* Read email and blogs, wrote Surname Saturday - POTTER (England > colonial New England). Then wrote Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Do Jill Ball's Bloggers GeneaMeme and set it for later.
* Wrote August Program Review - Terry Connors, San Diego County Surveyor on the CVGS blog, plus the Calendar post for September.
* Checked Facebook and Google+, then balanced the checkbooks - 4 months had piled up on me. also figured out we haven't received our income tax refunds yet. IRS site is down until 3 September. Put all the stuff back under the kitchen sink.
* Worked in RootsMagic syncing the Wade families with FamilySearch Family Tree. Lots of problems in FSFT - extra spouses, wrong spouses, extra children, etc. Need to read up on how to fix all of that.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to watch TV news, we ate dinner. Online to work in the database some adding sources and content.
* Went in at 7 p.m. to watch the Padres game - Dodgers won 2-1 in a well-pitched game. Pads now 60-75. Read the paper, watered the front plants, did the dishes, read my Bell book.
* Online at 9:15 p.m. to read, do more online work adding sources and content. Added to the Best Of post, and checked Facebook.
Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 31 August (with increases in the numbers from 31 July 2013 in parentheses):
* 42,073 persons (+ 244)
* 16,813 families (+ 109)
* 123,788 events (+ 1028)
* 6,566 places (+ 10)
* 951 sources (+ 9)
* 44,108 citations (+ 1021)
* 439 Multi-media Items (+ 1)
* 1,372 Multimedia links (+ 3)
I'm up to 35.63% (+0.53%) for citations/events and 104.84% (+1.83%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for 31 August (compared to stats as of 31 July 2013):
* 1,119 Feedburner subs for Genea-Musings (email) readers (-86)
* 11 Feedburner subs for The Geneaholic (email) readers (-0)
* 822 Feedly readers for Genea-Musings (+27)
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: Worldwide: 360,372; US: 152,118 (Alexa)
* 83,314 page views (2,687 per day, Blogger Stats, -2401)
* 25,006 web page visits (807 per day, Site-meter) (+91)
* 37,333 page views (1,204 per day, Site-meter) (+146)
* 25,006 web page visits (807 per day, Site-meter) (+91)
* 37,333 page views (1,204 per day, Site-meter) (+146)