Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My Genealogy Wednesday - 31 August 2016

This was the CVGS program day, so it was different.  Feeling somewhat better, getting warmer again, and we're off to Wine Country for the weekend on Thursday.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, read email and blogs, picked her up and was home by 9:15 a.m.  Noted that SCGS Jamboree 2011 Genea-Fun Part 2 -- Post 428 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted.

*  Wrote Adding Descendant Information the Easy Way - Post 3: Stimulating Hints in the Ancestry Member Tree and updated 2016 FGS Conference Blog Compendium and set them for later.

*  Left after 11 a.m. for lunch at McDonalds, then to the library for John's group and the CVGS program.  Got a book to read, stopped by the bank, and was home by 2:30 p.m.

*  Read blogs, added to the Best Of post, and took an hour nap.  Online at 3:45 p.m. to read, check Facebook.

*  Went in at 4:15 p.m. to read the paper, watch the Padres game, eat dinner, put out the trash and pack for the trip.  Padres lost to Braves 8-1 as the pitching and hitting failed again.  Now 55-77.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to read, update the compendium, and write a blog post for Thursday.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.


Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 31 August (with increases in the numbers from 31 July in parentheses):

*  46,707 persons (+ 284)
* 18,670 families  (+ 93)
* 150,121 events  (+ 787)

*  1,945 Alternate Names (+ 138)
*  9,516  places  (+ 111)
* 1,402 sources (+ 14)
* 76,206 citations (+ 806)
*  1,129 Multi-media Items (+ 1)
*  3,105 Multimedia links (+ 1)
*  12,819 matched to FSFT (+ 577)

 I'm up to 50.76%  (+0.27%) for citations/events and 163.16% (+0.74%) for citations/persons.

Genea-Musings statistics for August (compared to stats for July):

*  107,461 page views (3,466 per day, Blogger Stats, + 422)
*  26,147 page views ( 843 per day, Statcounter, + 29)
*  19,593 unique visitors (632 per day, Statcounter, + 26)

*  >1,200 readers on Feedly (+??)

*  2,114 readers via email (Feedburner) (+ 95)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

My Genealogy Tuesday - 30 August 2016

Just another all-genealogy day (except for the Padres game), but I did not advance the research ball even one inch.  Still tired and don't feel 100%.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read email and blogs, noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday -- 1870 U.S. Census Record for Seaver Torgerson Household in Deerfield, Wisconsin posted, picked up Linda and home by 9:10 a.m.

*  Wrote 2016 Rockstar Genealogist Nominations are Open and RootsMagic Provides More Information About Synchronization and set them for later.

*  Answered email, made some reports for Paul after our phone call, printed off the travel stuff, had lunch, checked Facebook and pretty much did nothing useful all morning.  Took a nap.

*  Online at 2 p.m. to write two blog posts for Saturday, then worked in FamilySearch Family Tree for awhile matching profiles with my RootsMagic database.  

*  Went in at 4:15 p.m. to watch the Padres game, we lost 7-3 to Braves.  Had dinner, read the paper and my book.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, write a post for Wednesday, add to the Best Of post, check Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Monday, August 29, 2016

My Genealogy Monday - 29 August 2016

This was pretty much an all genealogy day except for the chores and chauffeuring and the nap.  I'm still tired from the migraine or fever whatever.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs, noted that Amanuensis Monday - Post 336: Will of Jonathan Thurston (1659-1740) posted.  Picked her up at 9 a.m. and home by 9:15.

*  Wrote New Genealogy Service Poised to Fill Critical Gap in Genealogy Industry and another post.  Noted that Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 21 to 27 August 2016 posted.  Wrote another psot for later in the week.

*  We went to Costco at 11:30 a.m. for lunch, shopping, and then a visit to See's Candies.  Home by 1 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and took a nap.

*  Online at 2 p.m. to read, noted that CVGS Program Meeting is Wednesday, 31 August 2016: Shirley Becker on "New York Revisited" posted, and wrote Good News: Ancestry Member Trees Indexes Were Updated.

