Saturday, March 31, 2012

My genealogy day - 31 March 2012

This was the CVGS Spring seminar day - fun!

*  up early to read email and blogs, then left for Bonita at 8 a.m.  Got to the golf course at 8:20.  Greeted folks, talked to Bill and Leland, helped Ruth a bit, and talked to folks.

*  The seminar started at 9 a.m. with Gary, then Susi, then Bill Dollarhide's first talk.  He ran long, but it was great history and examples of the different groups that migrated from England to the US.  Leland gave his Migration Paths talk, and it was time for lunch.  Browsed the books at the breaks, and bought two for me, and worked with Ann and Wanda to find books for CVGS to buy.

*  After lunch, enjoyed Bill's talk on the Scots-Irish, and Leland's talk on Newspapers.  Helped clean up and pack up books.

*  Home by 4:30, noted that Surname Saturday - LNU (England? > Rhode Island) and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Guess Your Ancestor's 1940 Census Data posted.  

*  Wanda called and invited us to dinner with Bill and Leland, so we met at Murrieta's at 5:30 p.m.  Had an enjoyable dinner and sharing with all.  

*  Home by 7:15 p.m. to read, then worked in the database adding content and sources, and added to the Best Of post.  Wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.

End of March (31 days) Genea-Musings statistics:

* 986 Feedburner (email) readers (+14)
* 1,271 Google Reader readers (+49)
*  Genea-Musings traffic rank:  worldwide: 230,569; US:  70,201 (Alexa)
*  59,032 page views (1904 per day, Blogger Stats)
* 25,307 web page visits (816 per day, Site-meter) (-157)
* 42,631 page views (1,375 per day, Site-meter) (-178)
Those are the second best month statistics ever!

End-of-February statistics for RootsMagic database:

* 41,266 persons (-212)
* 16,427 families (-52)
* 110,286 events (+833)
* 5,181 places (+95)
* 754 sources (+10)
* 27,492 citations (+843)

 I'm up to 24.9% (+0.6%) for citations/events and 66.6% (+2.4%) for citations/persons.

Friday, March 30, 2012

My genealogy day - 30 March 2012

Tomorrow's the CVGS Spring Seminar - hope it goes well.  Today was a stay-at-home day...with entertainment at the end.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Follow Friday - This Weekend's Genealogy TV and Radio Shows.  Wrote My 1940 U.S. Census Compendium also.

*  Answered some email, had phone call from Paul A. about his ancestry, then wrote Family Roots Publishing at CVGS Seminar on Saturday.

*  Wrote Family Roots Publishing at CVGS Seminar on Saturday and one more post on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog. 

*  Wrote NARA Responses to 1940 Census Comments and answered email, then worked in the database a bit adding content and sources.  Checked in on Facebook.

*  Went in to have dinner at 5:15 p.m., and back before 6 p.m. to listen to GeneaBloggers Radio, then spent 10 minutes at (no one else dropped by), and then watched WDYTYA.  Best show so far - totally different feel.

*  Back online at 9 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, work awhile in Find-A-Grave, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 11.5 hours.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My genealogy day - 29 March 2012

Can you believe that the first quarter of 2012 is almost over?  Time sure flies when you're having fun!

*  Read my email and blogs, and posted Treasure Chest Thursday - Benjamin and Abigail Seaver Family in Westminster MA Town Records.  

*  Answered some email, checked out new databases, and then posted 1940 U.S. Census Infographic.  Had a phone call, then worked in the database a bit adding content and sources.  Found the same family in two places, andl inked to two wrong sets of parents.  Same name problem ... wonder how many more of that problem I have?  

*  Wrote My 1940 U.S. Census Expectations and then participated in the Ancestry DNA briefing on Webex.  Only about 10 of us there.  Good information.  More to come!  I can hardly wait for my test results.  Then I need to upload a new tree to my Ancestry Member Tree so it can be connected.  Checked in on Facebook.

*  Went out at 4 p.m. to mow the Field of Weeds - the "grass" was really high.  The weeds were everywhere.  Still need to trim the edges and pull big weeds along the wall and fences.  Had dinner, read the paper, watched TV news.

*  Back at work at 6:30 p.m. to read, then worked in the database some more - first in AMTs and census records trying to add content, then in Massachusetts Vital Records on American Ancestors adding content and sources.

