Spent almost all day honoring my ancestors by searching for and documenting their records.
* Read email, blogs and Twitter before posting (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 79: Veteran's Day and SDGS on Saturday, 14 November: Ancestry.com Seminar.
* Worked some more on Ancestry "New Search" and found problems with many counties in the Residence list - New York, Chicago and others. Emailed Tony about my finds.
* Researched for one of my OASIS students who couldn't find his grandfather - I can't either. Well hidden.
* Wrote Ancestry.com's Improved "Edit Search" Feature and posted it. Nobody else has written about this yet - wonder why?
* Answered several emails with information and opinion (hey, they asked!). Worked some more in Ancestry search. Looked in Google Books for the Kemp and Dafoe families in Ontario around 1800- found a book of church records - data matches my database - didn't have a source before!
* Decided to finish my ProGen homework assignments. Revised the marketing plan, letterhead and business cards, and wrote several more forms to use in business. Sent the marketing plan off to the ProGen Group. There - done with ProGen homework, except for the chats, I think!
* Went in at 4:30 p.m. to read paper, watch news, take a nap, eat dinner, and was back online at 6:30 p.m.
* Read everything, checked Facebook and GenealogyWise, and worked for awhile in my database resolving shorthand sources into good sources for my Seaver folks. Did over one hundred in about two hours, I think. Tiring.
* Received email from Mark P. about the Putman research, so did some searching online for information, then searched for the Peter Putman RevWar Pension file. Figured out I should look for mention of him, and other family names, in other pension files. Will do tomorrow!
* Wrote this post... and I'm done for the night.
Genealogy today was 11.5 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook/GenWise, 1.0 hour on Ancestry, 1.0 hour doing research for student, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 2.0 hours working on ProGen homework, 2.0 hours working in database, and 1.5 hours doing online research.
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