*  Wrote another post for later in the week, checked Facebook, and worked in the Spangler Hints in my AMT adding content to the database.  Added Marcia's death to the database, and researched Ralph's parents and family, adding content and sources.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, read the paper and watch TV news.  Watered the front plants and took a short walk.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to finish up on the Ralph's family, then wrote another blog post for Tuesday, and Ancestry was down so I couldn't do anything there.  Checked Facebook again, talked to Lori, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Semi-Genealogy Weekend - 26 to 28 August 2016

The best laid plans of mice and Randy sometimes go awry.  They did this weekend.

1)  Friday, 26 August 2016

*  Didn't sleep well overnight, woke up tired with a headache.  Dropped Linda at the Y, read email and blogs, noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 139: #184 Benedict Oatley (1732-1821) posted, picked up Linda and we shopped at Sprouts.  Home before 10 a.m.

*  Wrote New Records Available to Search This Findmypast Friday, 26 August 2016 and Book Announcement: Fostering Family History Services: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Volunteers and set them for later.

*  Had lunch, headache worse, tried to take a nap but couldn't, wrote Adding Descendant Information the Easy Way - Post 2: Importing it to an Ancestry Member Tree.

*  Headache worse, some nausea, so a migraine I think.  Listened to TV with a washcloth over my eyes, then went into the bedroom and listened to the Padres game.  Couldn't sleep.  Dinner was Cheerios.  Went to bed in extra bedroom at 10 p.m., slept poorly.

*  Genealogy this day was 4.0 hours.

2)  Saturday, 27 August:

*  Got only 4 hours sleep, and felt wiped out, so emailed Larry asking him to do the SDGS RMUG group.  He did.  Read email and blogs, wrote Surname Saturday - Elizabeth LNU (England to colonial New England) and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Survey of Genealogy Activities and set it for later.

*  Watched the two Little League games, took a nap, and online to write the two update posts.  Watched the Padres game - they beat Miami 1-0.  Had a good dinner.  

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, finish up the Best Of post, checked Facebook, look at Ancestry Hints, and done.  Worked on some CVGS posts too. Genealogy this day was about 6 hours.

3)  Sunday, 28 August 2016:

*  Got 8 hours sleep, and feel better.  Read email and blogs on my phone watching TV, off to church at 9:20 a.m., had lunch there, home by 12:15 p.m. to watch the Padres game (won 3-1), Chargers game (lost 23-10) and Little League game (NY won 2-1).  

*  Linda went with Barbara, and I dozed in the recliner, then online to note that Best of the Genea-Blogs - 21 to 27 August 2016 and Added or Updated Databases at - Week of 21 to 27 August 2016 posted.  Worked on the Amanuensis transcription.

*  Went to get Linda at 5 p.m., we watched TV and ate dinner.  Online at 6:40 p.m. to read, then wrote the Amanuensis post for Monday.  

*  Tried to determine the problem with the tablet - out of juice and it wouldn't turn on.  Found the 20 second Power button fix and it worked, and it's 100%.  Good - worried I wouldn't have it for the trip next week.

*  Online to work on some of the Spangler Hints.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.0 hours.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Genealogy Thursday - 25 August 2016

This was almost an all-genealogy day, but I feel like I did very little constructive.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs, picked her up at 9 a.m. and we shopped at Ralphs, home by 8:45 a.m.  Noted that Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 328: Elizabeth Ladd (1735-1814) Birth Record posted.

*  Imported the FSFT profiles for Rudolf Spangler's descendants, then wrote Adding Descendant Information the Easy Way - Post 1: Importing it From FamilySearch Family Tree and set it for later.  Watched a bit of the US Resources webinars from the FHL.  

*  Had lunch, watched some of the Little League game, answered email, worked on the Benedict Oatley profile, and then worked in the Auble AMT adding content and sources to my database.  Took a nap.

*  Online at 3:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and look at several Family Tree Webinars.  Took Linda to Barbara's to swim.  Picked her up at 5:30, we ate dinner and watched the Little League game until 7 p.m.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, then wrote two 52 Ancestors posts, and resolved 79 Ancestry Hints.  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Genealogy Tuesday and Wednesday - 23-24 August 2016

The problem with missing a day of journaling is trying to remember what I did the missed day.  Drat.

