Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/31/09

2009 is one quarter completed, and I'm afraid that my progress on my research goals for 2009 is way behind schedule - I don't even want to see what I committed to! Today was a full genealogy day working on diverse projects.

After reading email and blogs, I posted Tombstone Tuesday - Ephraim Sawtell (1685-1768) - but he is not one of my guys - a distant great-grand uncle. Great stone, though! Checked in on Twitter and Facebook, got cleaned up, and came back to work on an April Fool gag, but couldn't find good graphics so won't due it. Also got hung up on OpenOffice trying to find where the slide layouts went. Checked the Help! menu and couldn't figure it out. The toolbars are messed up too - my own fault, I'm sure. I must have wasted two hours doing all of that. Answered some email on my delinquent list. If I would just do 3 a day I could burn it all down quickly! Had lunch - took a break and watched TV news.

Back at it at 12:30 p.m., I read email, blogs, and Twitter and found blog fodder in Working in RootsMagic 4 - Post 4B: Creating a Pedigree Chart after working with RootsMagic 4 for awhile. Linda came home at 2 pm. and the mattress delivery came soon after - took longer to put the sheets on it than to set it up! My editor emailed and asked me to make some corrections to my article, so I did. Easy fixes. Thought about what to do for my ProGen Part 2 assignment - finally decided on a research plan, so wrote it up and sent both parts off to my study group. Dinner time... then watched SDSU lose their NIT game.

Came back to the computer at about 6:15 p.m., and read email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook. Researched, captured screens and wrote Footnote.com - Finding a Specific RevWar Pension File. Got the laptop out to compare OpenOffice toolbars and found my problem - had made the toolbars text rather than icons and had squeezed the Slide Layouts off the right margin! Fixed. cool. Now I can work on my presentation for 4/25, which I did for several hours. Got most of the planning done, just need to add some images and some results, then conclusions and I'm done. Until I change it, of course! Then this post, and I'm done for tonight - maybe I'll back stuff up to the external hard drive tonight.

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on my FORUM column, 1.0 hour in RootsMagic, 1.0 hour in Footnote, 1.0 hour in OpenOffice trying to figure out my problems, 1.5 hours on my ProGen homework, and 2.0 hours on my 4/25 presentation.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/30/09

Monday was almost an all-genealogy day - only food and shopping and 24 broke up the day. I got a lot done, I think.

After reading email and blogs, I posted something I've been thinking about for awhile- the tremendous service that Lorine is providing on her Ask Olive Tree blog. So I wrote Must-Read Genealogy Blogs - Ask Olive Tree Genealogy a Question as the start of a series. Then it was Mystery Monday - Robert Leroy Thompson of Tennessee (1880-1965) and I gathered up all of my previous posts to try to get some suggestions on this mystery man - not mine, my love-in-law's grandfather. Got cleaned up, then polished up the FORUM column and emailed it off to the editor. Checked Twitter and Facebook, and worked on my ProGen assignment for Thursday, then read the new Internet Genealogy magazine. Had lunch, and worked for awhile on some CVGS things - trying to get the newsletter organized.

Opened RootsMagic 4 and worked with it some more. Experimented making web pages. Also experimented with Legacy 7 making web pages. Looks like FTM 2009 doesn't make web pages yet. At 2:45 p.m., I was drowsy so went in to watch TV and napped for an hour. Then we went out to Ortho Mattress to finally buy a queen bed for the guest bedroom. Back home, we watched TV and had dinner. I was back on the computer by 6 p.m. Decided to post another RootsMagic 4 demo - so captured screens and wrote Working in RootsMagic 4 - Post 4: Creating a Pedigree Chart. Then it was off to Footnote.com in order to answer an email about what I want in their Search engine. Reading blogs, I noted that Kory M has published his latest Top 50 Genea-sites, so I posted 50 Most Popular Genealogy Web Sites. Then it was time for 24!

Came back after washing dishes, read email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook, then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 9.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 3.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour on ProGen homework, 1.0 hour on RootsMagic 4, 0.5 hour on Legacy 7, 0.5 hour on FORUM Column, 1.0 hour on CVGS things, 0.5 hour on Footnote, and 0.5 hour reading the magazine.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/29/09

A blogging-free day! Hmmm, except for this post. Maybe tomorrow. Of course, I couldn't let a day go by without something being posted - I wrote Working in RootsMagic 4 - Post 3: Adding a Child to a Family and Best of the Genea-Blogs - March 22-28, 2009 last night knowing that I wouldn't have time today to write anything significant.

I did read my email and blogs before going to church, and when I returned I jumped right into the Scanfest on Miriam's blog. During Scanfest, I scanned 18 pages worth of pictures from my Aunt Marion's California families album. There was quite a bit from my parents family and my own family that had not been scanned before, plus quite a few San Diego postcards.

Tami and her girls came just after 1 p.m., and Lolo took a nap but Audrey didn't. After Scanfest, I played with her most of the afternoon. Tami took Lauren to her friends for dinner and a movie, so we got Audrey for the evening. I fed her at dinner time, and then got her ready for bed. She went down for about 45 minutes then woke up bright eyed. I spent two hours trying to get her to go to sleep, but she is still awake and crying as I write this. She's been teething and hasn't been sleeping much. Her mom hasn't either.