*  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My genealogy day - 28 March 2012

Only five more days now...until the 1940 census is released and all the American genealogists try to access a web site and can't get on until the wee hours of the next morning!

*  Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 198: Richmond Sisters and Cousins.  Floundered around for awhile checking new databases, Ancestry City Directories, FamilySearch collections, FamilySearch Research Courses, etc., before posting Journals at the NEHGS American Ancestors site.

*  Packed up my stuff, and off to McDonalds for lunch, then to the CV Library for the CVGS program.

*  Talked to Joel W before the talk, and he gave us 90 minutes of great info about the 1940 census, including some insider information (sworn not to tell).  

*  After going to the bank, home by 2:50 p.m. to read, then write The New "Who Was There" Report in RootsMagic 5.  

*  Worked in the database for awhile, finding records on American Ancestors for BMDs of persons in my database, and sourcing them.  

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, watch TV news, and take out the trash.  Linda and Tami came home at 6:30, and I went back to the computer (think I'll name it Genie!).

*  Answered some email, tried to do some FamilySearch Indexing but it wouldn't let me download a batch, so I went back to working in the database.  Found lots of good records on FamilySearch for Vermont families, so added data and sources for folks in my database.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, and went back to the database until 10 p.m. when I wrote this post.  

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My genealogy day - 27 March 2012

It was a stay at home genealogy day - the first one in a week.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Tuesday's Tip - Find 1940 Addresses in City Directories.  Wrote 

My First Look at FamilySearch Family Tree - Post 2: Source Citations.

*  Finished up the syllabi for the Legacy cruise talks and sent them to Geoff R.  Answered some email.  Checked Facebook.  Wrote CVGS Meeting on Wednesday, 28 March: Joel Weintraub on 1940 census.

*  Worked in the database for awhile.  Looked at City Directories on some more.  Had telecon with Liz on taxes.  Wrote Michael Hait's Genealogy Software Challenge - Citing a Probate Law and Making a Proof Argument.

*  Went out and mowed the front lawn.  It looks better!  Came in and read, then ate dinner, and joined the Mark Lowe webinar in progress.  

*  Worked in the database some more, then did some sourcing from Find-a-Grave on the Seavers.  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  

Genealogy today was 10.5 hours.

Monday, March 26, 2012

My genealogy day - 26 March 2012

Time sure flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?  We made some family history over the weekend at Lori's home in the Santa Cruz mountains.  Lori and the boys picked us up on Thursday evening.  We spent Friday relaxing until the boys got hoe from school, and I played quite a bit with them.  It rained on Saturday, but we went out to breakfast and then to K-Mart.  The boys served us a romantic candlelight anniversary dinner, prepared by chef Lori, in the play room.  They were cute and very earnest, all dressed up in white shirts and ties.  We came home on Sunday afternoon.  During the visit, I was able to read my email, read my blogs, and post several blogs, but did no research.

My Monday:

*  Up early to read email and blogs, noted that Amanuensis Monday - the Will of Giles Slocum of Portsmouth RI posted.  Wrote CVGS Meeting on Wednesday, 28 March: Joel Weintraub on 1940 census and set it for later.

*  Packed up and left at 9:10 a.m. for my OASIS class.  got there by 9:30 a.m., got set up, received my check (!), and taught the class.

*  Home by 12:45 p.m. to have lunch, then read, edit my two Legacy cruise talk handouts, and write 

A Look Inside

*  Worked a bit in the database, but got sleepy and went in at 4:15 to read the paper, watch TV and take a nap.  We had dinner, watched more TV.

*  Online again at 6:20 p.m. to read, finally got the plane tickets to Oslo, and worked on the CVGS talk handout and sent it to Olive.  Worked some more in the database, then did a batch of Texas Deaths in FS Indexing, and did about 20 Seaver folks in Find-a-Grave.  Wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My genealogy day - 21 March 2012

Today was our 42nd wedding anniversary.  I went out yesterday and got two dozen roses at Costco, and a card at Rite-Aid.  I received a shirt, a bag of M&Ms and a box of See's Candy.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 197: "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother."  Wrote Finding the Buck-Brigham Marriage Record and set it for later.

