Monday, March 28, 2016

My Genealogy Monday - 28 March 2016

This was a pretty typical OASIS Monday - read, HOA, class, home, lunch, nap, read, blog, dinner, research, blog.

*  Read email and blogs, joined the Mondays Wirth Myrt HOA, and left at 9:35 a.m. for my class in Mission Valley.  Taught the 4th and last OASIS class on Beginning Computer Genealogy and graduated 5 more novices, hoping they will join societies and work on their family tree.

*  Home by 1 p.m. to eat lunch, read blogs, add to the Best Of post, note that Amanuensis Monday - Post 313: 1822 Will of David Kirby (1740-1832) in Bristol County, Mass. and New or Updated Record Collections at - 20 to 26 March 2016 posted, and take a nap.

*  Up at 2:15 to read, answer email, update the Probate talk and practice it, then wrote Has Homestead Records From 6 States.  Check Facebook.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner and read the paper.  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, update the Fun talk, and write a post for Thursday.  Worked through 20 1920 US Census Hints on Ancestry, down to 85 left.  Sources at 70,985.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

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