Thursday, April 14, 2016

My Genealogy Thursday - 14 April 2016

Well, that's 10 years of genea-blogging!!  9600 posts...on Genea-Musings.  Thousands more here and on the CV Genealogy Cafe blog.  Slept better last night, and stayed home all day.

*  Read email and blogs, then wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 309: 1753 Marriage Record of Zechariah Hildreth and Elizabeth Prescott in Westford, Mass.  

*  Worked a bit in New Jersey and New York probates.  didn't find much, just the Caleb Beck probate.  Wrote Finding Caleb Beck's Will on Ancestry's New York Wills and Probate Records Database.

*  Had lunch, watched the last out of the Padres game (we lost 3-0 to Phillies, now 3-7 on the season).  Wrote 7 posts for the CVGS blog.  Took my nap.

*  Online at 2:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, worked a bit on MyHeritage and Findmypast looking for interesting newspaper articles without success, then wrote has Added "North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000" Database.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner, read the paper, and do the dishes.  Online at 7 p.m. to read, answer more email, and work on the 52 Ancestors biography.  Checked Facebook, wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

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