*  Left at 11:10 a.m. for the gas station, then McDonald's for lunch, and the library.  Shirley was already there getting the Computer Lab running and she led the group today in how to Index the 1940 Census.  She struggled for an hour trying to connect her Mac to Gary's Mi-Fi and failed - Gary doesn't know the password. They hooked Gary's laptop up with the Mi-Fi and it worked.  In the second hour Shirley indexed 15 lines with help from many in the room.  I played on Ancestry attaching documents to my Ancestry Tree.  Found quite a few records for people in my tree that I need to add to my database.

*  Home at 2:15 p.m. to help Linda on the computer.  finally got online at 3 p.m. and wrote Where Were My Peeps in 1940?  

*  We left at 4:30 p.m. for dinner at The Godfather's in Clairemont Mesa.  I had spaghetti and meatballs, Linda had veal scallopini.  

*  Home at 7 p.m. to read, got our southwest boarding passes, wrote two blog posts for Friday and Saturday, added some info to the database from online searches, checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My genealogy day - 20 March 2012

It was a fairly full genealogy day, although I got out for a bit, and got sucked into the online research whirlpool again for long stretches of time.  That's fun...

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Tuesday's Tip - Massachusetts Vital Records on Worked a bit on the FamilySearch databases trying to find some of my elusives.  

*  Went off at 10:15 a.m. to the pharmacy, Costco for two dozen roses, the bank for money and Rite-Aid for an anniversary card.  It's time for Mr. Romantic to show his colors...tomorrow.  Home by 11 a.m.

*  Worked some in the database, trying to find dates and places for persons without them.  Hopscotched around.  Worked straightening out some census sources, and added some probate sources to my Seaver families.  Checked on flights to Oslo also - most have too many stops or don't have convenient times.  Frustrating!

*  Wrote Mocavo Search Widget on Genea-Musings and did some searching with it.  Back to the online searching and database entry.  Wrote Adds Original Massachusetts Vital Records and sniffed around a bit.

*  Answered several emails, including Gini's introduction post request.  Went in at 4:45 p.m. for dinner, then watched TV news until 5:30 p.m.

*  Online again to read, then create figures and reports to send off to Elizabeth.  More emails.

*  Back to the online world and feeding the database.  Went into the Ancestry Mass VRs again, and found several persons in my database without birth and marriage dates.  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 11.5 hours.

I guess I could have done something more useful, like write blog posts for the weekend, or work on my presentations, but...

Monday, March 19, 2012

My genealogy day - 19 March 2012

Another rainy day in San Diego, but things will get brighter!

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Amanuensis Monday - Special Guardianship in Alpheus B. Smith Estate.

*  Packed up the laptop, and left at 9:15 a.m. for the OASIS class in Mission Valley.  Traffic was bad, got there at 9:45 and got set up with RootsMagic, FamilySearch, Rootsweb and my presentation.  

*  Class started at 10:15.  Managed to get through the RM chart demo, and do message boards and mailing lists in time to give them about 45 minutes of search time.  Some good questions, and we found some folks in the process.

*  Home at 1 p.m. to have lunch, then read, and write Dear Randy - Why Do You Use Several Genealogy Programs?  I felt like saying, but didn't, because I can, and it's fun!

*  Answered a bunch of email - 16!  Checked info on Devier Smith and Ranslow Smith to add more sources and content.  Need to get blog info into the Notes for them since I have a lot of new stuff.  Fixed some source citations and edited notes too.

*  Went in at 6 p.m. for dinner, then watched TV news until 7 p.m.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to add more notes, events and sources to Ranslow and Devier.  Did a batch of WW I draft registrations for FamilySearch.  Did some random searching for data on dateless Smiths on the list.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked in on Facebook and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My genealogy day - 18 March 2012

It was a fairly typical winter-type Sunday - no sports on TV that I want to watch, so I did ... genealogy.  Big surprise, eh?  High today was like 55F with rain showers and wind most of the day.

*  Read email and blogs, finished up the Best Of post, and went off to church at 9:30.

*  Home by 11:30 a.m. to read, then worked on my long email to Elizabeth.  Noted that 

Best of the Genea-Blogs - 11 to 17 March 2012 posted.  Finished the email and sent it off.

