Sunday, February 25, 2018

My Genealogy Sunday - 25 February 2018

One more getup - we're off to Salt Lake City on Monday morning.  I got a lot done today, but i'm not sure I've done everything.

*  Read email and blogs, finished up the Best of the Genea-Blogs - 18 to 24 February 2018 post, and noted that Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 18 to 24 February 2018 posted.  

*  We left for church at 9:40 a.m., stopped by the pharmacy on the way home, and home by 11:30 a.m.

*  The TV cables appeared on our doorstep in the morning, so I worked for awhile on it and got them installed and the family room TV worked.  Yay me!

*  Transcribed a will and wrote the Amanuensis Monday post.  Tried to take a nap.  Failed.  Packed the suitcase instead, and did laundry.  Got several posts ready for next week.  Answered email.  Checked Facebook. Printed off the boarding passes.  Put all the papers into the laptop bag. 

*  Fixed dinner, we ate watching TV, read the paper, washed dishes, finished laundry, packed some more - got a second suitcase for my stuff.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, noted that Added or Updated Collections - Week of 18 to 24 February 2018 posted,  then wrote the 52 Ancestors post for next Friday, so now I have a post for every day planned.  Not sure how much blogging i'll do during the wek because of all the events at RootsTech.

* TreeShared the 40 modified/new profiles in my RootsMagic tree to Ancestry.  Looked through the Photo Hints - lots of gravestones and Seaver people photos.  Captured some.  Need to transfer database to Dropbox.

*  Added to the new Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was about 6 hours.

Not sure if I'll be on here until after we get back. 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

My Genealogy Saturday - 24 February 2018

This was pretty much an all genealogy day.  No TV so I had to work on it!  Of course.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read and start a blog post, picked her up, went to the pharmacy but it was closed, and home by 9:20 a.m.

*  Left at 9:30 a.m. for the FamilySearch Library in Mission Valley to moderate my RootsMagic user group.  We had 9 attendees and covered a lot of ground.  

*  Home by 12:45 p.m. to eat lunch, then took a nap on the bed.  Online at 1:30 p.m. to note that   Surname Saturday -- PULLEYNE (England to colonial Massachusetts)  and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Where Were Your Ancestors in 1900? posted.

*  Finished up the The Rest of the George W. Seaver Story - Part VI: Searching for "Aunt" Lucinda Fields and set it for later.

*  Wrote the Ancestry and FamilySearch posts, and the Genea-Pourri post.  Checked Twitter and Facebook.  Answered email.  Printed off the papers for the RootsTech trip.  Now I have to remember to take them with me!

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to eat dinner in the quiet (no TV) family room, read the paper, and washed dishes.

* Online at 6, started the next George W. Seaver post, and set it for Monday.  I still haven't done the to-do list for the FHL on Tuesday.

*  Added the new data into RootsMagic during the day, and matched it/added data to FamilySearch Family Tree. 

*  Checked Facebook, and added to the Best Of post.  Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Friday, February 23, 2018

My Genealogy Friday - 23 February 2018

It's getting real now - 3 more getups before RootsTech.  I've finally started preparing for it, but need time to work on my FHL to-do list. 

*  It rained hard just as we would leave for the Y, so Linda didn't go today.  I read email and blogs, and noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 215: #294 Samuel Fletcher (1684-1749) of Chelmsford and Westford, Massachusetts  posted.  Added to the Best Of post.

*  Worked on and off all day on the George W. Seaver mystery.  Barry found some newspaper items, and I found some interesting records, and I think we have solved it.  I will write it up sometime soon.

*   Wrote New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 23 February 2018.  Had lunch, and worked on George some more. No nap.

*  Got the new RootsMagic-To-Go on the flash drive, and the database.  Got it on the laptop too.  Saturday is the RootsMagic User Group meeting at the FHC.  Plus the RootsTech syllabus articles.  

*  Wrote Genealogy News Bytes - 23 February 2018.  Checked Facebook and Twitter.

