Sunday, 29 August, was not much of a genealogy day.
* Up early, got cleaned up, managed to read my email before we left at 7:50 AM for a day at Disneyland with Tami and the grandgirls. Got there by 9:20 AM, were in the park by 9:50 AM.
* Tami was late, so we went on the Finding Nemo Submarine ride...then waited and met them at Small World. That was fun - the girls love it still. Then to ToonTown and Lolo took me into Goofy's house and another play area. She didn't want to ride the roller coaster and I didn't want to ride the Rabbit ride. We got Linda onto the train to go to Main Street and then went to Buzz Lightyear and stood in line for 50 minutes. Lolo wanted to ride with me - she got 5100 points and I got 76,000 points - I'm getting better at target shooting. The key is finding the high-value targets. The guy in the car in front of us got 170,000 points.
* Walked to Main Street to get Linda, then over at California Adventure to have lunch, then Lolo, Linda and I waited 45 minutes for Soaring over California. I got to stand in line, they sat in the shade. A five minute ride - we still like - Lolo tried to catch the golf ball and said it went over her head. Then to the potty and out to the trams to come home. We left just before 5 and were home by 6:45 PM - Linda drove and I napped part of the way.
* Checked email and blogs, checked Facebook, read most of the Scanfest transcript, decided not to write anything. Best of the Genea-Blogs - 22-28 August 2010 posted at noon. Went to bed early!
Monday, 30 August was a typical Monday genealogy day for me.
* Read email and blogs, wrote Amanuensis Monday - Newspaper Advertisements for Property Sales and then wrote Citing My English Sources - My Preference and set it for late morning.
* Dove into the database and got some of the English sources fixed. How am I doing this? I have a 9 generation pedigree chart with about 80 New England ancestral families with English origins. Each of them has at least 4 and in some cases 8 English colonists, so I'm doing them group by group. Did four groups before lunch.
* Had lunch at home, then off to library for CVGS Table Talk and get more books to read during Padres games. Back home by 1:30 PM.
* Read everything, dove back into the database, did four more family groups, then worked the Data Errors for N, O and part of the P surnames. Sleepy!
* Went in at 4 PM to have a nap, watched news, read the paper, had dinner on the patio, mowed the front lawn, and came in just in time for the Padres game at 6:40 PM. Read Buzzy's book and the Spenser novel, Pads lost 7-2 (now 5 straight losses - still up by 4 games in NL West, though).
* Back online, read everything, answered some email, checked Facebook, wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour on CVGS things, and 4.0 hours working in the database.
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