Genealogy today was 4.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter and Facebook, and 2.5 hours on Scanfest.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/28/09

It was a decent genealogy day highlighted by a visit to the FHC and manic genea-blogging. Oh, Linda came home from Palm Springs and we went out to dinner. The details:

The previously written post on Working in RootsMagic 4 - Post 2: Editing Person Data was published this morning because I knew that I was going off to the FHC. I was reading the paper and a front page article caught my eye, so when I came on the computer I wrote Dad Was a Civil War Soldier and scheduled it for later in the morning. After reading email and blogs, Twitter and Facebook, I got cleaned up and went off to the FHC to read my three microfilms that I ordered two weeks ago. They were the Probate indexes and the Grantor/Grantee deed indexes for Jefferson County NY. I got there at 10, and was ready to leave at 12 noon, but when I was ordering more films I noticed that I hadn't looked at all of the Probate Indexes on the film - only the Estate Papers index. So I reviewed the rest of them too. Didn't help much! I was home by 1:30 p.m.

Created some screen shots of the FHL Catalog process, wrote Using the LDS Family History Library Catalog and then the Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Finding FHL Resources post. I worked more in RootsMagic, and at 4:30 went in to read the paper, watch basketball, and took a short nap. Linda came home at 5 p.m. and we went out to dinner at Daphne's and then got ice cream at Cold Stone to cap a successful evening. We were home at 7 p.m.

After reading everything, I decided that I'd better be a good example and posted Seeking Lamphier Probate Records in Jefferson county NY to show how to pursue the SNGF question. Then I wrote two posts for Sunday morning, since I'm not going to have any time before church and the time after church will be taken up by Scanfest. Finally, this post - so I wrote 7 blog posts today!

Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blog posts, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 3.0 hours at the FHC doing real research, 0.5 hour working in RootsMagic, and 4.0 hours researching and writing blog posts.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/27/09

What a nice quiet day! I spent most of it on the computer, writing, testing and blogging. Fun. I did go out for a walk at the bayfront.

It was 8:30 a.m. by the time I started reading email ,and then blogs, Twitter and Facebook, and posted CSI Alaska - The Van Zandt Case DNA details based on Colleen's email to me. An intriguing search for mtDNA. While reading on Twitter, I noted that Drew Smith has a new book out, so I blogged about it and ordered it from GPC. I wrote the post about MyLife.com before I got cleaned up, went to lunch at McDonalds, and walked with George at the bayfront in 72 F sunny weather - I wore my cap, or course! I was home before 1 p.m.

Worked a bit more on my column due at the end of March - I think it's done and I'll send it off to the editor tomorrow. Decided to work in RootsMagic 4 for several hours in order to more fully evaluate it before I have to buy it. I made lots of reports, a book, some charts, and captured many screens. Before I knew it, it was 5 p.m. and I went in and made dinner, watched TV, read the paper, and was back on the computer at 6 p.m.

Read my email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook, then posted the first in a series on RootsMagic 4 testing. Worked more in RootsMagic - captured more screens - and wrote a post scheduled for tomorrow morning. Then wrote the third post on the Footnote Page Details and trying to merge two pages for the same person. Drat - I didn't do any really useful research or database work today - I need to work more on it in order to prepare my 25 April presentation.

Genealogy today was 10.5 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 4.0 hours writing blog posts, 3.0 hours working in RootsMagic, 1.0 hour working on my column, and 0.5 hour shopping at GPC.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/26/09

This was a fun genealogy day, and I started on the taxes. There were many new things going on, and I made a little progress on my Lamphere search.

After reading email and blogs this morning, I researched and posted Footnote.com's Great Depression Collection - Post 1: First Views and then tweeted it. Then it was off the Ancestry's new US PRI database and I posted "New" U.S. Public Records Index on Ancestry.com after testing it and creating screen shots. I almost missed lunch I was so busy.

Taxes are due in three weeks and I haven't done anything about them yet. I installed the 2008 Turbotax and started in on the returns. I had to learn about stock proceeds, base price and gain/loss. That took quite a while to figure out but I did. Then I sorted the 8 inch stack of financial papers that have accumulated over the last year. At 4:30 I went out to find dinner - ended up with a TV Dinner when I couldn't find Chinese food. Oh well. Watched TV, read the paper, ate, and was back on the computer at 6 p.m.

Posted Footnote.com's Great Depression Collection - Post 2: The 1930 US Census and tweeted about it too. Worked a bit with the search functions in Footnote - I'm not impressed with it - it doesn't work the way I think it should. The wild card function is great though. Started in on the Lamphere study - worked in Rootsweb, USGenWeb, FamilySearch and Ancestry and found no data for Devier Lamphere (and variant spellings). Frustrating! Finally decided to find Lamphere (and variants) in 1830 and 1840 census in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence NY counties. That took em up to 10 p.m. and I went in and watched ER. Afterwards, I wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 7.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 3.0 hours researching and writing blogs, 0.5 hour exploring footnote, and 2.5 hours on the Lamphere research.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/25/09

Linda left today for her three days in Palm Springs with her friend, so I am baching it until Saturday. It's so quiet and peaceful in the house! No cries for me to go to the bedroom, help her take stuff to the car, do the wash, do the dishes, pick up the papers, etc. I even remembered to take out the trash and put it on the sidewalk.

I was on the computer by 8 a.m., read my email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook, and got started writing blog posts - the SCGS Jamboree post, the Reasons why the Ancestry City Directories are incomplete, and the Family Photographs post, which I scheduled for early afternoon. I got cleaned up, printed off a pile of elusive ancestor forms, had lunch, and went off to the bank at 11:30 and was at the library at 11:50 ready for the CVGS program meeting at noon. The meeting started at 12:15 and I was home by 2:45 p.m.

I had a phone call from an Ancestry guy while I was gone, and we connected at 3 p.m. with another Ancestry guy about the US Public Records Index collection. The call lasted almost 30 minutes. They want to keep me informed (so I don't rant much?) and want to answer my questions, which they did. I checked the Ancestry.com databases and saw the "old" US PRI was gone so I blogged about it here. Went to several people finder sites to see what they offer - it seems to me like these sites change often! Some are good now, some were good before but now are crappy. Checked LongLostPeople, MyLife, PeopleFinder, 411, Whitepages, Zabasearch, 123People, Pipl, Veromi, etc. Lots of posts lurking in that list! 5 p.m. - time for TV news, read the paper and then dinner - Dinty Moore beef stew, watermelon, Dove ice cream bar - hey, I'm baching it!