*  The family room TV went off, and I called AT&T and DirecTV about it.  Two hours later, including a cold dinner, they couldn't fix it.  A software update now requires new cables from the box to the TV.  They will come next week, so we are without the big TV all weekend.  Crap - spoiled the evening.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and wrote two Surname posts and the SNGF post.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

My Genealogy Thursday - 22 February 2018

I say this every year - it was George Birthington's Wash Day today.  Of course, his birth record probably says 11 February 1732, not 22 February, because of the calendar change in 1752.  I wonder what day he celebrated?

 It was another cool day - high around 60, low around 45, and some showers.  Anyway, on to genealogy in the genea-cave today.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read email and blogs, andp icked her up and home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Noted that 1684 Birth Record of Samuel Fletcher (1684-1749) of Chelmsford and Westford, Mass. --- Post 401 of Treasure Chest Thursday posted, and wrote Getting Started With RootsFinder - Part 2: Family Tree Profiles.

*  We left at 10:15 for Linda's therapy appointment.  I walked 1.5 miles and checked email and blogs and Facebook while waiting.  We stopped at the grocery store on the way home.

*  Home by 12:20 p.m., had lunch, and online to add to the Best Of post, write Winners Of My MyHeritage After-Party Tickets, and then wrote Seavers in the News - Elizabeth Seaver Marries in Coronado CA in 1942.

*  Checked Facebook and Twitter, and answered email.  Added the Elizabeth Seaver family data to the database.

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to eat dinner, read the paper, watch TV news and Olympics, and wash dishes.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, then worked on the 52 Ancestors post and searched more for Lucinda Pease, born 1834 in Vermont.  Another elusive woman.  Found an 1855 Massachusetts census record and perhaps an 1850 census record, but there are other Lucindas in the records.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My Genealogy Wednesday - 21 February 2018

This was a stay-at-home genealogy day for me.  The weather is still cool, high around 60F and low around 40F, clear as a bell and windy.  No rain, though.  We need some.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read email and blogs, picked her up and home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Added to the Best Of post, noted that Butterflies at the Safari Park in April 2014 -- Post 504 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted, and researched and wrote   Getting Started With RootsFinder - Part 1: Program Menu Items.

*  Worked a bit on George W. Seaver without any results.  Took my nap.

*  Had lunch, online at 12:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post and answer email.  Wandered around GEDMatch looking at GEDCOM files with no great success.  Some close matches have one, but don't have my ancestors in them.  Did a search on Brigham and Newton in the AncestryDNA matches.  No close ones like I hoped.

*  Checked out new Ancestry and FamilySearch collections with no new Seaver folks.  Wrote Dear Randy: Can I Print a Pedigree Chart of my Ancestry Member Tree?

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, and added to the Best Of post, and answered more email. 

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV news, eat dinner, read the paper, wash dishes, and put out the trash.

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, then wrote two Treasure Chest posts, and worked on Samuel and Hannah Fletcher, a real mystery couple.  TreeShared about 70 profiles with my Ancestry tree.

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked email again, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was about 9.0 hours.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

My Genealogy Tuesday - 20 February 2018

6 more getups until we go to SLC and RootsTech.  I'm writing blog posts...what else is new?

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up and home by 9:10 a.m.  Got the wash started.

*  Online to add to the Best Of post, and noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday - 1908 Voter Registration for Elijah McKnew in San Francisco, Calif. posted.

*  Left at 10:15 a.m. to go to the doctor for my routine checkup, got three shots, and home by 11:30 a.m.  Answered email, and took a nap.  

*  Had lunch, then wrote MyHeritage RootsTech After Party (Friday, 2 March) Ticket Contest.  Worked on and posted Genealogy News Bytes - 20 February 2018.roo

Worked in RootsMagic and FamilySearch Family Tree matching profiles and adding content, then checked Twitter and Facebook.  Added to the Best Of post, and answered email.

*  Went in at 5:20 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV news, read the paper, wash dishes, and finish the laundry.

*  Online at 6:45 p.m. to read, then wrote two Wordless Wednesday posts, and didm ore profile matching to RootsMagic and Family Tree.  Went through the Seaver folks in the database looking for birth dates in Public Records.

