Thursday, June 9, 2011

My genealogy day - 9 June 2011

A day of blogging, and getting ready for Jamboree.  No research.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - My College Diploma and then researched and wrote First Look at GenDetective - Post 2: Navigating in GenDetective Reporter.

*  Went off to Costco to buy a camera and printer ink, took all of 30 minutes door-to-door.  No lines there.

*  Set up laptop and downloaded GenDetective to it.  Got camera out of the box and got it set up.  Had lunch.

*  Finally got GenDetective running on laptop, and learned all of the camera details.  Copied files to the flash and then to the laptop.

*  Researched and wrote Navigating - Post 5: Using the Card Catalog.  Read everything, checked Facebook.  Got the laptop case squared away - emptied then filled.  Wrote a GenDetective post for friday morning.

*  Went in at 5:30 to watch TV news, eat dinner, and water the front plants.  Checked email and blogs, went in to watch the Padres game and water the back yard.

*  Took time during the game to read, add to the Best Of post and write this post.  Padres won 7-3 over Nationals.  Rizzo's first game - had a triple and two walks, got a shaving cream pie in the face afterwards.

I'm not sure if I;ll write on this blog during the weekend - will be busy at Jamboree and may write daily posts on Genea-Musings.  If you're reading this, you're probably reading there too!

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