I was back online at 6 p.m. Worked on my column article for awhile, then wrote about the CVGS program on both the CVGenealogyCafe and Genea-Musings. Then I added lines to my research tables for the additional web sites, saved that as a master, and started to fill it in for DJSmith. Finally, a whirl around email, read blogs, check Twitter/Facebook, and this post.

Genealogy today was 11.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 0.5 hour talking to A.com, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on people finder sites, 2.5 hours at the CVGS meeting, 1.5 hours on the next column, and 2.0 hours working on my elusive ancestor forms for the April presentation.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/24/09

After reading email and blogs, posted Tombstone Tuesday - Elizabeth (Keyes) Hildreth (1759-1793) but had to find the inscription on the stone in my notes somewhere on my computer. Messed around on Twitter and Facebook, got cleaned up, worked a bit on the FamilySearch DevCon page watching presentations, then posted Lancaster PA Graveyard Rabbit on TV! Back to the FSDC, posted 2009 FamilySearch Developer's Conference Recordings. Had lunch, read email, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Had to go out to the bank for awhile. Came back and looked for the digital camera - it's lost! It was right here on Sunday, and I don't remember taking it anywhere or moving it. Linda swears she didn't touch it. It walked off?

At 2:30 p.m., I started working in the Ancestry.com City Directories for the 1940's. They seem all messed up. I wrote down some notes, took some screen shots, and then posted 1941-1948 San Diego City Directories on Ancestry.com are incomplete. I was really POed, and still am! At 5 p.m., we left to go out to dinner with our neighbors - Olive Garden for spaghetti and meatballs for me. We were home by 7 p.m.

Back at it, I read email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook before settling in to start my online Search for the parents of Devier J. Lamphier alias Smith. I filled out my Research Summary for Devier to show what I already have. I found, copied and edited the list I made last year for Traditional and Online Searches. Had to help Linda pack her car for her trip tomorrow, but came back to fill out more of the Research Summary. Now for the Research Plan for the parents of Devier Lamphier alias Smith. At 10, I stopped, read everything once more, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 8.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 3.5 hours researching and writing blog posts, 1.0 hour working in Ancestry's city directories, and 2.5 hours on the Devier Lamphier alias Smith research summary and plan.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/23/09

I'm feeling pretty good - no sore throat or sniffles, an occasional cough. The meds helped, I think.

After reading email and blogs, I posted My Y-DNA Results - Post 9: Looking for Matches on Ysearch and then got cleaned up. I had to make some maps for Linda for her trip, checked Twitter and Facebook, and then had lunch and went off to the library for CVGS Table Talk. There were 8 of us there - four talking and four working on the estate papers. I was home by 2 p.m.

Email, blogs, posted Mystery Monday - Thomas J. Newton of Maine (19th century) as part of the new meme, wrote CVGS Program on 25 March - "Using Federal Non-Population Census Schedules" and then DNA success story - an elusive father. I went in to watch TV, read the paper, and eventually have dinner. I was back on the computer at 7 p.m.

After the debacle yesterday of searching for some family tree graphics to use in my presentation, I bit the bullet and went with what I'd used before - a yellow heading background and a light blue body background, with a small ancestor picture in the upper right-hand corner. I modified last year's talk, deleted quite a bit, added quite a bit new material, and am probably 50% finished. I need to add new content now - but I need to do some scanning and lots of tables and online searches first. At 9, I went in to watch 24, then some of the WBC championship game, did the dishes and came back at 10:25 to write this post.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 1.5 hours on CVGS things, and 2.0 hours on my presentation.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/21-22/2009

I dropped the ball last night and forgot to post about my day. I plead sickness and mental, well, instability. Drugs work! I came home on Friday afternoon from Santa Cruz and by Friday bedtime I had a sore throat and a runny nose, so I started my Tylenol Cold meds. I even wrote My Y-DNA Results - Post 8: Uploading Data to Ysearch on Friday night anticipating that I would go out to breakfast with the church group and then to the CGSSD meeting at UCSD.

All of my well-laid plans went up in smoke because I felt really crappy on Saturday morning. I dreamed about genealogy blogging and who I should write about and didn't get much restful sleep. So I I stayed home, took more meds, and almost finished my column due at the end of March. I need to let it percolate a bit before I finish it up and send it off. It's not about blogging at all! After lunch, I went out briefly to get a card and flowers for Linda for our anniversary. Back at 1:30, I wrote Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your Paternal Grandmother's Patrilineal Line and then tweeted about it. I actually felt quite a bit better, so I made a reservation at a nice restaurant (one of the best in San Diego) and took a short nap. I took some screen shots on Ancestry, MyLife and several other PeopleFinder sites trying to understand the scope of and differences between the different sites.

We left at 5:30 for dinner at 6 p.m. at Donovan's in downtown San Diego. $111 later plus $15 for the valet parking, we were home by 7:45 p.m. and Linda was sick. Despite her questions and precautions, she was allergic to something she ate. We think it was the herbs and spices on the filet mignon. She noticed that it made her tongue burn, and that's one of her telltale signs. She took her Benadryl and made several potty trips, and finally fell asleep. I was still feeling pretty good after more meds, so I stayed up and wrote Best of the Genea-Blogs - March 15-21, 2009 and set it to post on Sunday morning. I watched some TV and went to bed forgetting to write on the Geneaholic.

