It was a stay-at-home day and I worked on genealogy things quite a bit, interspersed with football and baseball on TV.
* Read email and blogs, wrote Surname Saturday - MARTIN (England > NH > NJ) and already have a correction to it from Martin H. Good! Wrote Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your Hallowe'en Personality
and set it for after noon.
* Answered some emails, then watched Aztecs game off and on - they beat Wyoming 48-38. Lunch.
* Worked in the database on place names and shorthand sources - through K's and L's - only about 50% done. It's slower now because I'm adding counties to places that didn't have county names. Finding lots of errors too - towns in wrong counties. The mistakes I didn't know that I had!
* Went in at 4:30 p.m. to watch World Series game, read the paper, doze a bit, eat dinner.
* Back online at 7 p.m. after game, wrote two blog posts for Sunday and two for later in the week. Found Isaac Seaver's Civil War pension file for Scanfest on Sunday, looked through old papers and stuff hiding in the file cabinet. Cannot get to bottom drawer of 4-drawer, or to either drawer in 2-drawer. Wonder what goodies they hold? Found old San Diego High School yearbooks from 1906 to 1917 from my grandparents years.
* Checked in on Facebook, wrote this post and I'm done.
Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 4.0 hours writing blog posts, 3.5 hours worknig in the database and 1.0 hour digging in file cabinets.
Hopefully those county "errors" you "fixed" were truly errors and not because the county changed name or was merged into another!
Hopefully those county "errors" you "fixed" were truly errors and not because the county changed name or was merged into another!
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