Friday, December 4, 2020

Genealogy Journal - Friday, 4 December 2020

 So much has happened since Monday - Linda's birthday, 2 friends have died, another with cancer, and suddenly genealogy isn't all consuming.  slept terribly last night without knowing all of that.

*  Read email and lbogs, added to the Best Of post, and noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 359: #572 Jabez Snow (1670-1750) of Eastham, Massachusetts posted.  Wrote Findmypast Friday: New Baptisms, Probate Indexes and Newspaper Pages.

*  Started the CVGS newsletter and got four pages done.  Tried to nap.  Had lunch.  Wrote Genealogy News and Education Bytes -- Friday, 4 December 2020.

*  Added to the Best Of post.  Took a short nap.  Checked Twitter and Facebook. Wrote the Ancestry and FamilySearch posts.

*  Went in at 4:45 p.m. to start dinner - ham and yellow squash and fruit and ice cream.  Watched news and read the paper, washed the dishes.

*  Online at 6:15 p.m. to add to the Best Of post, worked more on the newsletter - about 80% done.  Resolved 243 Ancestry Hints adding sources and events to RootsMagic.  Checked DNA numbers.

*  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 11 hours.

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