Checked my email and read blogs before church, and went early because I had to chair a 9:15 a.m. meeting of my committee. After church, we came home because it was almost raining and I didn't want to infect anybody. I didn't do much until after my nap - at 1:15 p.m. I came in and read more then posted LibraryJournal Ratings of Subscription Genealogy Sites. I checked Twitter and Facebook, then figured I should do something useful so I thought about my next presentations. I need a snazzier PowerPoint slide master, so I hunted online for some templates for OpenOffice use. I found some, downloaded them and played with them a bit. I don't like them for genealogy...so I'm stuck making my own again. Dinner time came, and I watched TV and read the paper for awhile.

At 7 p.m. I came in and read email and blogs, then played with OpenOffice templates more, checked lots of web sites for genealogy graphics, and still didn't find anything useful by 9 p.m. when I went in to watch Desperate Housewives. Back at 10 p.m., I read stuff and then wrote this post. I feel pretty good, much better than I expected, but I feel the dry cough coming on now.

Genealogy for Saturday was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 2.5 hours researching and writing blog posts, 3.0 hours writing my column article, 1.0 hour looking at People Finders, and not much else.

Genealogy for Sunday was 6.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 1.5 hours researching and writing blog posts, and 3.5 hours doing OpenOffice presentation things - pretty much a waste of time, I guess.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/20/09

I'm back from my four days in Santa Cruz seeing my daughter, her hubby and my two grandsons. I had fun playing with the kids. I'm really sore after the endless games. I'm also starting to get the Santa Cruz crud - the sniffles, sore throat, cough, fever, and everything else that lasts almost two weeks - every time I'm with these boys.

We were up and out early today to get Logan to school by 8:30 and to get to Lucas school by 9 .a.m. Lori had a meeting with the teachers for a progress report, so we went to the upper playground. Lucas dug out the soccer ball, and we played one-on-one for about 20 minutes. I was already tired out! Then we played baseball for about 20 minutes, and finally basketball for about 20 minutes. He's very competitive! Fun. I'm exhausted by now and a bit sweaty in my dress shirt and flannel overshirt. Oh well. We headed for the San Jose airport at 10 a.m. and I was through security by 11 a.m. I had Burger King for lunch, stopped at the newsstand, and waited two hours at the gate to board the full plane to San Diego. I got a window seat on the right and finished my book as we taxied in to the gate. The bag came quickly, and Linda picked me up at about 3:20. We were home just before 4 pm. there was lots of traffic.

I read my email and blogs, checked in on Twitter and Facebook, and then went in to watch TV and we had dinner at 6 p.m. I was back on the computer at 7 p.m. and posted More on Ancestry and MyLife.com, then added to the Wordles post and wrote another Y-DNA post for Saturday morning.

Genealogy today was 4.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, and 0.5 hour on T/FB, and 2.5 hours writing blog posts.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/16/09

The post My Y-DNA Results - Post 5: FamilyTreeDNA Possible Matches was published as I read email and blogs this morning. Scheduling works really great! After writing Review: QuickSheet: Citing Ancestry.com Databases and Images I worked on several more scheduled posts for the rest of the week. This was non-stop until lunchtime, I ate at home, and then went off to the library at 12 noon for Table Talk. Dearl was the only other one there. I hunted for some genealogy fiction books (I have a list now) and found several. I'll read them while I'm in Santa Cruz.

I was home by 2 p.m. and wrote several more scheduled blog posts for the week. After checking Twitter, Facebook, email and blogs, I found the post that resulted in Is the new FamilySearch Life Browser dead? Maybe not! That is really good news, I think! It was TV and dinner time, and I didn't come back to the computer until 7 p.m.

The Surname Wordle-ers Collection posted a bit later, and I worked on several more posts for the week. At 9, I went in to watch 24, do the dishes and pack for the trip, then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 1.5 hours on CVGS things, and 5.0 hours writing blog posts.

The Geneaholic may go dark for a few days - I'm off to Santa Cruz in the morning to see the grandsons and have grandpa fun. I'm taking my digital audio recorder - maybe Lucas has some interesting things to say for posterity.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/15/09

Ah, the Ides of March! I watched my back all day. Nobody said "et tu Randy" because I refused to go to a meeting or be in a group at church. Can't be too careful on the Ides of March.

On the other hand, I kept my nose down and the fingers on the keyboard most of the day, except when it was feeding time or TV watching time. Blogger posted the 3/14 SDGS Meeting Summary about the time I had my rice Krispies for breakfast. My email and blogs were read before I got cleaned up and off to church at 9:30 a.m. I was home by 11:30 ready to go to work on the "Best of" post.

The Best of the Genea-Blogs - March 8-14, 2009 took awhile - I'm finding more nifty articles because more are being written by increasingly proficient genea-bloggers. While writing it, I listened to several of Lisa Louise Cooke's podcasts, especially the interview with Steve Nickle of FamilyLink and the interview of Mark Tucker on the GPS Chart. Excellent reporting and interviewing by Lisa. I'm going to try to listen to more podcasts. The Nickle interview resulted in the post Lifting the Skirt on Genseek.com, which I scheduled for later in the afternoon. After Twitter and Facebook, I started on my Carnival of Genealogy entry Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer (1899-1977) which I scheduled for later in the evening. It was still not dinner time, so I worked on more posts for next week when I'm away.

At 5:30 p.m., I went in and watched the World Baseball Classic game for awhile (the USA won) and read the paper, and Linda fixed Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes and Carrots for dinner. Yum. I was back on the computer by 7:30 pm. Spent the next 90 minutes writing blog posts for the rest of the week, and still have more to do. At 9 p.m., I went in to watch Desperate Housewives and then at 10 I washed the dishes, then came in and edited the Genseek post and wrote this post. At last count, that's 11 posts written today (7 to come during the week). Just the genea-blogging fool, eh?

Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 0.5 hour listening to podcasts, and 6.0 hours writing blog posts.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/14/09

What a varied genealogy day for me - blogging, the FHC, the SDGS meeting, Y-DNA looks and then Saturday Night Fun with lots of reading thrown in.

My email was done and blogs read when I started My Y-DNA Results - Post 4: GeneBase Possible Matches. After cleaning up, I gathered my bookbag and headed off at 10 a.m. for the SD FHC. I'm starting on my Lamphier study - try to find the parents of Devier J. Lamphier Smith. I'm going to use my work as the case study for my talk at the CVGS April 25 seminar. I checked the films and the books, then ordered three films of Jefferson County NY record indexes to start off. I got real lucky - one film has five items with all of the early county court indexes. At 11:30, I headed off to the SDGS meeting. I talked to several new Facebook friends, several SDGS officers, and got some help from Pam J. on the Beginning Genealogy effort. The meeting was OK too - I'll post it on Sunday.

I was home by 2:45 p.m., and decided it was time for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun already. After email, blog reading, Twitter and Facebook, I went in to read the paper and take a nap. At 5, Linda got up from her nap and told me to cut the back lawn, so I did. We had dinner when I was done, and I was back to the screen at 7 p.m.

I went to FamilyTreeDNA and Y-Search and did some screen captures for more posts about my Y-DNA escapade. Then I answered some emails that have been in the stack for awhile - mostly Seaver things. After reading blogs again, I flipped through Arlene's FHExpo seminar presentation - impressive. I wrote a post on the SDGS meeting for Sunday, then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.5 hours - 1.0 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 3.0 hours writing blog posts, 1.5 hours at the FHC, 2.5 hours at SDGS meeting, 1.0 hour doing DNA, and 0.5 hour reading stuff.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/13/09

I think that I survived another Friday the 13th...essentially stayed home and did genealogy except for an hour out to lunch and a walk.

In the morning, I read email, read blogs, gathered my wits and posted Some answers to newFamilySearch Questions. That took awhile to get the links right and get the comments right. I got cleaned up to go out later, and posted Some La Vista Grave Sites. I need to get back out to the cemeteries and take more pictures to feed the SSDCGYR! I almost started in on the taxes but resisted the temptation. At 11:15, I went to McDonald's for lunch and at noon I picked up George for our weekly walk on the bayfront. I was home before 1 p.m.

When I read my blogs, I saw Chris Staats' post about the value of blogs, wikis, Facebook, etc. I decided to respond on my own blog, and spent almost two hours writing and polishing What is the Value of Genealogy 2.0 Technology? I can use most of this in my next column or two also. Linda came home and I helped her some, then I worked on the We Relate site trying to figure out how to get the family tree and the maps to work. It is not intuitive unfortunately, at least I can't intuit it! I stopped at 5 p.m. and watched TV and we had dinner, then watched the first half of the SDSU-BYU game. I came back to the computer at 7 p.m.

After reading email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook, I worked on my lapsed client Project L. I've been too busy with blogging, presentations and CVGS to do much on it since January. I need to finish it. I added census data for several families to the database, identified missing census data for the families, and found about ten census entries to enter into the database soon (he said!). At 9:30, I decided to stop, read everything again, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 9.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.0 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 3.5 hours writing blog posts, 2.0 hours working in We Relate, and 2.0 hours working on Project L.

Tomorrow is an FHC day and then the SDGS meeting. I need to start loading scheduled posts for next week too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/12/09

Oh no! Tomorrow is Friday the 13th again! Two months in a row. This was a different genealogy day, as I blogged a bit (I know, that's not different from other days) but I watched a lot of videos and read many web sites in trying to get my brain wrapped around what newFamilySearch is exactly. I know that I didn't do anything useful today on my deadline items, or on my client work!

After reading email and blogs, I posted My Y-DNA Results - Post 3: GeneBase Family Tree and then LDS NewFamilySearch questions. I wrote the latter after reading The Chart Chick's post from the Development Conference. The rest of the morning was spent watching the nFS videos on Mastering FamilySearch. It was a really fun morning, and I have a much better understanding of the problems facing nFS.

The time flew by - I remember looking at the clock at 12:30 and thinking "I missed lunch" so I had grapes, cookies and fruit cocktail. I read some of the PDF files on Miles Meyer's site concerning nFS. He has a nice collection of presentations. At 2:30 p.m., I thought "where did the day go" - I was lost in the world of nFS and PDF and Scribd...and can;t remember what I did for awhile. Finally at 4:30, I wrote SDGS Beginning Genealogy Classes and read more email, blogs posts, Twitter and Facebook. Linda suggested at 5:15 that we go to Rubio's for dinner, and we were back by 6:15 p.m.

Eastman had the article about RPAC so I studied that for awhile and posted Records Preservation and Access Committee (RPAC) Recommendations. I answered some emails, read everything some more, then write this post. I'm going to watch ER at 10 p.m.

Genealogy today was 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 0.5 hour on Genebase, 4.0 hours studying and watching nFS videos, and 0.5 hour on RPAC.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/11/09

This was a fairly full genealogy day...and I got very little of significant value done. Oh well.

After reading email and blogs, I posted Family Photographs - Post 46: Mother and Daughter and My Y-DNA Results - Post 2: Reading the Markers before getting cleaned up to go out before noon. I played around with the Genebase Y-DNA pages to see possible matches and made more screens for future posts. After gathering up my news summary, the Y-DNA material and other items, I ate lunch at home then went off to the library at 11:45.

We had our CVGS Research Group today, but only 8 were there. That was great - we had lots to talk about! Afterwards, Virginia took me downstairs to the donated book area and we decided that four books that came in should go into our collection. I was home by 2:45. I quickly posted British Isles Panel forum at SDGS Meeting on Saturday and the Genealogy News for March before going in to read the paper, watch TV and take a nap. Read email, read blogs, checked Facebook and Twitter at 4:30 and we went out to dinner with the neighbors at 5:30, back at 7:30.

