This was a very typical summer Wednesday - some blogging, some CVGS, and some Padres. Oh, some research too.
* Had a good night's sleep for once, and went off to the medical center for my blood stick at 7 a.m. Home by 7:30 a.m. Ate breakfast, read email and blogs on the phone, and online at 8 a.m.
* Wrote Ruth, Gerry and Randy at Church -- Post 325 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday, then CGSSD Program on Saturday, 20 September Features Joel Weintraub and set it for later, and researched and wrote I Am Related to Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Too and set it for early afternoon.
* Went off at 11 a.m. to McDonalds for lunch, then to the bank for yenom, and the library to visit John's group, and then the CVGS computer group. Boring...checked out some AMT hints while occasionally answering questions. Found out that most of the articles on the CVGS site were written before 2006.
* Home by 2 p.m. to read, check Facebook, and work in the next 50 matches of Vermont VRs - added some content and lots of sources - up to 54,416 sources now.
* Went in at 5:15 p.m. to watch TV news, eat dinner, and read the paper and take the trash out. Online for awhile to read, add to the Best Of post, and not much else.
* Went in at 7 p.m. to watch the Padres game and read my book. Pads lost 5-1 to the Phillies, so now 70-81. Checked email and blogs while watching.
* Online to read, answer email, check Facebook, and write this post. Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.
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