*  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Monday, February 19, 2018

My Genealogy Monday - 19 February 2018

President's Day, no mail, and the coldest day in CV since last winter.  High was about 60F and windy all day.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up and home by 9 a.m.

*  Got into Mondays With Myrt, and discussed RootsFinder among other topics.  

*  Noted that Amanuensis Monday - Will of Nathaniel Wade (1648-1707) of Medford, Mass. posted, added to the Best Of post, and wrote Family Tree Maker 2017 News - Free Update is Here!

*  Took my nap, had lunch, online to answer email, and wrote Monday Genea-Pourri - 19 February 2018 and set it for later.  Downloaded the Saturday syllabus articles to the computer, so that's done.

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook.  Added to the Best Of post and answered email.  Went to the store for groceries.  Downloaded FTM 2017 update and installed it.

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV, read the paper, and wash dishes.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, then wrote two Treasure Chest posts, and TreeShared about 110 profiles to get the AMT caught up. 

*  Checked Facebook again, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

My Genealogy Sunday - 18 February 2018

Only 8 more getups before we go to Salt Lake City.  I'm hopelessly behind on things that have to be done, like FHL research to-do items.  I finally made a meeting schedule, though.

This was a fairly full genealogy day.  No football, no baseball, a little Olympics, but a lot of genealogy time.

*  Read email and blogs while watching Olympics this morning, then off to church at 9:40 a.m.  Home by 11:15.

*  Read  and noted that Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 11 to 17 February 2018 posted.  Worked some in RootsMagic and Family Tree matching profiles.  

*  Had lunch, then noted that Best of the Genea-Blogs - 11 to 17 February 2018 posted.  Started in on the probate transcription, and wrote the post for Monday.

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook and then back in RootsMagic and Family Tree matching.  

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to eat dinner, read the paper, watch TV and wash dishes. 

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and then worked in Ancestry resolving about 250 Hints, adding content and sources to RootsMagic. 

*  Checked Facebook, answered email, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.0 hours.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

My Genealogy Saturday - 17 February 2018

This was a typical mid-month Saturday here - Bible Study, then genealogy, and no meetings.  Had two problems with Amazon shipping, and reordered both items. 

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, went to my Bible Study breakfast, picked her up, and home by 9:50 a.m.  Noted that Surname Saturday - LNU (Elinor who married John Whitney, England to colonial Massachusetts) posted.

*  Worked in the database a bit matching FamilySearch profiles, then took Linda for a haircut and we had a Polish dog at Costco for lunch.  Home by 12:40 p.m.

*  Noted that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Female Relatives With Beautiful Hair posted, then worked on the Friday handouts for RootsTech.  Got the ones I wanted, now only Saturday to do sometime soon.  

*  Wrote the FamilySearch and Ancestry posts, and played around in RootsFinder a bit.  Imported a FamilySearch tree and clicked around.  Pretty good, will be improved over time, I'm sure.  Wrote   RootsFinder Delivers Powerful New Tools to Genealogists for FREE.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV news and Olympics, read the paper, and wash dishes. 

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, then worked in RootsFinder some more, and resolved about 200 Ancestry Hints adding content and source citations to RootsMagic. 

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.0 hours.

Friday, February 16, 2018

My Genealogy Friday - 16 February 2018

This was pretty much a stay-at-home genealogy day for me.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up and we went to the grocery store.  Home by 9:40 a.m.  The housecleaner didn't come today, drat.  

*  Noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 214: #293 Elisabeth (Fletcher) Keyes (1698-1775) of Chelmsford and Westford, Massachusetts posted, added to the Best Of post, and wrote New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 16 February 2018.

*  Worked in RootsMagic a bit matching folks with Family Tree.  Took a rest at noon.  Had lunch, then online at 12:45 p.m. to read, and write Family History Fanatics Meet & Greet Schedule at RootsTech 2018.  Wrote Genealogy News Bytes - 16 February 2018 and set it for later.

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, then wrote the two Saturday posts.  

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to fix dinner (leftovers), and watched TV news and read the paper, then washed dishes.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, work a bit in Findmypast looking for Seaver folks in England, and then TreeShared about 150 persons in the database - got them all updated.

