - too many bad ones, not enough good ones not used before.  Drat.  Wrote four pages of content - only 12 more to do!

*  Keyboard went screwy - typed upper case with Caps lock off and highlighted everything when I moved the mouse.  Happened in OpenOffice and Thunderbird, so rebooted and it seems to be fixed.  Must have done something wrong!

*  Checked Facebook, wrote this post, and I'm done!

Genealogy today was 12.0 hours today - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour in Google eBooks, 4.0 hours working in database adding sources, correcting errors and resolving places, and 4.0 hours working on the index, photos and Journal.

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