Friday, August 27, 2010

Randy's Genealogy Day - 27 August 2010

Almost a perfect day planned - genealogy until the Chargers game, then the Padres game and back to genealogy. Didn't quite work out as I planned. Drat.

* Read email and blogs, researched and posted Exploring - the Learning Center and then wrote Confessions of a Name Collector - English Sources.

* Worked in the database more - got the Data Errors for L and M done. Then worked on the "articles-to-be-entered-into the database" pile and got it finished. Wrote Confessions of a Name Collector - Adding Families to my Database .

* Googled several couples and found some Google book references for several couples that I had no Notes for. Cool.

* Went in at 5 PM to watch the Chargers game and eat dinner. Watered front plants at halftime. Chargers lost to Saints 26-21. Watched Padres game - they lost 3-2 in 12 innings. Drat!

* Read email, wrote this post, and I'm done!

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, and 5.0 hours working in my database.

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