Friday, February 5, 2010

Randy's Genealogy Day -- 5 February 2010

Wimped out on taking a walk at the bayfront with George - rain clouds on horizon and cool (um, for San Diego)). Stayed home and wrote and worked.

* Read everything before writing Follow Friday - Rootdig and Casefile Clues post. Got cleaned up. Wrote Internet Genealogy - March 2010 Table of Contents and set it for later in the morning.

* Sorted through the Carringer treasure box stuff again, and pulled out the "good" photo album to see what I don't have scanned yet. Cropped, rotated, saved and labeled remaining photos from Scanfest. Did 69 scans of 105 photographs. Plenty more to do, plus artifacts!

* Ate lunch at home, back quickly to read everything and worked in the database for awhile. Changed background on Twitter and checked in on Facebook. Looked at GenSeek application on Facebook - still as bad as it was in August. Feel a rant coming...

* Ranted, er, wrote Whither and felt better afterwards - rant off! Wonder when it will launch? NGS Conference? SCGS Jamboree? FGS Conference?

* Went in to watch TV, read paper, take nap, eat dinner. Success in all of the above.

* Online at 7 p.m. to read everything, then worked on CVGS Newsletter. Finished by 9 p.m. - lots of news for our readers! Checked Twitter and Facebook, wrote Surname Saturday post, and then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours today - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading genealogy blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 2.5 hours labeling photos, 1.0 hour in database, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, and 2.0 hours working on CVGS newsletter.

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