*  Decided to look at Seaver probate records in Wisconsin and California in hopes of finding a mention of George W. Seaver.  No such luck, but a useful exercise.

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

*  Forgot to download more RootsTech handouts.  Maybe tomorrow!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

My Genealogy Thursday - 15 February 2018

This was pretty much an all-genealogy day, but with little research advances.  

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up and home by 9:15 a.m.  Noted that 1698 Birth Record of Elizabeth Fletcher (1698-1775) of Chelmsford and Westford, Mass. --- Post 401 of Treasure Chest Thursday posted.

*  Added to the Best Of post, then made the timeline in the word processor and wrote The Rest of the George W. Seaver Story - Part V: Timeline for his Life.  Took a nap.

*  Up at 12:50 p.m. to eat lunch, watch curling at the Olympics, then online to download the Thursday handouts for RootsTech 2018 (finally!).  Two more days to go.

*  Searched for articles, picked one and wrote Seavers in the News - Laura Jewett Seaver Gets Married in 1915.

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, and added to the Best Of post.

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to watch TV news, eat dinner, read the paper, and wash dishes.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to answer and write email, then worked on the 52 Ancestors profile and wrote the post for Friday, and then worked in AncestryDNA adding notes to matches, and added several known lines to the database, including one that gives me a lead to John Richman!!!

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My Genealogy Wednesday - 14 February 2018

It rained a bit this afternoon.  Good, we need more of it.  This was not a big genealogy day due to life.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up at 9:30 a.m. and we went to Costco.  Got flowers for her.  Home by 10:15.

*  Added to the Best Of post, noted that 44th Wedding Anniversary Dinner in 2014 -- Post 503 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted.  Had lunch.

*  Left at 11:15 a.m. for the library, sat in on John's group for awhile, then got set up in the auditorium for the CVGS Research Group.  My HDMI to VGA dongle still had problems, Gary gave me one that worked.  Had only 13 at the Group meeting, the library ran out of chairs.

*  Home by 2:30 to read, took a nap, then online to write Valentine's Day Census-whacking.  Added to the Best Of post and answered email.

*  We left at 4:45 p.m. for dinner at Marie Callender's.  Brought a lemon meringue pie home.  Home by 6:15 p.m. to watch TV news and read the paper, and have pie.  

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, then wrote the Treasure Chest post, checked Twitter and Facebook, worked a bit in RootsMagic matching profiles with Family Tree, and TreeShared about 50 on the list.  About 100 left to do. 

*  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 6.5 hours.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My Genealogy Tuesday - 13 February 2018

This was an all genealogy day at home once we got home from our morning errands.

*  Dropped Linda at the health center for her PT, walked for about 30 minutes, then back and read email and blogs on my phone.  We stopped at the grocery store on the way home.  Home by 9:30 a.m.

*  Noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday - 1906 Voter Registration for Elijah McKnew in San Francisco, Calif. posted, added to the Best Of post, and wrote FamilySearch Announces RootsTech 2018 FREE Live-Streaming Classes.

*  Answered emails, then took my nap.  Had lunch, and online at 1 p.m. to read, then wrote Genealogy News Bytes -- 13 February 2018.  

*  Got the laptop running, changed resolution again, and installed the RootsMagic up date 7.5.5 on both computers.  

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, and added to the Best Of post.  More emails.

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to finish cooking dinner, we ate, watched TV news and Olympics, read the paper and did the dishes.

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to write the Wordless Wednesday post, then worked in Ancestry Hints for awhile, resolving about 200 of them, and adding content and sources to the database.

8  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.

Monday, February 12, 2018

My Genealogy Monday - 12 February 2018

We went to Tami's on Sunday and I did no genealogy except reading email and blogs, so I didn't journal last night.

*  Didn't take Linda to the Y today -it was raining a bit and cold, so we stayed home in the early morning.  I read email and blogs, added to the Best Of post, and noted that Amanuensis Monday - Probate Records of Joseph Keyes (1667-1757) of Westford, Mass. posted.