1)  Tuesday:

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, home to read email and blogs, then to pick her up and go to the store.  Home by 9:30 a.m.

*  Noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday -- 1880 U.S. Census Record for the Sivert Leeland and Torger Leeland Families in Dane County, Wisconsin posted and wrote National Genealogical Society Releases Research in Pennsylvania, 3rd Edition.

*  Worked in the FamilySearch Family Tree matching folks in my Carringer families, and occasionally adding someone new to my tree or the FSFT.  Had lunch, took a nap, and researched and wrote Finding Descendants of Rudolph Spangler (1738-1811) In the FamilySearch Family Tree.

*  Checked Facebook, wrote the Wordless Wednesday post, and went in to watch the Little League game at 4:30 p.m.  

*  We left for the trolley at 5, ate at the Tin Fish, and were in Petco Park by 6:45.  Watched the end of the Little League game - Parkview lost 4-2 so they are out this year.

*  Padres did worse, they lost 5-3.  We were home by 10:40 p.m. but I didn't journal.  Genealogy this day was 6.0 hours.

2)  Wednesday:

*  Dropped Linda at the Y at 7:30, home to read email and blogs, picked her up at 9 a.m. and we shopped at Home Depot.  Home by 9:30 a.m.  I read blogs and email.  

*  Noted that SCGS Jamboree 2011 Genea-Fun Part 1 -- Post 427 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted, and wrote Association of Professional Genealogists Unveils Details for its 2017 Professional Management Conference.

*  Answered some email, and we left at 11:45 a.m. for lunch with Gil and Lynda at Black Angus.  Home by 1:45 p.m. to watch the Padres game, and Little League game.  Took a nap in the recliner.  Padres lost 6-3 to Cubs so no 54-75 on the season.  

*  Online to read, add to the Best Of post, and worked in the Smith AMT Hints to add content to the database.

*  Went in for dinner at 5:30 p.m., watched Little League games on TV, ate dinner and put out the trash.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to write the Treasure Chest post.  Searched for more info on Benedict Oatley.  Found my Oatley book pages and photoed them.   

*  Woked in Ancestry Hints, adding content and sources to the database.  Resolved 110 of them.  Checked Facebook.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 6.5 hours.

Monday, August 22, 2016

My Genealogy Monday - 22 August 2016

This was not quite the genealogy day I envisioned but it was somewhat productive.

*  Drove Linda to the Y, then home to read email and blogs, and get on the Mondays With Myrt panel.  Retrieved Linda and on the panel by 9:10 a.m.  We talked about family stories and more, and I passed along some of the Ancestry news.  

*  Logged into the FHL U.S. Genealogy courses, but they were at lunch, so I tried to nap.  Failed, so noted that Amanuensis Monday - Post 335: Will of Baltheser Pickel (1687-1765) of Hunterdon County, New Jersey and Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 14 to 20 August 2016 posted.

*  The third class came on at 12:15 and I listened/watched that while searching for cousins using FamilySearch Family Tree.  When the class break came, I tried again to nap without success.  I listened/watched some of the 4th class on Mid-Atlantic states.  The handout is excellent.  The classes will be on the FS Learning Center within weeks.  Linda came home from her lunch with Barbara so I had to go bring the groceries in the house.

*  Went searching for Auble news items on MyHeritage and Elephind, and wrote Aubles in the Newspapers - Hampton Auble's 1852 Marriage.  Checked Facebook, answered email and added to the Best Of post.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV and Little League, eat dinner, and read the paper and then switched to Padres game versus Cubs.  

*  Bored by the Padres game, came in to write the Treasure post for Tuesday, then added to the Best Of post and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Genealogy Weekend - 19-21 August 2016

This was not much of a genealogy weekend here in the genea-cave.  Padres baseball dominated the weekend.

