I was going along fine, and then the Padres game came on and all genealogy activity stopped - except for reading Family Tree Magazine.
* Up early, read email, blogs and Twitter and posted Amanuensis Monday - the Will of Jonathan White (1730-1804), then New FamilySearch Record Search Databases - 300 million names! and wrote Blogger Meetups at NGS 2010 for posting later in the afternoon.
* Got cleaned up, read everything again, found several NGS writeups, organized the NGS swag into useful piles, and had lunch before going to the library.
* Got to the library at 11:40 a.m,. and John, Ruth and Gary were there. We discussed NGS and some CVGS issues including the Genealogy 101 class, and Gary gave me the projector for Tuesday night. Ken came and we talked about FTM for awhile.
* Was home by 1:45 p.m., read everything quickly, and started on the Class 3 presentation. Got it mostly done by 6:30 when Linda called for dinner.
* Had dinner, then did chores, and watched the Padres game while reading paper, reading book and finally FTMagazine (even found some of my quotes in Maureen's article). Pads lost 5-2 to Rockies, drat... still in first place at 16-10.
* Came in at 10:20 p.m. to read everything, write this post and I'm on to Facebook then off to bed. Big day on Tuesday with first Genealogy 101 class at 5:30 p.m. at the library. I need to print off master copy, transfer files to flash drive and laptop, and make handouts on Tuesday.
Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 1.0 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 2.0 hours on CVGS Table Talk, and 4.0 hours on CVGS Gen101 class preparations.
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