*  Got into the green room on Mondays With Myrt, and participated in the first hour.  We left at 10:15 for the medical center and Linda's PT class.  She didn't have it because she was given bad information.  We rescheduled, and now she has to go on the 23rd and also on this Tuesday morning.  Home by 11 a.m.

*  I wrote My AncestryDNA Playing Card, checked email and blogs, and tried to nap.  Up at 12 noon to eat lunch, read as bit, and then left at 12:40 p.m. for the medical center for my eye appointment.  I get new glasses, but have no eye medical problems.  Put drops in my eyes so couldn't bear bright lights.  Home by 1:45 p.m.

*  Read online a bit in the dark, then gathered the newsletter masters at 2:30 and went to the UPS Store to publish the CVGS newsletter.  Home by 3:15 p.m.  

*  Wrote Monday Genea-Pourri - 12 February 2018, then read Twitter and Facebook.  

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m.  to finish cooking dinner, we ate, watched Olympics, read the paper and washed dishes.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, then talked to Lori, wrote the Treasure Chest post, and answered emails.  TreeShared some, but it kicked out after 30 uploads, about 100 left to do. 

*  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

My Genealogy Saturday - 10 February 2018

This was almsot an all-genealogy day again.  I went to the SDGS meeting but came home early.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up and home by 9:10 a.m.  Left at 9:20 for the SDGS meeting, got there at 9:45.

*  Meeting started at 10 a.m., and Jean Hibben did her talk on farmers, she even sang two songs.  I left after the snacks and before the second talk - too sleepy.

*  Home by 11:45 a.m., online to note that Surname Saturday -- LNU (Martha, wife of William Russell, England to colonial Massachusetts) posted, added to the Best Of post, and took my nap. 

*  Had lunch, online at 1 p.m. to write the FamilySearch and Ancestry posts, then wrote the amanuensis Monday post.  Noted that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Relatives With Facial Hair posted.  Searched some more on Ancestry, GenBank, CDNC and FamilySearch for articles about George and Lida Seaver without any success.  

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to finish cooking dinner, we ate, watched the Olympics, read the paper, and washed dishes.  We did Linda's exercises.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, edit the CVGS newsletter one last time and sent it out.  Answered emails.  Worked in Ancestry Hints adding content and sources to the RootsMagic database.  Resolved about 300 Hints. 

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.

Friday, February 9, 2018

My Genealogy Friday - 9 February 2018

This was a stay-at-homer genealogy day for me, but I didn't get much research done.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up, dropped off food at church, and home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 213: #292 Joseph Keyes (1698-1744) of Chelmsford and Westford, Massachusetts posted, added to the Best Of post, and wrote New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 9 February 2018.

*  Wrote The Rest of the George W. Seaver Story - Part IV: Military Records and looked for the aunt in census records without success.  Probably not a Seaver.

*  Took my nap, had lunch, and online at 1 p.m. to answer email and write Genealogy News Bytes - 9 February 2018.  

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, then worked on the CVGS Newsletter.  Got it almost done - need the obituary.  Emailed for it.  Added to the Best Of post.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, read the paper, watched TV and washed dishes.

*  Online at 6:30 pm. to write the two Saturday posts, then finished up the CVGS Newsletter.

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

My Genealogy Thursday - 8 February 2018

Another beautiful day here in Chula Vista - going to cool off now, we may even have a shower next week.  We need rain!

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up and we went to the grocery store.  Home by 9:45.

*  Noted that 1698 Birth Record of Joseph Keyes (1698-1744) of Chelmsford, Mass. --- Post 400 of Treasure Chest Thursday posted, added to the Best Of post,  and wrote The Rest of the George W. Seaver Story - Part III: Census Entries.

*  Took my nap, had lunch, we did exercises, and online at 1 p.m. to read, then wrote Seavers in the News - Vice President George W. Seaver Drives a Horse Car.  

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, and worked on the 52 Ancestors biography abstracting land records.  Only three, thank goodness!  Then started the CVGS Newsletter draft.  Don't have enough room for everything I want to put in.  

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to finish cooking dinner, served it, ate it, watched TV news, read the paper, and washed dishes.  We did exercises.