1)  Friday, 19 August 2016:

*  I read some blogs, wrote some blogs, did some Hint research, but not much else.  We left at 5:30 p.m. for the trolley, got to Petco Park by 6:20 p.m. ,and were in our seats in the Pacifico Porch and had dinner - hot dog and hamburger and popcorn and ice cream, courtesy of our financial advisor.  Terrible seats to watch the game, but got caught up with friends and enjoyed the camaraderie.  We left at 10:40 p.m. for the trolley with Padres behind 6-5.  Home by 11:30 to watch the end on TV - Padres 9-8 over D-backs.  Genealogy about 5 hours.

2)  Saturday, 20 August 2016:

*  Exhausted from the night before - 5 hours sleep.  Wrote the two blog posts after breakfast at Marie Callenders, took my nap, watched TV, and we left at 4 p.m. for El Pollo Loco for dinner, then the trolley to Petco for the Padres game at 5:40 p.m.  Pads lost 2-1 to D-backs, so now we are 8-8 in attendance.  Home by 9:30 p.m. but really tired so didn't write much.   Genealogy about 4 hours.

3)  Sunday, 21 August 2016:

*  Read email and blogs before church, home from church at 11:45 a.m.  Wrote the two blog posts, then took a nap.

*  Watched the Padres game, took another nap, read the paper, Padres won 9-1 over D-backs, so now 53-71 and 2 ahead of D-backs for what it's worth.  

*  Online at 4:30 p.m., Noted that Best of the Genea-Blogs - 14 to 20 August 2016 and Added or Updated Databases at - Week of 14 to 20 August 2016 posted.

*  Got the will transcribed before dinner, went in to eat at 5:45 p.m., and online at 7 p.m. to write the Amanuensis post.  Resolved over 200 Ancestry Hints.

*  Checked Facebook, started the new Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 4.0 hours.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Genealogy Thursday - 18 August 2016

This was pretty uch a genealogy day until the evening when the Padres were on TV.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs, then picked her up and we went shopping.  Home by 9:45 a.m.

*  Noted that Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 327: 1732 Birth Record of Benedict Oatley in South Kingstown, R.I. posted, and wrote Prior BCG Webinars Now Available at Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

*  Worked a bit in the Auble tree on Ancestry adding content and sources, trying to find more descendants.  Added a few people.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, had lunch, worked in the FamilySearch Family Tree a bit, and took a nap.

*  Online at 2:45 p.m. to read, then wrote Am I Related to Donald Trump?  Worked on the 52 Ancestors research, then wrote the post for Friday.  Checked Facebook.

*  Went in for dinner at 5:30 p.m., watched TV news, and online at 6:15 p.m. to watch some of Wacky Wednesday and work in the Auble tree some more.  

*  Went in at 7:15 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper and read my book.  Pads won 9-8 over the D-backs in a 4 hour game.  

*  Online at 11 p.m. to write this post.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My Genealogy Wednesday - 17 August 2016

This was a busy day and it was not all genealogy.  Life actually took precedence.  It was another warm day - 90s here.

*  Dropped Linda and the Y, came home and emptied the bathroom cabinets, and then the kitchen cabinets in preparation for the plumber.  Got Linda and came home and read email and blogs, noted that McKnew/Schaffner/Leland Houses in 2010 -- Post 426 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday posted.  Wrote San Diego Genealogy Day (15 October 2016) Features "Ancestry Anne"and set it for later.

*  Bob the plumber came and fixed the bathroom sink drain, the toilet handle, the shower leak, and installed the Hansgrohe faucet we bought at Christmas time.  All the plumbing problems since January are fixed (I hope).  We watched the Padres game.  Pads lost 2-0 to the Rays, so now 50-70 on the year.

*  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, and worked a bit in FamilySearch Family Tree.  Took my nap.

*  Online at 2:30 p.m. to read, check Facebook, then wrote John Moore Probate Records on and

*  Went in for dinner at 5:30 p.m., watch TV news and Olympics, then cut roses back and put the trash cans out.  Washed dishes.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, wrote the Treasure Chest post, and worked in Ancestry Hints, resolving 127 adding content and sources.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

My Genealogy Tuesday - 16 August 2016

Lori and her boys came on Saturday and left this morning.  They had a lot of fun, I think.  I'm back in my normal routine.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y at 7:20, home by 7:35 to eat breakfast, and we left at 8:05 for the train station.  Dropped them off at 8:40 and picked Linda up at 9:05 and we were home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Read email and blogs, and noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday - 1880 U.S. Census Record for Elling Natvig Household in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin posted.  Added to the Best Of post.  

