The year is about to turn, and I need to try to summarize the best of 2008 and think about 2009 goals. The Internet connection was messed up this morning, and I had to call cox's online help service to get it to work. Unplugging the router and then plugging it back in did the trick, although they had to renew my IP address.
I was on the computer by 9 a.m. and read my email and blogs, then posted the IdentiFinders is Online, and wrote Who Will Tell Dina's Holocaust Story? for later posting. I got cleaned up, helped Tami load the car and the girls, and kissed them all goodbye. I discovered more mail, including my column style guide and my GeneTree DNA kit, so I read those for awhile. I worked on my column some more, then wrote What Do You Want to Know About TGN/Ancestry/FTM? I decided to reward myself with a Footnote annual subscription to see what I've been missing. I worked on finding Best of 2008 Genea-Musing posts for awhile, then Linda wanted the computer, so I went in at 4:30 to watch football. Our neighbor, Kurt, came over for dinner, and by the time I got him home and watched the end of the Holiday Bowl, it was 8:30 p.m.
I read email, blogs and checked in on Facebook, then went to Footnote and found the RevWar Service Records (9 pages) and RevWar Pension File (45 pages) for Martin Carringer, and downloaded all of the pages. That took awhile! I messed around with other names trying to figure out some of the search features on Footnote. What, it's 10:30 p.m.? How can that be - I was having lots of fun! This post and that's it for the night - I still have dishes to wash.
Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 3.5 hours writing and researching blog posts, 1.5 hours on the column, 1.5 hours on footnote, and 0.5 hour on Facebook.
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