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and worked on the 52 Ancestors post.  Worked in RootsMagic and Family Tree matching folks and sharing information both ways for some of the Hildreth/Keyes folks.

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

My Genealogy Wednesday - 7 February 2018

This was not an all-genealogy day - more life issues.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up, and we went to the medical center for her physical therapy.  She got exercises to do and recurring appointments.  I had my blood test done.

*  Home by 10:30 a.m.  Noted that San Diego Padres Opening Day in 2014 -- Post 502 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted, added to the Best Of post, answered email and printed off the CVGS board papers.  Had lunch.

*  Left at 11:30 a.m. for the library.  Sat in on John's group for a bit then the CVGS Bored meeting.  A long one, got a book and home by 2:30 p.m.

*  Noted that SDGS Meeting on Saturday, 10 February Features Jean Wilcox Hibben posted and wrote The Rest of the George W. Seaver Story - Part II.

*  Checked Twitter and Facebook, added to the Best Of post and answered email.  Took a nap.  Online to read.

*  Went in at 5:45 p.m. to finish dinner, read the paper, wash dishes, watch TV and put out the trash.  Linda did her first exercises with me guiding her.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to read, wrote the Treasure Chest post, then worked a bit on families in Family Tree, and found deeds for Joseph Keyes of Chelmsford on FamilySearch.  TreeShared about 60 persons, leaving about 30.

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 6.5 hours.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My Genealogy Tuesday - 6 February 2018

Life intervenes sometimes in spite of your best genea-tentions.  Today was the day, and tomorrow is too.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up and home by 9:15 a.m.  Noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday - 1898 Voter Registration for Elijah McKnew in San Francisco, Calif. posted, and added to the Best Of post.  Downloaded a bunch of George W. Seaver records.

*  We left at 10:30 a.m. for the financial advisor to sign papers, then stopped at Costco on the way home for lunch.  Home by 1:40 p.m.

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Genealogy News Bytes - 6 February 2018.  Really tired, so got comfy in  the computer chair and slept for 45 minutes.  I need a recliner in tghe cave, I think.

*  Online at 4 p.m. to read, check Twitter and Facebook, and search some more of George Seaver records.

*  Went in at 5:15 to finish cooking dinner, served it, ate it, watched TV news, read the paper, washed dishes, and got laundry going.

*  Online at 6:15 p.m. to read, then wrote two posts for Wednesday.  Worked in Ancestry Hints adding content and sources to the RootsMagic database, resolved about 150 Hints.

*  Checked Facebook, answered email, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.

Monday, February 5, 2018

My Genealogy Monday - 5 February 2018

Only 3 more weeks until RootsTech.  I'm looking forward to it.  This was a full genealogy dasy here in the Cave.  Our solar units were inspected by the city, and hopefully approved.  The next step is to get SDG&E to approve the deal and then I can turn them on.  It was cloudy most of the day.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up and home by 9 a.m.

*  Joined Mondays With Myrt in progress and talked briefly about the DNA post.  Other than that, I was a silent panelist.  

*  Noted that Amanuensis Monday - Probate Records of Stephen Wing (1621-1710) of Sandwich, Massachusetts posted, and wrote Monday Genea Pourri - 5 February 2018.  Added to the Best Of post.

*  Had lunch, then wrote a CVGS post on the other blog.  Wrote The Rest of the George W. Seaver Story - Part I.  There is more to come.  Checked Twitter and Facebook.  Answered email.  

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to finish getting dinner up, watched TV, read the paper, and did dishes.  

*  Online at 6:45 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and talk to Lori.  Wrote the Treasure Chest post.

*  Worked on Helen and Lisa's DNA match problem, and reviewed some of Lisa's matches.  Figured out how Helen and Lisa match, but not the common ancestors yet.  Added Helen's Mallory family to the tree, then went searching for the Mary LNU who married the Penn.  Haven't found her yet!

*  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote thisp ost.  Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

My Super Bowl Sunday - 4 February 2018

Ah, Sunday - a day of rest, church, football and genealogy.

*  Read email and blogs while watching Meet the Depressed, and off to church at 9:40 a.m.  Home by 11:30.  Had lunch.