*  Worked in the database for awhile...really should be more focused, although doing random lookups for folks without dates/places pays off one at a time.  Got hooked on Dill folks in Massachusetts and added quite a few dates/places with sources from Mass. VRs.  

*  We went off to dinner at 4:30 p.m. to Pat & Oscars.  Home by 6 p.m.

*  Tried to do some FamilySearch Indexing, but it wouldn't let me download batches for what I want to work on.  Started the next Best Of post.  Worked in the database for a long time hopscotching around New England adding dates/places with sources to records.  Checked MA VRs for many of them.

*  Checked Facebook, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My genealogy day - 17 March 2012

It was St. Patrick's Day, and I even wore a semi-green shirt.  It was a rainy day.

*  Read email and blogs, noted that Census Whacking on St. Patrick's Day posted.  

*  Packed up the laptop and left at 8:10 a.m. for UCSD and the CGSSD meeting.

*  Fired up the laptop, and sat in the Family Tree Maker user group meeting.  Ken led everybody through synching to an AMT.  Showed how how put wives married names in the name index, and recommended Russ W's blog for 1940 census list making.

*  Judy Jiru did the program on apps for Genealogists.  It was really Android apps only, although Gary H helped a bit to identify apps for iPhone/iPad.  Judy tried to use her webcam to show her phone screen - spent a lot of time trying to get a good image, and then it wasn't that good.  I pretty much used my Ancestry app on the iPhone to attach documents to folks in my shared AMT.  

*  Home by 12:30 p.m. to eat lunch, read, note that Surname Saturday - SLOCUM (England > Rhode Island) and Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Write a Limerick!! posted.  Worked a bit in the database finding missing dates/places.

*  Wrote the SDGS newsletter article, and sent two more to Diane.  Started email to Elizabeth but had to go out.

*  We went to St. Pius Church down the street for St. Patrick's Day dinner with Barbara and Jean.  Talked to Jean about her Shanahan family.  Showed Barb some games on the iPhone and the Ancestry app, plus pix of the grandkids.  There was an Irish dance show with seven young ladies (5 to 19).  

*  Home at 8 p.m. to read, do a page of Texas Deaths on FSIndexing, and finished through #400 on Seaver Find-a-Grave listings.  Added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours today.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My genealogy days - 15 and 16 March 2012

I was too tired on Thursday to write my journal post...Lolo still was not asleep by 10:15 when I turned off the computer.

1)  Thursday, 15 March:

*  The girls were up before I was, and I spent most of the morning tending to them.  Managed to read email and blogs, and note that Treasure Chest Thursday - the Housewarming in 1905 posted.  Wrote 

Mining the SSDI - Finding Married Females in my RootsMagic Database and posted it later.

*  Took the girls to Chick-Fil-A for lunch, and then home for naps.  While they napped, I wrote FEEFHS Conference Registration Open and worked in the database a bit.  

*  We went to Pat & Oscars for dinner, then home to watch TV, baths then bedtime.  Was able to read, post 

CGSSD Meeting on 17 March - Apps for Genealogists, add to the Best Of post, work in the database a bit, and write two posts for Friday.

Genealogy this day was about 5.0 hours, almost all blogging.

2)  Friday, 16 March:

*  Up with the girls at 7 a.m., got them breakfast, entertained, and they played all day inside.  I was able to read email and blogs, note that Follow Friday - This Weekend's Genealogy TV and Radio Shows posted.

*  Watched the Aztecs lose to NC State in the NCAAs, then had lunch.  Noted that How Can I Find Out Where My Folks Lived in 1940? posted.
*  Put the girls down for naps at 1 p.m., had some time to work in the database.  Tami and James came at 2:30 and left at 4 p.m. with our little darlings.  That was fun, but tiring!  We left at 4:30 for dinner at El Pollo Loco.

*  Home by 5:30 p.m. to write and post Follow-Up Friday - Helpful Reader .Comments.  Tuned in to Geneabloggers Radio and enjoyed the show and the chat.

*  Stayed for the entire after-party on and added some Irish songs from my music collection - mainly Irish drinking songs.

*  Wrote three posts for Saturday, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 8.5 hours.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My genealogy day - 14 March 2012

Other than the CVGS Research Group, it was not much of a genealogy day.

