This was a heavy genealogy day, but not much new was accomplished.
8:00 a.m. Read my email and Bloglines. Printed the "genealogy news of the month" to present at the CVGS meeting. Wrote and posted "MyHeritage is a super genealogy site" on Genea-Musings. Worked quite a bit in MyHeritage trying links to databases. Left at 9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m. Went to the Chula Vista library for the CVGS Research Group meeting. Had 11 attendees. Meeting summary is here. After the meeting, gave December flyers to Susi and to the library person to post. Had lunch at McDonalds, then home by 12:30.
12:30 p.m. Sent the genealogy news out via email to the CVGS mailing list. Posted it on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog here, then wrote up the Research Group meeting summary. Copied the latter to Genea-Musings. Posted my NFL picks for this week on the Busy Life blog. Checked the news and politics sites, but got sleepy, so took a nap and watched the news until dinner. Then I watched the Pubbies "debate" on CNN - questions from whackos.
7:15 p.m. Back to reading email and Bloglines. Saw the APG post about the TGN patent. Went through my photo gallery to find pictures of my aunt Gerry at different ages for the Journal. Finished the last three pages of the Family Journal. Printed three more sides, only two left to do tomorrow. Researched and posted the Ancestry Patent post here. Downloaded the plug-in so I could read patents online, then searched for genealogy and family history patents. Not many! Will finish this post, check the stats, then go wash the dishes and watch some news before bed.
Genealogy time today: 8.5 hours total - CVGS related 3.0 hours, blogging 1.5 hours, Family Journal 2.0 hours, researching 1.5 hours, email and Bloglines 0.5 hours.
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