* Read email and blogs, noted that Amanuensis Monday - Post 212: 1881 Deed of David J. and Rebecca Carringer to Mary and Louisa M. Carringer in Louisa County, Iowa posted.
* Got onto the panel of Mondays with Myrt and that went until about 10:45 a.m. Started the next Best Of post and added content to it. Spent some time in the front yard figuring out why the 2nd sprinkler set doesn't work. The lawn's been turning yellow for weeks now...finally figured out that the solenoid has probably quit working. Got the sprinkler head from the back and watered the north part of the front lawn. If I do this for a week or two, the grass should turn green. Right?
* Had lunch, and wrote Family Tree Issues Discussed on Mondays With Myrt for 31 March. Answered email and wrote "Shaking the Family Tree" Community Family History Fair on 12 April in Chula Vista.
* Went in at 5 p.m. to read the paper, watch TV news, and we had dinner. Washed the dishes and filled the bird feeder.
* Online at 6:30 p.m. to read, then worked in the FamilySearch Family Tree on a Hildreth family.
* Worked in Ancestry finding content and sources for some of the K surnames. Got stuck on the Jonathan Lewis and Ann (Edwards) (Wheeler) Kelsey problem. Which Jonathan did she marry?
* Checked Facebook, added to the Best Of post, and wrote this post. Genealogy today was 10.0 hours.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 31 March (with increases in the numbers from 28 February 2014 in parentheses):
* 42,737 persons (+ 52)
* 17,088 families (+ 22)
* 129,574 events (+ 596)
* 7,099 places (+ 48)
* 1025 sources (+ 7)
* 50,861 citations (+ 623)
* 769 Multi-media Items (+ 50)
* 2,177 Multimedia links (+ 104)
I'm up to 39.25% (+0.30%) for citations/events and 119.01% (+1.32%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for 31 March (compared to stats as of 27 February 2014):
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: Worldwide: 194,271; US: 89,520 (Alexa)
* 154,608 page views (4,987 per day, Blogger Stats, +336)
* 30,703 web page visits (990 per day, Site-meter) (-77)
* 44,148 page views (1,424 per day, Site-meter) (- 190)
* 30,703 web page visits (990 per day, Site-meter) (-77)
* 44,148 page views (1,424 per day, Site-meter) (- 190)
* >1,000 readers on Feedly (+??)
* 1,348 readers via email (Feedburner) (-63)