*  Answered email, and took an hour nap, up before noon.  Went through some of the Ancestry Hints looking for blog fodder without success.  Found records for some of the Aaron smith descendants and added them to the database.  Wrote NGS Announces a New Course in its American Genealogical Studies Series: Branching Out.

*  Spent some time in FamilySearch Family Tree matching people and events, but found little new content for my database.  Wrote My Top Ten Genealogy Research "Programs".

*  Went in at 4:10 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, eat dinner, water the front plants, and put stuff away.  Padres lost to Rays 15-1 in second worst game of the year.  Now 50-69 and sinking quickly.  The hitting stopped and the pitching sucks.  Bad combination.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to write the Wordless Wednesday post, then resolved 122 Ancestry Hints, adding content and sources to the database.  Sources now at 75,882.  

*  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  genealogy today was 7.0 hours.

Friday, August 12, 2016

My Genealogy Friday - 12 August 2016

I finally had some time to do some actual research and added several Seaver families to the database today.  It warmed up a bit, and will be warmer next week.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs, then picked her up and we went to Costco.  Home by 10:20 a.m.

*  Noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 137: #182 Nathaniel Horton (1730-1819) posted, then wrote New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 12 August 2016 and set it for the afternoon.

*  Worked in FamilySearch collection of GenealogyBank obituaries, and added several to the database.  One lead to adding a number of Seaver families with events and sources.  I spent three hours doing this - great fun!

*  Had lunch, watched the Olympics, took a nap, and online at 2:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, check Facebook, and answer email.

*  Went in at 4:30 p.m. to watch the Padres game, we ate dinner, I read the paper and washed dishes, Padres beat the Mets 8-6, so now 50-65 on the year.  Watched some of the Little League game too.

*  Online at 7:30 p.m. to read, then wrote the two Saturday posts, worked in GEDMatch a bit, and added to the Best Of post.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Geneaholic will probably be dark until Tuesday - daughter Lori and her boys are coming on Saturday for fun in the San Diego sun.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

My Genealogy Thursday - 11 August 2016

Another genealogy day, butl ittle research.  Too much else gonig on.  Stayed cool again - high 70s for the high, high 60s for the low today.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home to read email and blogs, and work on the Genealogy 104 presentation, then picked her up, and home by 9:15 a.m. to continue work on the presentatin and the handout.

*  Noted that Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 326: Death Record of Nathaniel Horton (1730-1819) posted, and wrote Ancestry Member Trees Indexing Update.

*  Went in at 11:30 to watch the end of the Padres game and had lunch.  Padres lost to Pirates 4-0, so now 49-65.  

*  Gathered the laptop and projector and papers, and off to Bonita library for the 1 p.m. class.  Got there 10 minutes early, got set up, and the staff came and said we shouldn't be in the room until 1 p.m.  Argghh.  

*  Did the Genealogy 104 class on research logs, to-do lists, research checklists, notebook organization and computer file organization.  Shirley showed her file organization and Susi talked a bit.

*  Home by 3:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and tried to nap.  Online at 4:15 p.m. to read, then researched and wrote Solving a 1920 U.S. Census Mystery.

*  Went in at 6 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV news, then watched the Little League game - CV Parkview won 14-11.  During the game, I worked on the 52 Ancestors biography.

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, answered email, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Genealogy Wednesday - 10 August 2016

I actually got a few genealogy things done today, but there was no research done.  Still nice and cool - upper 70s for the high, upper 60s for the low in Chula Vista.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs, then back to get her and shopped at the grocery store.

*  Home by 9:40 a.m. to read, note that NGS 2010 Conference Photos #3 -- Post 425 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday and wrote San Diego Genealogical Society Program is Saturday, 13 August and set it for later.  Figured out what I wanted to share at the CVGS Research Group meeting.

