Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My genealogy day - 13 July 2011

This was a very full genealogy day, and I got quite a bit to-do list is almost all crossed off and maybe I can do some research and database work soon!

*  Up early again, read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 161: Emily Auble at age 17 and then CGSSD Meeting on Saturday, 16 July on "Photo Dating" and set it for late morning.

*  Wrote the Graveyard Rabbit Journal article and sent it off to Robin.  Cross that off!  A day late, but ...

*  Did quite a bit on Google Plus, installed my webcam - it worked flawlessly (check off!), and had a Hangout with Pam and Lee and Lorine.  Too much fun, had to leave it to get lunch, gather my stuff, and off to the library for the CVGS Research Group meeting.

*  Got there by 11:50, some already there.  got my laptop set up, and Gary came with the projector just in time.  We had 15 attendees, and showed the Google for Genealogists webinar video on CDROM.  (Check off!). The group likes the webinar idea, especially that we can stop and discuss it occasionally. Stayed after to work with Myrna on PowerPoint slides for her family reunion, and work with Sam on what research steps he should pursue.  Geneablogger Yvette was at the meeting - nice to meet her!

*  Home by 2:45 p.m. Read everything, checked in on G+, looked at several possible blog-worthy sites, finally wrote FGS 2011 Conference Social Media Policy. (Check off)

*  Linda called for dinner, so we ate, then I put out the trash and mowed and trimmed the back yard using the new weed-eater.  Almost broke it...gotta avoid thick weed stalks and hard objects like flower pots. (Check off)

*  Finally back online at 7:30 p.m. to read, posted What do they say about Geneology on Twitter?, wrote the SDGS 7/9 program summary (check off), and wrote four posts for the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog, including CVGS Saturday Workshop on 16 July - "Genealogy Researching at the Carlsbad Library." (check off).

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked in on the social networks, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 11.5 hours.

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