*  Up at 7 a.m. to feed the girls, entertain them, get them dressed, and ready to go to the Zoo with grandma.  She got home late at 9:15 from the Y.  They went off, and I finally got to read email and blogs, noted that (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 196: Randy and Gramp in the Park posted.

*  Wrote Common Mistakes in 1940 U.S. Census Indexing and set it for 11 a.m.  Gathered up my stuff, had lunch, and went off to the library at 11:30 a.m.

*  Got into the Computer Lab and set up.  We had 17 at the Research Group.  Worked the first hour on 1940 US Census things - the form, the questions, what's being indexed, how to index, and the Steve Morse One-Step tutorial to find EDs.  In the second hour, we answered questions, talked over some research problems, and a few successes.  

*  Home by 2:30 p.m. to read and to post WikiTree Launches G2G Q&A Feature. Sleepy, so went in to watch TV news and took a nap.  Back online for awhile at 4 p.m. until the girls came home from the Y at 4:30.

*  Linda made dinner, we ate, then played with the girls until bath and bedtime.  Most of the time was on the iPhone.  They shared well, and both struggled going to sleep.  I have to move Lauren from my bed to hers soon.  

*  Finally online after 9 p.m. to read, wrote a post for Thursday morning, couldn't think of something else to write, so checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and write this post.

Genealogy today was 5.0 hours.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My genealogy day - 13 March 2012

The nap this afternoon separated the day into two parts - the first part was genealogy, the second grandgirls.

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Tuesday's Tip - Find 1940 EDs Using Steve Morse One-Step Location Tools.  

*  Got ready, and went off to the dental hygienist for my 10 a.m. appointment.

*  Home by 11 a.m,. to read, then writWhat Columns of the 1940 U.S. Census Will be Indexed? and set it for 1 p.m.

*  Worked in the database for awhile adding content and sources - found several families in census records and was able to add approximate birth dates for persons without one in the database.

*  Tami brought the girls at 2 p.m., but Linda took them swimming, so that gave me more time to do my thing.  Answered some emails, then upgraded FTM 2012, synced with my AMT, exported a GEDCOM and imported it into Legacy to try to help Russ figure out his problem.

*  Went in at 4 p.m. to read the paper, and took a nap while watching the news.  Linda and the girls got home about 4:45 and we got them washed up and out to El Pollo Loco by 5:15.  They ate really well!

*  Home by 6:30 to watch TV, eat dessert, play games, read books, and eventually to bed.  Audrey at 3.8 years already knows how to play Angry Birds, and I taught her how to play Paper Toss and Yahtzee.  Lauren was interested in Flood It.

*  Finally got them quiet and down (hopefully) by 9:15 p.m., so to the computer to read, write a post for tomorrow, add to the Best Of post, and write this post.

Genealogy today was 6.0 hours.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My genealogy days - 11 and 12 March 2012

We're only two months away from our Legacy cruise now.

1)  Sunday, 11 March:

*  Read email and blogs, finished up the Best Of post.  Went off to church at 9:30.

*  Home by 11:30 a.m. to read, add more to Best of the Genea-Blogs - 4 to 10 March 2012, and then had lunch.

*  Added the finishing touches to the CVGS Newsletter, and printed it out ready to print off on Monday.  Edited the OASIS handout and printed off the corrections.  Reviewed the presentation and practiced a bit on the Learn Web Skills site.

*  Got into the database and found more persons with no info, so wandered through WorldConnect, Google and AMTs to find info on them.  Probably added content for 50 persons.

*  Went in for dinner at 5 p.m., and read the paper and watched TV news.

*  Online again at 6:30 p.m. to read, start the new Best Of post, check Facebook, write two blog posts for Monday, do a batch on FS Indexing, and didn't write a post for here.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

2)  Monday, 12 March:

*  Read email and blogs, then packed up and headed off to OASIS class at 9:15 a.m.  Noted that 

Amanuensis Monday - Administration Papers for Alpheus B. Smith Estate posted.

*  Got to OASIS at 9:40, got set up, and class started at 10:15 with all 10 eager students.  Showed them how to input data to RootsMagic, how to use Learn Web Skills site, talked about online data by topic, commercial database sites, and some search tips for census records.  Two hours non-stop.  

*  Stopped at McDonalds for lunch on the way home, stopped at the library for awhile to see the CVGS team, and then to the UPS Store to publish and mail the CVGS Newsletter.