*  Left at 11 a.m. for lunch at McDonalds, then to the library for John's Group, and then to the conference room to set up for the CVGS Research Group meeting.  We had only 10 but it was a lively group.  I discussed the SDGS Seminar, the Top 101 websites, the Family Tree Maker email, and the Elling Natvig probate records and patronymic naming systems.

*  Home by 2:20 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and noted that Guide to New York City’s Treasured Archives Released by NYG&B posted.  Took my nap.

*  Online at 4 p.m. to read, answer email, and went in at 4:30 p.m. to watch the Padres game.  We ate dinner, I read the paper and put out the trash.  Padres won 4-0 over Pirates, so now 49-64 on the year.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, then worked on the CVGS class presentation, and then the Treasure Chest Thursday post.  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Genealogy Tuesday - 9 August 2016

I did not get a lot done today - too many interruptions and not enough blog or research ideas, I guess.  Cooler again today - high in the upper 70s in Chula Vista.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs, then off at 8:50 a.m. to pick her up, and we went to pick up her chain at the jewelers.  Home by 10 a.m.

*  Noted that Treasure Chest Tuesday - Baptism of Adolph Elai Hegg (1876-1910) in Stoughton, Wisconsin posted, and cast about for what else to write about or research.

*  The auto shop called at 11:30 so I asked the neighbor to take me down there and I picked up the Lincoln with two new airbags for the suspension system.  Expensive balloons...home by 12:15 p.m.

*  Had lunch, added to the Best Of post, answered email, and took my nap.

*  Online at 2:15 p.m. to read, worked in FamilySearch Family Tree a bit, then searched for and wrote Seavers in the Newspaper - William Seaver 1874 Obituary in Roxbury, Mass.  

*  Padres had a rain delay, so caught up on my blogs, and checked in on Facebook.  Padres started at 4:35 p.m. and we ate dinner, I read the paper and then my book.  Pads lost 6-4 to the Pirates, so now 48-64 - first time at 16 games under.  

*  Online at 7:45 p.m. to read, answer email, worked on the CVGS class outline, added to the Best Of post, and wrote a post for Wednesday.  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 7.0 hours.

Monday, August 8, 2016

My Genealogy Monday - 8 August 2016

This was a busy day, including genealogy, but also some worry and expense.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y at 7:20 a.m., home to read email and blogs, then back to get her and home by 9:10 a.m.  Joined Mondays with Myrt ASAP.  Didn't get to talk much about my interests.

*  Took the Lincoln to Don's because the rear suspension is low - had to go to Dave's Auto Service to get the two airbags replaced.  The tech brought me home at 12 noon on his lunch break.  Nice!

*  Online at 12:15 p.m. to read, note that Amanuensis Monday - 1896 Letter of Resignation from Executor of Elling Erickson Natvig (1820-1896) Estate posted, and also Added or Updated Databases at - Week of 31 July to 6 August 2016.  Added to the Best Of post.

*  Edited one last time the CVGS newsletter, printed it off, but forgot to print the labels.  Went down to the UPS Store to copy the issue, folded and taped it, but then came home to label and stamp them.  Then had to go to the post office.

*  Home by 3 p.m. to read, then posted Family Tree Maker News from Software MacKiev.  Took my well-deserved nap.

*  Online at 4 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, answer email, and then made the plane, car and hotel reservations for Labor Day weekend.  Procrastinated too much - airfare was up significantly.  Crap.  But it's done.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV news and eat dinner.  Read the paper and washed dishes too.  Took a short walk.  Nice and cool and cloudy.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, then worked in Ancestry Hints for awhile - resolved 243 total Hints of all kinds.  Then wrote the Treasure Chest post for Tuesday, and added some sources to the Norwegian folks.

*  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

My Genealogy Sunday - 7 August 2016

This was a fairly typical summer Sunday in the genealogy cave - warm, the fan on, and a sleepy Randy.

*  Read email and blogs on the tablet watching Meet the Press, then off to church at 9:15 a.m., and home by 11 a.m.

