* up early to read email and blogs, then left for Bonita at 8 a.m. Got to the golf course at 8:20. Greeted folks, talked to Bill and Leland, helped Ruth a bit, and talked to folks.
* The seminar started at 9 a.m. with Gary, then Susi, then Bill Dollarhide's first talk. He ran long, but it was great history and examples of the different groups that migrated from England to the US. Leland gave his Migration Paths talk, and it was time for lunch. Browsed the books at the breaks, and bought two for me, and worked with Ann and Wanda to find books for CVGS to buy.
* After lunch, enjoyed Bill's talk on the Scots-Irish, and Leland's talk on Newspapers. Helped clean up and pack up books.
* Home by 4:30, noted that Surname Saturday - LNU (England? > Rhode Island) and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Guess Your Ancestor's 1940 Census Data posted.
* Wanda called and invited us to dinner with Bill and Leland, so we met at Murrieta's at 5:30 p.m. Had an enjoyable dinner and sharing with all.
* Home by 7:15 p.m. to read, then worked in the database adding content and sources, and added to the Best Of post. Wrote this post.
Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.
End of March (31 days) Genea-Musings statistics:
* 986 Feedburner (email) readers (+14)
* 1,271 Google Reader readers (+49)
* 986 Feedburner (email) readers (+14)
* 1,271 Google Reader readers (+49)
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: worldwide: 230,569; US: 70,201 (Alexa)
* 59,032 page views (1904 per day, Blogger Stats)
* 25,307 web page visits (816 per day, Site-meter) (-157)
* 42,631 page views (1,375 per day, Site-meter) (-178)
Those are the second best month statistics ever!
End-of-February statistics for RootsMagic database:
* 41,266 persons (-212)
* 16,427 families (-52)
* 110,286 events (+833)
* 5,181 places (+95)
* 754 sources (+10)
* 27,492 citations (+843)
I'm up to 24.9% (+0.6%) for citations/events and 66.6% (+2.4%) for citations/persons.
* 25,307 web page visits (816 per day, Site-meter) (-157)
* 42,631 page views (1,375 per day, Site-meter) (-178)
Those are the second best month statistics ever!
End-of-February statistics for RootsMagic database:
* 41,266 persons (-212)
* 16,427 families (-52)
* 110,286 events (+833)
* 5,181 places (+95)
* 754 sources (+10)
* 27,492 citations (+843)
I'm up to 24.9% (+0.6%) for citations/events and 66.6% (+2.4%) for citations/persons.