Monday, January 3, 2011

Randy's Genealogy Day - 3 January 2011

A good genealogy day - best of the year to date. :)

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Amanuensis Monday - Probate Records of Samuel Bigelow (1653-1732) of Waltham, Massachusetts.  Got cleaned up.

*  Reviewed the Better GEDCOM material, got ready for the online GoToMeeting.  Got on using the phone because I couldn't find my microphone/headphone set I received for Christmas in 2008.  Finally found it and plugged it in for the last 30 minutes.  An interesting meeting, not sure how much I contributed. 

*  Wrote 1 January 2011 Benchmark Numbers so that we can compare numbers next year.  Had lunch.

*  Started the FGS FORUM column for Spring 2011.  The NARA package of Isaac Seaver's Civil War Pension File came in the mail - loaded it, saved it and reviewed it.

*  Had dinner, read the paper, did the dishes, back online at 7 p.m.  Read everything, wrote My Christmas Present Came Today - Oh Boy!
*  Cleaned up the notes for one segment of my database - the Read, Bigelow, Warren ancestral families. 
*  Reviewed blog posts for Sunday and Monday and started the Best of post - I'm going to try to add to it daily rather than make notes and do it in a hurry on the weekend.  Checked in on Facebook.  Wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 13.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 1.0 hour reading blog posts, 3.0 hours on BetterGEDCOM meeting/notes, 3.5 hours on FGS FORUM column, 0.5 hour reviewing NARA file, 1.5 hours working in database, and 3.0 hours writing blog posts.

1 comment:

DearMYRTLE said...

Thanks for attending the BetterGEDCOM Developers Meeting yesterday. Your questions and suggestions about how to count votes and arrive at a consensus proved useful. As a result, the group decided 50% of the registered BetterGEDCOM wiki members must vote, and of those 75% must vote Yes, or Yes I can live with it (as opposed to No) for a vote to have passed.

Yours is a powerful voice for the good in the genealogy community. Thanks for being you.