*  Worked on the Ancestry and FamilySearch posts, then transcribed the letter for Amanuensis Monday.  Best of the Genea-Blogs - 31 July to 6 August 2016 posted as did Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 31 July to 6 August 2016 by mistake.

*  Went in at 1 p.m. to watch Olympics, eat lunch and then watched the Padres game.  dozed for an hour in the recliner, read the paper, and my Padres lost 6-5 to the Phillies.  So now 48-63.  

* Took Linda to Barb's to swim, and worked on the CVGS Newsletter, and sent off the proof copy.  Picked up Linda at 5:30, we ate dinner and watched the news, and I washed dishes and watered front plants.  

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, answer several emails, and resolved 74 Ancestry Hints.  Answered more emails, checked Facebook, and added content from one of the emails to the database.

*  Wrote this post.  Genealogy today was 6.0 hours.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

My Genealogy Saturday - 6 August 2016

This was a busy Saturday, but not all was genealogy.  It was cool again today - only about 80F here in Chula Vista.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, then I went to breakfast at Marie Callenders with the men's group from church, and picked up Linda.  Home by 9:15 a.m. to note that Surname Saturday -- PRENCE (England to colonial Massachusetts) posted.

*  Read email and blogs.  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, printed off the RootsMagic workshop handout, and rested my eyes a bit.  

*  Left at 12 noon for Bonita Library, got set up by 12:30 p.m. and we started about 12:45.  We had 13 attendees for the RootsMagic Review, and 4 of them are new to RootsMagic, and we had three guests.  

*  Left at 3:15 p.m., came home and took a short nap, and at 4:10 p.m. we left for dinner in Carlsbad at Ruby's with Tami and the three grandkids.  We got our grandkids fix for the week!  

*  Home by 7 p.m. to watch the Padres game and read the paper, then my book.  Padres won 9-7 over the Phillies, so now 48-62 on the season.  Been a .500 team since June 13.  

*  Online at 9 p.m. to read, note that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Male Ancestors Age at Death posted, add to the Best Of post, and work on the CVGS Newsletter.  About 90% finished now.  

*  Checked Facebook, wrote this post.  Tired.  Done.  Genealogy today was 6.0 hours.

Friday, August 5, 2016

My Genealogy Friday - 5 August 2016

It wasn't much of a genealogy day with all of the errands and then the Padres on TV tonight.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, then home to read email and blogs.  Noted that 52 Ancestors - Week 136: #181 Deborah (Tracy) Wade (1731-after 1800) posted.  Picked her up at 9 a.m. and we went to Ralph's for groceries.  Dropped her at Massage Envy.

*  Home by 9:40 a.m. to read, wrote More records available to search this Findmypast Friday - 5 August 2016 and worked a bit in FamilySearch Family Tree.  

*  Got Linda at 11 a.m., and we went to In 'n' Out for lunch, then to the financial advisor at noon, and home by 1:30 p.m.  Read blogs, added to the Best Of post, and took a nap.

*  Online at 3 p.m. to read, then worked in FamilySearch Family Tree, and at 4 p.m. we went to the health center for Linda's glasses and then the jeweler for a chain repair.  Home by 5 p.m.  Worked in Ancestry Hints for a while.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner, and online at 6:15 p.m. to write the two Saturday posts.

*  Went in at 8 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, and read my Frey book.  Pads lost 5-4 to the Phillies.  We are now 47-62, going nowhere fast.

*  Online to read, check Facebook and write this post.  Genealogy today was 5.5 hours.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Genealogy Thursday - 4 August 2016

This was a pretty full genealogy day;  it was the coolest day in two weeks too.

*  Dropped Linda at the Y, came home and read email and blogs.  Noted that Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 325: Birth Record of Deborah Tracy (1731-after 1800) posted.  Went to pick Linda up at 9 and we were home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Wrote San Diego Genealogical Society Fall Seminar Features Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective and set it for later.  Worked on some email, and matched some folks in the FamilySearch Family Tree.  