Posted CVGS Research Group Summary - 11 March 2009 and then Genealogy News and Research Group Summary - 11 March 2009 and spent awhile on Twitter and Facebook - they changed the format a bit on Facebook. Requested more Friends, checked my Groups, and tweeted several times. Put my ProGen homework on Google Docs and commented on Sheri's homework. Then I wrote this post and I'm done!

Genealogy today - 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour on email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours on Twitter/Facebook, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 2.5 hours on CVGS activities, 0.5 hour on ProGen tasks, and 1.0 hour on Y-DNA stuff.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/10/09

The trip to Carlsbad to speak to NSDCGS dominated the day. I did very little in genealogy otherwise.

I woke up early, and got my email and blogs read before I had to leave at 8:15 a.m. for Carlsbad. I had scheduled Tombstone Tuesday - Mercy Smith in Medfield MA and Resolving an Evidence Conflict - Post 3: Analyzing the Evidence for morning posting. I was back home by 1:35 p.m. I decided to come home after lunch because I figured I would be more sleepy at 2:30 than I was at 1 p.m. I was sleepy at 1 p.m., and when I got home I read my email, blogs and Facebook, then went in and took an hour nap. I was back online at 4:15 p.m.

I posted "Genealogy Web sites You Can Use" presentation at NSDCGS COGG today about the presentation at Carlsbad. I went in and watched TV, read the paper and had dinner, and was back at 6:30 p.m. I worked on writing the Genealogy News of the Month for the Wednesday CVGS Research Group meeting. I read email, read blogs, checked Facebook, then wrote this post. I feel lethargic and am kind of burned out with everything tonight. Next on my to-do list of major tasks is to write my column and some book reviews.

Genealogy today was 8.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 1.0 hour writing blog posts, 2.0 hours gathering the Genealogy News, and 4.0 hours at Carlsbad doing my presentation and eating lunch.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/09/09

What a blogging frenzy day...all of today's and several for tomorrow too. Life is good.

I was up early, and on the computer by 7:30 a.m. reading email and blogs and Facebook. I had a lot to do today, and essentially got it all done, plus a surprise. I posted Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Kids for the Smile Carnival, and then wondered about my Y-DNA test that I sent in two months ago. I found the box from Genebase, checked it out, went online and found that the results were available. I'm an R Haplogroup guy, no surprise there, I guess. I checked out my results, then made some screens in OpenOffice and wrote My Y-DNA Results! - Post 1:Getting Started. Then I wrote Ancestral Atlas Help offered and scheduled it for the afternoon. I also wrote two posts for Tuesday morning. I ate lunch, then went off at 12:15 p.m. to the library for Table Talk.

I was home by 2 p.m., and worked a bit on the Y-DNA, checked FamilyTreeDNA and DNA Ancestry for folks with similar markers. There are a few on Ancestry with only one marker off. The ones on FTDNA in the Sevier project had 5 and 9 markers off. No match there! I loaded the pictures from the camera onto the computer and posted Family History Fair Pictures then went back to the DNA study. At 4:45, I went to the pharmacy and had dinner when I got back and I came back at 6:30 to the computer. I posted the Genealogy Junkie True Confessions Collection and then rehearsed my talk a bit. At 9 p.m., I went in and watched 24. Back here at 10 pm., finished the rehearsal, saved the presentation to the flash drive, and wrote this post. I'm off in the morning (leaving about 8:15 a.m.) for Carlsbad to present to the North SD County Genealogical Society.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 1.0 hour at CVGS, 2.5 hours on DNA study and results, 4.0 hours writing 8 blog posts, and 1.0 hour working on the presentation.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/08/09

Not much genealogy today...except for publishing the CVGS newsletter and digging into an Unclaimed Persons case.

I slept in due to DST, and barely got my email read before we went off to church at 9:30. Two posts were written last night and launched today - "Genealogy Web Sites You Can Use" Talk on Tuesday 3/10 in Carlsbad and Best of the Genea-blogs - March 1-7, 2009. We were home by 11:45, and I read email, blogs, T/FB and gathered up the CVGS newsletter stuff and went off at 12:15 to the UPS store. Shirley showed me how to print the 2-sided 11x17 pages, then we folded, stamped, labelled, collated and taped the 2 sheets together so no one can get them apart. With four people, we were done by 1 p.m. Off to the Chinese restaurant down the mall, and I was home at about 2:15 p.m.

I did email, blogs and T/FB, and went in and took a nap. When I got back on, I emailed the newsletter PDF to the webmaster, and found a new Unclaimed Persons case on Facebook to work on, and did that for awhile. Linda called at 5:30 and had dinner ready, so we ate and then watched "About San Diego" on TV at 6. I was back on at 6:30, and sent the newsletter password off to all of the email list. Back to the Unclaimed Persons case, posted FREE 7-day trial offer for NewspaperARCHIVE, and then watched Desperate Housewives. What tangled webs they weave. Back to the computer at 10 p.m., I did more Unclaimed Persons searching and then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 7.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 1.0 hour writing blog posts, 2.0 hours on CVGS newsletter, and 3.0 hours on Unclaimed Persons.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/07/09

All genealogy, all day, almost!