*  Worked on the Amanuensis Monday post - transcribed a will and wrote the post.  Saved all of the GW Seaver data from Barry, renamed them and saved them in a file.

*  Went in at 3 p.m. to watch the Super Bowl, read the paper, even dozed off in the first half.  Ended up 41-33 Philly getting their first NFL championship since 1960.  Good for them.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to read, note that Best of the Genea-Blogs - 28 January to 3 February 2018Added or Updated Collections - Week of 28 January to 3 February 2018, and Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 28 January to 3 February 2018 posted.

*  Answered email, and worked on another George W. Seaver trying to find marriage and death records.  Then worked a bit in Family Tree adding content to and from RootsMagic in a Seaver line.

*  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 4.0 hours.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

My Genealogy Saturday - 3 February 2018

This was an all-genealogy day once I got home in the morning, except for dinnertime of course.  Can't miss that!

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, went off to Marie Callender's for the men's Bible Study - Exodus 12-13 today. Picked Linda up at 9:45 and we went to the grocery store.  Home by 10:30 a.m.

*  Read email and blogs, and noted that Surname Saturday - PAGE (England to colonial New England) posted.  

*  Barry sent more stuff on George W. Seaver, and I answered back with a rough draft of what I knew.  He sent more stuff later - all good!  Amazing.  Decided to enter info into the RootsMagic database, so added content and sources.  Now know his wife's name and even a child, and her three husbands and children.  Took most of the day.

*  Had lunch, noted that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Super Bowl 2018 Edition posted.  Back into George and his family.

*  Later, I worked a bit on Helen's problem again, and added more generations to the AMT.  Found some potential links for the siblings and sent them to her.  

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, watched TV, read the paper, and washed dishes.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to work more on Helen's problem, then answered email and wrote the Ancestry and FamilySearch posts. 

*  TreeShared 80 persons, and matched profiles of the George Seaver folks with FamilySearch Family Tree.  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Friday, February 2, 2018

My Genealogy Friday - 2 February 2018

This was another all genealogy day in the Genea-Cave.  Warm again, but I spent it inside.

*  Dropped Linda off, home to read, picked her up, and home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Added to the Best Of post, noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 212: #291 Elizabeth (Harwood) Prescott (1701-1739) of Westford, Massachusetts posted, and wrote New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 2 February 2018.

*  Answered email, worked on Linda's shaver for an hour, and answered more email.

*  Had lunch, then wrote and posted Genealogy News Bytes - 2 February 2018.  Checked Twitter and Facebook.  Added to the Best Of post, and answered more email.

*  Wrote the Surname Saturday post, then got the Bible Study ready for Saturday morning.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to finish cooking dinner, watched TV, read the paper and washed dishes.  Online at 6:30 to read email and blogs, then wrote the SNGF post.  Decided to work on the CVGS project and got a tree started.

*  Added to the Best Of post, then wrote thisp ost.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

My Genealogy Thursday - 1 February 2018

It was a full day in the genea-cave, no nap, and not much down time.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read, picked her up, and home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Online to add to the Best Of post, noted that 1856 Death Record of Simon Wade (1676-1856) of Killingly, Conn. --- Post 399 of Treasure Chest Thursday posted.

*  Started a DNA spreadsheet for MyHeritage DNA matches.  Got 10 folks filled in, and found some known common ancestors a bit further down the list.  Cool.

*  Wrote Guest Article: Going Beyond Ethnicity Estimates in DNA Testing, by Paul Woodbury (Legacy Tree Genealogists).  Tried to nap, but up after 10 minutes, and had lunch.

*  Worked in Ancestry DNA matches and answered emails.  Searched for and wrote Seavers in the News -- George W. Seaver Disappears in 1899.

*  Worked down the list of Family Tree changes, didn't add or modify anything.  Checked Twitter and Facebook.

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV, read the paper, and wash dishes.

*  Online at 6:15 p.m. to read, then wrote the 52 Ancestors post, added to the Best Of post, and worked in Ancestry Hints for an hour - resolved 115 of them adding content and sources to the database.  More to TreeShare!

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.