*  Added to the Best Of post.  Printed off the notes for Gen 103 class, had lunch, and left at 12:45 p.m. for Bonita Library.  Susi and Shirley led the Genealogy 103 class, I supported with pithy comments and help where needed.  Home by 3:15 p.m. to read, then took a nap.

*  Online at 4 p.m. to read, then researched and wrote Seavers in the Newspapers - Josiah Seaver of Waitsfield, Vermont.

*  We left at 5:45 p.m. for dinner at Marie Callenders, and home by 6:45 p.m.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, write the 52 Ancestors post, then worked on the CVGS newsletter.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

My Genealogy Tuesday and Wednesday - 2-3 August 2016

These were fairly full genealogy days, but I didn't post on Tuesday night because we went to the Padres game.

1)  Tuesday, 2 August:

* Took Linda to the Y, the home to note that Treasure Chest Tuesday - Death Date of Elling Eriksen Natvig in Petition to Prove Will posted, and read email and blogs.  Picked Linda up at 9 a.m. and we went shopping at Ralphs.

*  Home by 9:40 a.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and wrote Tuesday's Tip - Use to Find the Nearest Repository for a Book and set it for later.

*  Worked in Ancestry to find descendants of Aaron Smith since I got a new AncestryDNA Circle, then checked FamilySearch Family Tree too.  Added some descendants to the database.  Watched Mondays With Myrt.

*  Had lunch, took my nap, online at 3 p.m. and answered email and worked more on the Aaron Smith stuff.

*  We left at 4:50 p.m. for the trolley, ate at the Tin Fish, and into Petco Park for the Padres game at 6:20.  Pads lost 3-2 to the Brewers, so now 46-61.  Home by 11:10 so didn't post.  Genealogy this day was 6.0 hours.

2)  Wednesday, 3 August 2016:

*  Dropped Linda off at the Y, home to read email and blogs and add to the Best Of post, then picked her up and we were home by 9:15 a.m.

*  Wrote NGS 2010 Conference Photos #2 -- Post 424 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday and then Family Tree Magazine's Lists 101 Best Genealogy Websites for 2016 and set it for later.

*  Gathered my CVGS stuff and went to McDonalds for lunch, then to the library to talk with John and Karen, and then the CVGS Bored meeting until after 2 p.m.  Home by 2:20 p.m.

*  Watched the rest of the Padres game, but napped a bit.  Padres beat Brewers 12-3, so now 47-61, I think.

*  Online at 3:45 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and made a GEDCOM for descendants of Aaron Smith and uploaded it to Ancestry, and got Hints immediately.  Wrote Finding More Cousins Using an Ancestry Member Tree.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV news, read the paper, eat dinner, and put the trash out.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to work on the Hints in the Aaron Smith tree.  Found an error in one family and corrected it, then found spouses for several cousins and families too.  Added lots of content and sources for these folks.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, answered email, checked Facebook, wrote the Treasure Chest post for Thursday, and this post, and I'm done.  Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Monday, August 1, 2016

My Genealogy Monday - 1 August 2016

August is here, and it cooled off a bit today.  High only in the low 80s.  Still warm in the genea-cave - 83F at 11 p.m. with the fan going.

*  Took Linda to the Y, read email and blogs, picked her up, and home at 9 a.m. to join Mondays With Myrt for 30 minutes.  Noted that Amanuensis Monday - 1895 Will of Elling Erickson Natvig (1820-1896) of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin posted.

*  Left ay 9:35 a.m. for the OASIS class, got there before 10, got set up, and had 11 students.  They all graduated today.  Home by 1:15 p.m.

*  Had lunch, read blogs, added to the Best Of post, and took a nap in the recliner.  

*  Online at 3 p.m. to note that Added or Updated Record Collections at - Week of 24 July to 30 July 2016 posted.  Researched and wrote Finding Elling Eriksen Natvig's Land in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV and eat dinner.  Online at 6:30 to write the Tuesday morning post.

*  Went in at 7:15 p.m. to watch the Padres game, read the paper, read my book, and wash dishes.  Padres beat Brewers 7-3 in a 4 hour game.  We go on Tuesday.

*  Online at 11 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, and write this post.  Genealogy today was 6.5 hours.