I was up early because I had to leave by 7:15 a.m. in order to go in the carpool to the Family History Fair in Escondido. I managed to read my email before I left the house. I wrote the Resolving an Evidence Conflict - Post 2: The Evidence and Saturday Night Fun last night and scheduled them for this morning and afternoon. We had 7 in the carpool - Gary and Susi drove. We got there at about 8:10, got our registration packets and went to the Exhibit Hall to set up the table. John was there and had everything ready to go. We talked to some of the other exhibitors and folks that walked by before going into the Chapel for the Keynote talk by Leland Meitzler. After that, I heard Barbara Renick and went back to hear Leland again before lunch. After lunch, I heard Tom Underhill and Jean Hibben's talks. I spent an hour talking to Leland about blogging and genealogy and politics - fun. We left at 4:45 and I was home by 5:40 p.m. I took Linda out to dinner at Daphne's and had dessert at ColdStone. We were home by 7 p.m.

I checked email, read blogs, checked in on Twitter and Facebook, then posted Escondido Family History Fair Summary. I printed off the final CVGS newsletter pages and am ready to go to the publishing party on Sunday. Then I wrote the Best of the Genea-Blogs post for Sunday afternoon, since I have to do the CVGS newsletter publishing tomorrow.

Genealogy today was 12.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 9.0 hours at the Family History Fair, and 2.0 hours writing blog posts.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/06/09

I got a lot done - accomplished even - today...and I'm ready to go off in the morning (we leave Chula Vista at 7:30 a.m. for the Family History Fair in Escondido).

I was up early, so was on the computer by 7:30 a.m. reading email and blogs, and checking Twitter and Facebook. I posted SDGS Trip to Allen County Public Library in April, and then got cleaned up to go out later. I also posted Resolving an Evidence Conflict - Post 1: The Assignment in order to get some input on my conflict resolution problem. I wanted to finish the CVGS Newsletter today, so I spent several more hours adding content, moving things around, adding graphics, etc. At 11:15 a.m., I left to go to lunch at McDonald's and then picked up George for our walk on the bayfront (65 F, sunny, windy today, the tide was really out). We talked about our kids and grandkids, naturally.

I was home by 1 p.m. and worked more on the CVGS newsletter. I finished it, and sent it off for review to several board members. I posted Using the Newseum web site for genealogy and then worked a bit on my presentation for next week. I added one slide and saved everything as ODP and PPT files (then I looked at the PPT file using OpenOffice and the damn text boxes aren't transparent sometimes. Drat. Gotta use the ODP version if possible. Linda called me to dinner at 5:15, and I didn't get back to the desk until 6:30.

I decided to schedule several blog posts to cover Saturday morning and evening, and Sunday morning. Then I wrote Off to the Escondido Family History Fair and I'm done after this post. Gotta get to bed early tonight - need my beauty sleep!

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 3.5 hours on the CVGS newsletter, 1.0 hour on the presentation, and 4.0 hours on writing blog posts.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/05/09

I worked pretty much from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. - head down the whole time except for cleaning up, bringing in the trash cans and mail, and eating lunch.

After reading email and blogs, I watched the Chris Haley/June Baff Black cousins video on RootsTelevision - I love stories like this that show the very best in genealogy research and folks having fun doing it. I posted The Haley-Baff Y-DNA Connection. After checking Twitter and Facebook, I gathered screens and wrote Using Ancestry.com's Connection Service in hopes that readers will take advantage of it. I ate lunch, then worked for several hours on the CVGS Newsletter. I have all but one page done now, almost ready for proofing. At 4 p.m., I decided to download RootsMagic 4 beta, installed it, loaded my 23,000 person FTM file into it, and tried out the features (not all , mind you) - navigation, sources, reports and charts so far. At 5 p.m., Linda needed help and then we went to Marie Callender's for dinner and were home at 7 p.m.

I came in and read email, blogs and Facebook, and studied my ProGen homework assignment, including readings in EE and ProGen books. The chat started at 8 p.m., and we went about 80 minutes with it. It was fast paced - a really good chat amongst the 6 of us. After that, I posted RootsMagic 4 Beta Preview is available. Then this post and I'm done - in to watch ER.

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 0.5 hour on RootsTV, 4.0 hours on CVGS newsletter and business, 1.0 hour on RootsMagic 4, and 2.0 hours on ProGen homework and chat.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/04/09

My genealogy life just took another sharp turn...now I'm a newsletter editor. It's not as easy as it looks, I fear.

After checking email, blogs and Twitter, I posted Family Photographs - Post 45: Father and Daughter. I downloaded Maureen Taylor's free e-Book, read it quickly, and posted Free e-Book of Photo Detective articles. Knowing I was in for a long afternoon, I wrote the Ancestral Atlas - Post 2: Events and People and scheduled it to post in the early afternoon. At 11:45, I grabbed some lunch and ran off to the CVGS Board meeting hoping I hadn't forgotten to do some task. Like look for a newsletter template that would work for me.

The Board meeting was long, and right away Shirley asked me if I could take over the editorship right away - meaning this week for a Sunday publication. Ummm, I said yes, because she is really in pain. The meeting was over at 3, and when I got home, I checked the Microsoft Word templates and didn't see one I really liked. I decided to make my own using Tables and text boxes. By 5:15, I had a format defined and several articles inserted. I had to take Kurt down to the drug store, and when I returned, we had dinner. At 7 p.m. I was back on the computer.

I worked on the newsletter until 9:30. I lost one whole page somehow but managed to re-constitute it from the draft. At some point, my Internet connection died and I finally rebooted the router - that worked! I checked, email, blogs and Facebook, then wrote Recording family history - how young? Then this post and I'm done!

Genealogy today was 11.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on T/FB, 2.0 hours writing blog posts, 3.0 hours at the CVGS Board meeting, and 4.5 hours working on the CVGS newsletter.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/03/09

It's a square root day! 03 x 03 = 09. The next one is in 2016 (04 x 04 = 16). A cynic would say that the square root of 2009 is 44.822, so who cares! I digress.

