Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My genealogy day - 10 April 2012

I got several tasks completed today...and my Padres lost again.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Tuesday's Tip - Find New York Records on FamilySearch.  

*  Wrote my Graveyard Rabbit article and sent it to Robin.   Done!

Accuracy in FamilySearch Indexing - My Results To Date posted and received many comments.  

*  Double checked the income tax file, finished it, e-filed it, printed off the forms, and wrote checks to pay it off.  Done!

*  Answered some emails.  Researched and wrote Feeding my Family Tree - Massachusetts Folks and continued working in the database, adding content and sources for several more families.  

*  Went in for dinner at 5:15 p.m. and watched TV afterwards until 6 p.m.

*  Online at 6 p.m. to check Facebook, then did an Indexing batch from Humboldt County CA.  Looks like the indexing is progressing alphabetically by county.  Added to the Best Of post.

*  Went in at 7 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, read my book, play Angry birds and check email and blogs on the iPhone.  Pads lost 4-2 to Zonies in 11 innings.  Drat.

*  Online at 10:40 p.m. to read, and write this post.

Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

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