Thursday, January 7, 2010

Randy's Genealogy Day - 7 January 2010

Almost went off to the FHC, but Linda didn't feel well so stayed close to home. Got a lot done - even some genealogy research.

* Read email, blogs and Twitter, then posted Treasure Chest Thursday - A Calling Card and researched the Knights Templar. Wrote Who Is Mr. Seaver? - Part 2 and set it to publish in late morning.

* Answered two long-delayed emails, including a genealogy report for one of them. Worked a bit in the database on sources and duplicate facts. Got cleaned up and had lunch.

* Researched and wrote Navigating the Census Databases and set it for mid-afternoon. Looked for obituaries and wedding announcements in Fitchburg paper on for my Shaw cousins - found several that pinned down death dates and a wedding date.

* Read the Westminster and Gardner MA vital record books for Seaver and Gates, and checked for accuracy of citations in database. Added several entries to database from 1930 census for Seaver, added sources and edited notes for one Vermont line of Seaver folks. Checked in on Facebook too.

* Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV, read the paper, watch football, and eat dinner. Was back on computer by 6:30 p.m. - read everything.

* Worked on CVGS newsletter - got it 95% finished. Was in and out to watch BCS football game. Need more content in the feature article for front page - waiting on speaker to provide data. Wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 1.5 hours doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.5 hours researching and writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 2.5 hours on CVGS newsletter, and 2.5 hours doing research and working in database.

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