All the best laid plans of mice and genealogists often go awry ... nope, that's not exactly right, is it? Last night lying in bed waiting for slumber to put my mind to rest, I figured that I would go to the FHC today and do some work in WVR and Footnote. But ...
7:30 AM: Read my email and Bloglines, then posted on Genea-Musings a short post prepared last night. Off to breakfast with the men's Bible study group.
9:30 AM Home, and onto the computer again. What to do? Well, I checked out the strange email from and wrote a post about it, then wrote a post with the Table of Contents for the latest issue received of The American Genealogist (which I forgot to write about in yesterday's journal - I read some of it yesterday). That's enough Genea-Musings for the day, unless something important or funny comes along.
10:30 AM: I decided not to go to the FHC, but to work at home trying to find distant male cousins in some of my ancestral lines in hopes of finding someone who can do a DNA test. I started with the Richmonds and Whites of Connecticut and never really left them. Unfortunately, there is not a complete set of Connecticut Births, Marriages and Deaths available online. There are some databases, but there are not many records after 1870 and before 1949. The Windham County CT cemetery lists on USGenWeb aren't complete, either. That makes it really difficult. I couldn't find most of the people already in my database in the 1900 to 1930 census records, either. I spent about 5 hours doing this with very little to show for it. Linda wanted to use the computer, so I went in to watch football at 4:30 and took a nap before dinner. Then the SDSU Aztecs game was on and I watched the first half - they were losing 21-7, and it wasn't that close.
7:30 PM: I made some genealogy reports for two correspondents and emailed them off with appropriate comments. Then I saw the email from my cousin that came last night that said Uncle Jim had died, so I wrote a Genea-Musings post about it. I poked around a bit more in Ancestry, and found a good biography of Thomas Orville Seaver, which I put into FTM. I was bored, so went to check the football game - my Aztecs came back to win 27-24 in the last minute. So now it's this post, check the stats, do the dishes, turn back the clocks and go to bed, hoping that my Chargers will beat the Vikings tomorrow. See, I do have a non-genealogy life - you were wondering, huh?
Let's see - only about 9.5 hours today, of which about 1.5 was blogging. Is that too much? This therapy journaling stuff is fun.
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