*  Home by 2:30 p.m. to read, note that Ten Reasons Why I Use a Genealogy Software Program posted.  

*  Went in at 5 p.m. to read the paper, take a nap, and watch TV news.  We ate dinner, then watched more TV news.

*  Back online at 6:30 p.m. to read, email the CVGS newsletter to the members, check Facebook, did Seaver in the SSDI with birth years of 1905 and 1906 (only about 10 of 51 in my database), did a batch of 1871 UK Census for Wales (the place names are tough...), updated the Best Of post, and wrote this post.  

Genealogy today was 9.5 hours.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My genealogy day - 10 March 2012

What a busy Saturday with two genealogy talks and no blogging (except for this post).

*  Got email and blogs read, noted that Surname Saturday - GRAY (England > Massachusetts) posted.
*  Left at 8:50 a.m. for the SDGS meeting on Lake Murray Blvd.  got there by 9:15 a.m. and talked to Joel and others.  Joel gave two superb talks on the 1940 Census - first about the census itself, and then the methods to find EDs so that you can browse the images.

*  Left at 12:30 p.m. to go to the CVGS meeting in Bonita.  Myrna Goodwin gave an engaging and info-filled talk on Maximizing  She highlighted the sync with FTM, using newspapers, directories and maps, and collaboration tools in her talk.  Got my email read, Ancestry app demonstrated, FTM 2012 updated, and stuff tweeted while there.

*  Home by 3:30 p.m. to read, note that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - How Many Surnames? posted, then watched the Aztecs lose the Mountain West championship to New Mexico.  Read the paper and ate dinner.

*  Online at 6:30 p.m. to try to finish up the CVGS Newsletter.  Got all but about 4 inches of space filled up.  

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, got a page of indexing done, set the clocks ahead an hour, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 9.0 hours.

Friday, March 9, 2012

My genealogy day - 9 March 2012

Another stay-at-home, don't put shoes on, day, and I spent quite a bit of time on genealogy things (did you expect anything less?).

*  Read email and blogs, then wrote Follow Friday - This Weekend's Genealogy TV/Radio Shows.  Unfortunately, I could find nothing about the FGS - My Society show for Saturday.

*  Worked for awhile on a new presentation about sources and citations.  Then got into the Legacy Family Tree webinar about the new Census Tools, and more.  Learned also how to tag people during the show.

*  Wrote Follow-Up Friday - the Weekly Potpourri and then answered some email and wrote the Surname Saturday post.  Worked in the database for awhile trying to add content and sources.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to eat dinner, then watched TV until 6 p.m. and came in to listen to Geneabloggers Radio show.  Went to for a short while and played three songs.

*  Went in to watch the last 5 minutes of the Aztecs basketball game, and then watched WDYTYA?

*  Back online at 9 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, check a Geni merge request, write the SNGF post, and write this post.

Genealogy today was 11.5 hours.  Whew!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My genealogy day - 8 March 2012

It was a stay-at-home day, and I got some things accomplished, not all of them genealogy!

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - Della Carringer's Obituary.  

*  Saw Geoff's post about the Census Tools, so tried it in Legacy and wrote Legacy Family Tree 7.5 Adds Census Year Reports.  Watched the Legacy Webinar on the 1940 Census.

*  Decided that I'd better get a start on the income taxes using TurboTax.  Installed it, and worked my way through everything.  Biggest problem was the large number of capital gains entries I had to input.  Watched a bit of the Aztecs basketball game too.  Finished up around 4 p.m.  We owe big time this year.

*  Wrote CVGS Workshop on Saturday, 10 March - "Maximizing" and then worked for awhile adding content and sources to my Medfield families.  Almost done there!

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, then read the paper and watched TV.  Online again at 6:30 p.m. to read and answer email.

*  Got started on the CVGS Newsletter.  Got about 70% of content in, now to wait for board members to submit their deathless prose.  

*  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, did a batch on FamilySearch Indexing (Staffordshire in 1871, poor handwriting, interesting town names!).  Wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 7.5 hours.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My genealogy day - 7 March 2012

I was a bad boy today...but I had some genealogy fun.  I'll do better tomorrow.  Or not.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 195: The Seaver Boys in 1958.  Checked out new Ancestry and FamilySearch databases.  Worked awhile in New Jersey Archives/Wills, but didn't copy paste or type anything into the database yet.

