Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Geneaholic Tuesday - 20 May 2014

This was a very busy genealogy day until the Padres game came on.  After that, not so much.  Cool and cloudy again today - high of about 70 F.

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Tuesday's Tip - Subscribe to Internet Genealogy Magazine.

*  Answered some email, and worked on the Family Book Creator plugin for FTM 2014.  After several failed attempts, uninstalled the OpenOffice version I had and downloaded the Apache 4.1 version.  Then it worked!  

*  Downloaded the Sunday handouts for Jamboree - now I have all of them on my computer, and need to transfer them to Dropbox and the laptop and maybe the tablet too.

*  Wrote Family Book Creator - Post 1: Creating the Book.  Worked a bit more in the created book trying to see how changes are reflected.  Need to change some of the settings to eliminate some of the extraneous text.

*  Went out at 1:50 p.m. to trim the rose bushes and flower bed, have to get ready for tenting in two weeks.  Got only one bad rose prick today - the gloves really help!

*  Made a Research Log for Jane's problem - should have done that last night...I think I've worked out a pretty good way to do it.  Need to do one for Bethel too.  Then have to work on Pam's problem.

*  Went in for dinner at 5:15 p.m., read the paper, watched TV, and online at 6:15 p.m. to check Facebook and write the SDGS program review for Diane.

*  Went in at 7:15 p.m. to watch the Padres game.  Watered the front lawn, and washed dishes.  Pads lost to the Twins 5-3 (Pads now 21-25).  

*  Online at 10:15 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and write this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

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