Life interrupted genealogy a bit today, but I managed to get some things done.
* Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read email and blogs, picked her up and home by 9:15 a.m.
* Noted that Christmas 2014 Photos With Charlie and Sisters -- Post 517 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted and wrote "Research Like A Pro: A Genealogist's Guide" Book Available in Print and set it for later.
* Left at 9:45 a.m. for the Nissan dealer - took the 2015 Altima in for a 15K checkup. Expensive! Got a shuttle ride home by 10:30, and added to the Best Of post.
* Took a nap, had lunch, and worked on the project Hints deleting the ones I won't use. Nissan called, and I got the shuttle after 1 p.m. down, paid up, went to the grocery store and home by 2 p.m.
* Watched the Padres game, read the paper, dozed in the recliner, and wondered what to write about. Padres won 3-1 over Nationals, so now 21-30. 4-3 on the road trip.
* Online at 4 p.m., added to the Best Of post, checked Twitter and Facebook, then wrote Do You Use Twitter? I Do.
* Went in at 5:15 p.m. to eat dinner, watch news, put out the trash, wash dishes, and take a walk.
* Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, answer email, then wrote two Treasure Chest posts, and worked in the Ancestry Hints for the Project tree. Have it down to 275 to sort out. It was 560 earlier today.
* Wrote this post. Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.
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