*  Packed up and went off to the CVGS Board meeting in Bonita.  Had a decent lunch there, and the meeting was over by 2:30.  Stopped by the bank and the library too.

*  Home by 3 p.m. to read, noted that My Search Engine Shoot-Out and SDGS Meeting on Saturday, 10 March - Joel Weintraub posted.

*  Sleepy, but fought it off, and worked in the database some more to find BMDs for persons in my Medfield lines.  Found a maiden name for a Sarah NMN, so added her family - it connects to Rev John Eliot!  Cool.  Also saw one suspicious connection, will check it later.

*  Went in at 5:15 p.m. to have dinner, read the paper, watch TV and put out the trash.

*  Online at 6:15 p.m. to read, then check Facebook, found several articles on American Ancestors and printed them.  downloaded the January 2012 NEHGR also.  Couldn't print or save any of the pages/articles from before 2006.  Frustrating.  

*  Investigated the suspicious Mehitable, and decided that she was a Hartshorn, not a Farrington.  Disconnected her from the latter, added two generations of Hartshorn families from a sourced online tree.  Then found lots more living people in the English Vaux side, so deleted about 100 persons or more.  They don't have BMDs, and I don't need the potential hassle.

*  Added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.  I need to start in on the taxes on Thursday, and also get going on the CVGS Newsletter.  Scored two more library talks today, also, plus the two talks on the cruise.  Hmm, no indexing tonight -bad boy!

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My genealogy day - 6 March 2012

Up early, and on the computer by 7:30 a.m.

*  Read email and blogs, and posted Tuesday's Tip - Historical Newspapers at Chronicling America.  

*  Took off at 9 a.m. for the health center - the line for lab tests was too long, so I went up for my foot doctor appointment (that went well...) and then did the lab test afterward (no waiting!).

*  Home by 11 a.m. to read, did more feeding of the database concentrating on Medfield MA families.  Noted that Feeding and Pruning my Genealogy Database posted after noon.  Continued feeding the database.

*  Checked FamilySearch and Ancestry for new databases, and fed the database some more.  I may have done something else but I can't remember!  Answered some emails.

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to watch TV, eat dinner and read the paper.  Back online at 7 p.m. to read, then wrote 

Individual RootsTech 2012 Videos Available Now.  Did a page of indexing for PA County Marriages.  Those will be great records!

*  Worked a bit with Charles Auble's data - added some census records, and sources for his census records, and then a City Directory source for the San Diego years.  Need to do City Directories for the Chicago years too.  

*  Checked in on Facebook, added to the Best Of post, wrote two posts for Wednesday, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My genealogy days - 4 and 5 March 2012

I was lazy last night and didn't write my journal...

Sunday, 4 March:

*  Linda was at camp, and I was tired after Saturday, so I didn't go to church.  Stayed home and read email and blogs, added several weeks of new blogs to the reader, changed my blog template again, and finished up the Best of the Genea-Blogs - 26 February to 3 March 2012 post.

*  Edited all of the OASIS presentations one more time and got everything on Dropbox and the flash drive, and then the laptop.  Took a nice nap while watching the golf tournament.

*    Linda came home at about 3 p.m., so talked to her and Ann for most of an hour.  We went to Lolita's for dinner.

*  Worked for several hours enriching the database with BMDs for people without them, did a page of indexing, and started the next Best Of post.  Wrote the Amanuensis Monday post.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours.

Monday, 5 March:

*  Woke up realizing that I had the dates wrong on the handouts for OASIS, so printed off the front pages and corrected the presentations.  Got it all on Dropbox and the flash drive.   Noted that Amanuensis Monday - Deed of Hinsdale Fisher to Lucy Butterfield in Medfield, Mass, 1841 posted.

*  Left at 9:15 a.m. for Mission Valley to teach my OASIS class.  Got set up, and welcomed the 10 students at 10 a.m.  The class was two hours and we got a lot done and discussed.  

*  Home by 12:45 p.m. to have lunch, then read blogs, and wrot1940 United States Census Questions.

*  worked in the database for over three hours adding content and sources for randomly selected persons.  

*  Went in at 5:30 p.m. to read the paper and eat dinner.

