This was a stay-at-home Saturday with no genealogy meetings or Bible study. I feel like I didn't do a lot today.
* Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up, and home by 9:15 a.m.
* Noted that Surname Saturday -- LNU (Katherine who married Thomas Read, England to colonial New England) posted, then added to the Best Of post.
* Wrote the SNGF post and had fun doing it. Good memories. Tried matching RootsMagic profiles with FS Family Tree, and discovered a 16th century Bradstreet profile that is not in any book. He has the same name as his father, married a woman with the same first name, and it looks like he died the same day as his father in the same place. I think the son is a phantom.
* Went in at 11:30 to watch football, took a nap, ate lunch, watched more football, then online at 1 p.m. to note that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Drive Down Memory Lane: Family Cars posted.
* Wrote the Ancestry and FS posts, then back into the Bradstreet problem. After checking what I have, I worked most of the afternoon fixing him on FSFT, and checked WikiTree, Geni and Ancestry trees too, but didn't edit anything.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to eat dinner, talk about DNA with Diane on the phone, watched football ,read the paper, and washed dishes.
* Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and TreeShared after doing all of the Bradstreet work. Added content and sources from Ancestry Hints but RM stalled and I gave up on it.
* Checked Facebook, answered email, added Pins, and wrote this post. Genealogy today was 10.5 hours.
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