I was up early this morning, and on the computer before 8 a.m. I posted Got Great Ephemera? Tell Marty! and then Subscription Genealogy Sites traffic statistics before getting cleaned up and ready for the day. After checking in on Facebook, I wrote Finding the Source on Ancestry's City Directories after an email from Pam Warren about her problem. I did a test and saw one problem (but Pam has a second problem, unfortunately!), so I set it to post in the early afternoon. I found the GenSeek.com pages and almost made screen shots of them but didn't. Should have! I gathered up my notes on Mexican research in Spanish and after lunch headed off to the library for Table Talk.
The young lady from Tijuana didn't make it, unfortunately. I used the laptop to show the guys the Genseek.com page and the FamilySearch wiki page - the GenSeek.com page had already disappeared from the Internet. I read Tamura's web page about it and noted the pages he had saved. I spent almost an hour working in the San Diego City Directories for a query, then went home and emailed the correspondent with the information. I posted about the Research Trip to the FHC and Genealogy Days in Chula Vista - February 2009 on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog. More email, blogs, and Facebook, then a check for new databases on Ancestry and WVR and I stopped for dinner.
After dinner, I was back on the computer and wrote A Sneak Peek at Genseek.com but I had to drive hits to Tamura's site because I missed out on the screen shots. I updated the CVGS seminar proposal and flyers for the CVGS board meeting on Wednesday, then wrote my CVGS newsletter articles and sent them to the editor. I checked my 2008 seminar presentation and need to figure out what to keep, what to add, and what to delete from it so that it is semi-original. At 9 p.m., I went in to watch 24 and I read the SDGS newsletter and Chapter 16 of Professional Genealogy (Transcripts and Abstracts), for my homework on Thursday, during the commercials.
I came in and read email and blogs, checked Facebook and wrote this post. Seven blog posts today - not a record, but close!
Genealogy today was 9.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 3.0 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour checking out Genseek.com, 4.0 hours on CVGS activities, and 0.5 hour reading the ProGen chapter.
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