I feel quite a bit better today - no headaches, snuffles or coughs, but I'm still hoarse. Linda went to Victorville today so I'm batching it until Saturday.
I was on the computer by 9 am, and posted about the "New LDS Research Guides for England and Scotland," and "The 'Magic of Genealogy' Moment - a 'Genea-gasm'." I like that word, it describes the moment well, I think! I started writing my "Genealogy Research News for May" email to my CVGS members which I'll post on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog.
After lunch, I started in on the Washington Death records found on the FamilySearch Record Search site - I entered most of the Seaver entries into my database when I could find them. I was able to construct several "new" families in this process. At some point, my computer memory got messed up and FTM wasn't acting right, so I shut down and restarted, and everything worked well after that. Very strange! I watched several Roots TV videos, and posted "Flat Stanley went to WDYTYAL" It's funny. I received an email from one of the CVGS members asking where we could find Chicago City directories for around 1880. I Googled it, and Harold Henderson's blog mentioning the www.chicagoancestors.org web site came up - they have the 1880 directory! I looked for his family, but they weren't there. I made the site a Favorite...
Dinner time, Padre game time (they beat the Cubs 4-3), backyard watering time, and finally genealogy time. I read email and blogs again, then checked into the Fulton (NY) History newspaper site again and transcribed five articles into my Seaver database, gleaning several maiden names in the process! Then it was this post and I'm off to read while watching the TV news.
Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 1.5 hour dealing with email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 3.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour watching Roots TV, 1.0 hour in the Washington State deaths, and 2.0 hours in the Fulton newspapers.
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