*  Back online after 7 p.m. to read, answer email, add to the Best Of post, do a page of indexing, check Facebook, and check out Chronicling America pages.  Wrote a post for Tuesday.  Wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My genealogy day - 3 March 2012

This was an all-day seminar day, so it was different from most.

*  Up early, read email but no blogs before going off to the parking garage.  Surname Saturday post went up in the morning.

*  Got to the CV parking garage by 7:15, and met the group of 11 for the car pool.  Rode with Sam and three others to Escondido for the Family History Fair.  We got there at 8 a.m., and I went in the presenters entrance and got my syllabus.  Found the CVGS booth in the exhibit hall and chatted with friends.  Lots of folks I know were there.

*  Went to Kendall Jefferson's talk on and how we have done and will do genealogy yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Got to my room by 9:50 a.m. and got the laptop set up - the projector worked perfectly.  The Wikis for genealogy Collaboration was attended by 15 to 20 persons - seemed to be well accepted.  Then did the Genealogy blogging presentation from 11:20 to 12:20 with 15-20 different attendees - again went well.

*  Headed off for lunch at the presenters lounge, and we discussed searches with Kendall among other things.  Went at 1 p.m. to hear Gena Ortega talk on RootsMagic 5.  Checked my email and Twitter too.

*  Spent the 2 p.m. hour at the CVGS booth with John and talked to Felix in the neighbor booth.  Went at 3:20 to hear Brenda Danielson do a wonderful talk on the Mysterious McGowans in costume and in character.

*  We packed up and were on the road by 4:30, and I was home by 5:15 p.m. Watched the end of the Aztrecs game (they beat TCU in overtime to win MWC title), had dinner, and read the paper.

*  On computer at 7 p.m. to note that Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - The Genealogy Time Capsule Challenge posted.  Read email and blogs, added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, and worked in the database trying to find BMDs for persons who were spouses of Seaver and Dill persons.  Pruned a number of isolated Dill couples from the database also.  

*  Wrote this post, and I'm done.

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.

Friday, March 2, 2012

My genealogy day - 2 March 2012

It was a full genealogy day - a typical Friday with preparations for Saturday, the radio show and WDYTYA.

*  Read email and blogs, and wrote Follow Friday - This Weekends Genealogy Radio Shows.

*  Edited the handouts and presentations for my OASIS class, which starts on Friday.

*  Wrote Follow-Up Friday - Reader Comments on Evidence and Conclusions.

*  Worked some more on the OASIS stuff.  Printed out the syllabus, and went down to the UPS Store to make my copies for  Monday.  Fixed the sprinkler head too.

*  Home by 2:40 p.m. to write the Surname Saturday post, then worked in the database for awhile doing random corrections - looking for birth and death info on WorldConnect and AMTs for persons that I did not have information for.  I hate blank fields!

*  Went in at 5:30 to have dinner, and read the paper.  Back before 6 p.m. to tune into Geneabloggers Radio and the chat board.  Excellent show.  Checked but no one else there.  Wrote the SNGF post and set it for Saturday.

*  Went in before 8 p.m. to watch WDYTYA.  At 9, came back to put OASIS and Family History Fair files on the flash drive, and then onto the laptop.  I think I'm all set for Saturday!

*  Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My genealogy day - 1 March 2012

This will be a busy month here in the genealogy cave - the Family History Fair (two talks) on Saturday, the SDGS and CGSSD meetings, the CVGS meetings, the OASIS class (4 talks) and the CVGS Seminar.  No time to go anywhere.

*  Read email and blogs, wrote Treasure Chest Thursday - D.J. Carringer Talks! and then Dear AppleTree - Please Put in Privacy Controls and set it for later in the morning.

*  Answered some email, watched the LFT webinar, checked out videos on YouTube, and had lunch, then weeded in the front for awhile.

*  Worked with the FBC in FTM2012 for awhile, then wrote Puzzling Over the Evidence-Conclusion Process.

Went in at 5 p.m. to read the paper, ate dinner, watched TV news, and washed the dishes.

*  Online at 7 p.m. to read, improve the Wiki presentation for Saturday, did one page of Cambridgeshire records in FSIndexing (decent handwriting), added to the Best Of post, checked Facebook, did a bit in Find-a-Grave to the database, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours.