Friday, April 15, 2011

My genealogy day - 15 April 2011

This was the 5th anniversary of my escapade into genea-blogging - I guess I'm stuck with it, eh?

*  Read email and blogs, then researched and wrote 5th Birthday for Genea-Musings!!! 

*  Worked in for awhile, answered some emails, worked on my census source citations in RootsMagic, and did a little Maggie research. 

*  Had lunch, worked on Maggie some more, left at 12:45 to pick up George for our walk on the bayfront (nice 75 F sunny day), stopped at the library, the church and the gas station on the way home.

*  Home by 2 p.m., worked a bit more in RootsMagic on census source citations, then wrote My Solution for US Census Free-form Source Citations in RootsMagic 4

*  Updated the FamilySearch presentation, transferred it to the flash drive and the laptop, made sure it worked on the laptop and that the laser pointer worked, then did some more Maggie research.  That's fun rolling around in English records!

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper and eat dinner.  Padres beat Houston 4-2 (another great pitching job, even a rare home run and a rare timely hit, record now 6-7).

*  Came in at 7 p.m. to listen to Geneabloggers Radio and participate in the online chat.

*  Added to the Best Of post, wrote two posts for Saturday and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 9.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 1.0 hour reading blogs, 2.5 hours writing blogs, 2.0 hours listening to GB Radio, 0.5 hour working on the presentation, 1.5 hours of source citations, and 1.5 hours of online research.

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