After reading email and blogs, I posted Tombstone Tuesday - Aaron Smith in Medfield MA from my collection of ancestral tombstone photos. I wrote the Celebrate Your Name Week post, and scheduled it for later in the morning, then I went in and got cleaned up. I came back and wrote Genealogy Search Engines: FamilySearch Record Search - Post 3: Specific Database Search and scheduled it for the afternoon. I ate lunch at my desk, posted Genealogy Days in Chula Vista - March 2009 on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog, and answered some emails, reorganized some computer files, and at 12:30 p.m. I left for the dental cleaning at 1 p.m. I was home soon after 2 p.m.

I read email, blogs and Facebook, tweeted about the FSRS post, then decided to work on my sources in my database some more. I have almost all of the (VR) references modified now, but still have the actual "sources" to do - I need to go through the notes and pick out the vital, land, probate, etc. sources hiding in my database for thousands of persons. It seems like an endless task - 20 years of poor sourcing coming home to roost! I called the OASIS lady and said I would do the Beginning computer Genealogy class in May, and emailed the ProGen homework to my group before dinner. At 5 p.m., I went into watch TV, read the paper and eat dinner, then read the latest NGS Magazine.

I was back to the desktop by 6:30, and decided to think about a Beginning Genealogy summary and lecture series for CVGS and other opportunities. I searched my computer files for what I've already written, and collected from online sources, and reorganized my file folders to get everything for Beginning Genealogy in one place. I have a good concept of what I want to do for the summary lecture, but the series will take a lot more work. I want to tie lecture and demonstration to homework and class participation, but cannot use the Internet in many venues. I checked Facebook, read several of Tom Kemp's presentations, wrote See You at the Escondido Family History Fair?, wrote up my newsletter articles and emailed them to Shirley, sent some screen shots to a correspondent asking for military records of a Seaver, then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 10.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 0.5 hour doing CVGS newsletter articles, 0.5 hour on Seaver correspondence, 2.0 hours on database sources, 0.5 hour on OASIS, 1.5 hour looking for Beginning genealogy stuff, and 0.5 hour looking at Tom Kemp's presentations.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/02/09

It's funny how days turn out sometimes - I woke up today with the only to-do item of importance to modify my ProGen homework a bit and blog about something...I didn't know what!

On the computer by 8 a.m., I read email and blogs. The email had the NGS Upfront newsletter, and I noted the new NGS web page mention - I can blog about that. I captured some screens, and wrote up NGS has a new web site look before Rush Limbaugh had played one bit of his CPAC speech. I got cleaned up to go out at noon. OK, what now? The blog list had Eastman's article about WDYTYAL and AA, so I played with Ancestral Atlas a bit, captured some screens, and posted Ancestral Atlas: Post 1 - First Look, hopefully before anybody else does. The proof copy for my column came, so I printed it out. Lunch time, so I ate at home and took off for the library at noon.

John and Dearl were there for Table Talk, and I showed the column to them. Not much reaction, too wordy? interesting thoughts, etc. I read some periodicals, and was home before 2 p.m. I dug into my ProGen homework and added one more source and modified my analysis to reflect the changes. I think it's ready to pass to the other group members. I might even blog about it! At least about the problem. On Facebook, a Gustave Anjou asked me to be his Friend - he had none at the time. I did that and by tonight he's used my Friends list to get 41 more. I'm guessing that this is an elaborate joke - well done so far! It will be interesting to see how far it goes. At 4, I went out to help Linda in the garage (hey, real work! lift this, put those here, put it back, Ummpphh). Then I had to cut the lawn in order to be permitted a Haagen Dazs ice cream bar tonight (the things I do for chocolate!). I came in at 5:15 and watched the news, read the paper and ate dinner while Linda went off to help Barbara.

After dinner, Linda hogged the computer until 6:45 p.m. - I actually got the laptop out and checked Facebook for awhile. I read Janet and Donna's blog posts and decided to make some screens and posted Facebook for Dead People - a MOAGFT? I finished just in time for the two hour 24 episodes - good ones tonight! I was back after 10 p.m., had a FB chat with Cyndi about Anjou, checked email, blogs and Facebook, then wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 8.5 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.0 hour on Facebook, 3.0 hours researching and writing blog posts, 1.5 hours doing the ProGen homework, 0.5 hour reading/proofing my column, and 1.5 hours on CVGS.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Genealogy Journal - 03/01/09

It was a beautiful day here in San Diego, 80 F with some clouds, but it's going to rain later in the week they say. We went to church and I stayed home and didn't cut the lawn again - drat - I hate it when I work on genealogy all afternoon and don't remember to do my chores. Yeah - right!

I was watching TV and eating breakfast when Della (Smith) Carringer had it all together! posted this morning, having written it last night - I love automation! I did read my email before church, but left at 9:30 and we got back at 11:45 a.m. I read more email, then read blogs, and checked in on Facebook.

Ate lunch, then started in on Best of the Genea-Blogs, which took awhile, then tweeted about it, checked in on Facebook, did the Grader test (I got 65, dunno if that's good or bad). Pam called asking if I could teach a 4-session class using her materials in May - sounds like fun, and good experience - I probably will do it. Decided to finish up my ProGen homework, so I edited my source citations using Evidence Explained models (I am so bad at guessing how to do sources!), then did the analysis and conclusions work using Mark's format. Linda came home at 5 and asked why I hadn't done the lawn...dinner time, then "About San Diego" at 6 p.m., news, and 60 Minutes while Linda did her email.

Was back online at 7:45 p.m., read everything, answered some emails, did some research for other emails, and read some of the digital magazines I get. At 9 I went in to watch Desperate Housewives but it wasn't on so watched the PBS DooWop special for awhile, reading my new Family Tree Magazine. Back to the computer at 9:45, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 7.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, 0.5 hour doing online research, 3.0 hours on the ProGen homework, 0.5 hour reading things online, and 0.5 hour on Facebook.