I finally was able to spend much of a day on genealogy. I'm not sure I advanced the ball much on all of my projects, though. I need to focus better on important tasks, but I seem to fall back on writing blog posts.
I was on the computer by 8 a.m., and read my email and blogs before posting "Survey from WVR about Social Networking" on Genea-Musings. Then I wrote about Dan Lynch's "Google Your Family Tree web site and book." I messed around in Blogger a bit trying to figure out how to use Open-ID but didn't change anything. I put the two death certs in the mail to fulfill the query, and answered a few emails. Then I did more checking on my Jack Kemp connection for later.
After lunch at home, I tried to get into the Fulton History site and it was down - what's up with that? I hope it's just temporary. I went to Ancestry and looked for books using "Seaver" as the only search term - more than 1,000 of them. I browsed through many of them, and captured about 5 stories from them and put them in my Seaver database. Linda came home and I took her up to the hospital to visit our friend. I finally wrote the "Yep, I'm related to Jack Kemp" post, then wrote two posts on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog about the Monday evening Chula Vista history program at the library and the CVGS "Organizing Your Files" meeting on next Wednesday.
I went in to watch the news and take my nap, and Linda finally called at 6 to come pick her up and go to dinner, so we went to Lolita's with Walt, the husband of the lady in the hospital. My daughter called to say that Mike's grandfather had just died too. We got home after 7 and watched the Padres game until 9:45 (we lost again, 5 straight now, maybe I should quit mentioning them here). I read email and blogs quickly and wrote this post before calling it a night.
Genealogy today was 7.0 hours - 0.5 hour reading and writing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 3.0 hours transcribing book articles into my database, and 1.0 hour of researching in Ancestry. I'm not spending the three hours in the evening on genealogy that I was spending in the winter because of the baseball games.
I wish I had films waiting at the FHC tomorrow - I'll probably stay home and write advanced blog posts. I'm going to go back to Santa Cruz next week to shepherd the grandsons one last time while Lori deals with the reception for the grandfather's funeral. In the mean time, Linda will go to Tami's on Sunday to help with Lolo when Tami's baby is born on Monday. No rest for any of us, I fear.
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