* Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 229: 1960 Hallowe'en Costumes. Gathered my electronics and wires, and put them near the laptop bag. Made my maps and reservation lists too.
* Noted that Hallowe'en Name Whacking posted. Packed up the laptop and off to lunch at 11 AM at McDonalds, and to the library by 11:20 AM.
* Library auditorium was in a Hallowe'en them, lots of blinking lights, a graveyard on the stage, pretty cool. Got the laptop set up, had some snacks, and talked to people. Several guests were there. Had a good crowd - about 40 to 45.
* Gary started at about 12:15 PM, and I was up at about 1 PM. I went for a good 70 minutes on Jane's Roots, then talked to several attendees at length.
* Stopped by the Bank and was home at 3 p.m. Wandered around different websites looking for action, checked Facebook and wrote the SNGF post for Saturday.
* Went in for dinner at 5 p.m., watched TV game shows, read the paper, put out the trash, watered the front plants, and gave out Hallowe'en candy to one group of teenagers. We have lots left!
* Online at 7 p.m. to answer email, look for new databases on Ancestry and FamilySearch. Found Linda's grandmother's death certificate in SF Funeral Home Records. Cool - no surprises.
* Decided to add to the Best Of post and write this post and see if it's time to go to bed!
Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.
End of October statistics (with changes from 30 September in parentheses):
* 1,046 Feedburner subs for Genea-Musings (email) readers (+16)
* 37 Feedburner subs for The Geneaholic
* 1,438 Google Reader readers for Genea-Musings (+0)
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: worldwide: 202,561; US: 67,925 (Alexa)
* 61,765 page views (1,992 per day, Blogger Stats, -6)
* 24,036 web page visits (775 per day, Site-meter) (+10)
* 42,041 page views (1,356 per day, Site-meter) (-43)
End-of-October statistics for RootsMagic database (with change from September in parentheses):
* 41,344 persons (+36)
* 16,493 families (+21)
* 116,070 events (+906)
* 5,841 places (+116)
* 811 sources (+15)
* 32,268 citations (+1371)
* 24,036 web page visits (775 per day, Site-meter) (+10)
* 42,041 page views (1,356 per day, Site-meter) (-43)
End-of-October statistics for RootsMagic database (with change from September in parentheses):
* 41,344 persons (+36)
* 16,493 families (+21)
* 116,070 events (+906)
* 5,841 places (+116)
* 811 sources (+15)
* 32,268 citations (+1371)
* To-do Tasks: 51
* Multimedia items: 236
* Multimedia links: 674
I'm up to 27.80% (+1.02%) for citations/events and 78.05% (+3.25%) for citations/persons.
I'm up to 27.80% (+1.02%) for citations/events and 78.05% (+3.25%) for citations/persons.