1) Monday, 27 April -- managed to read email on my phone and blogs on the desktop before going off at 7:15 AM for the courthouse for my jury duty. One day or one trial. I really hoped for one day, and had prepared two blog posts for Monday.
Sat in jury lounge until 10 AM and called as #35 in a pool of 50 panelists. We all went to the courtroom and voir dire on all of us lasted until 12 noon.
I got lunch in the little deli shop and ate it in the lunch room, then went off to the County Recorder's office a block away and hot Henry Austin Carringer's death certificate. It took about 20 minutes, and I was back to the court room in plenty of time. We went through jury selection and I was Alternate #1 (seat 13). We heard the opening arguments and two witnesses testify.
During the day, I was able to keep up with email, blogs and Facebook on my phone, and read my CJ Box book during the breaks.
I was home by 5 p.m. and read email and blogs, we had dinner and wrote MyHeritage Surpasses 5 Billion Historical Records. I called Audrey and Tami's phone and sang happy birthday to her. She giggled. Was able to write two blog posts for Tuesday also. Then I went in and watched the Padres game against the Giants - we won 4-3. It ended at 11 PM so no further genealogy effort besides adding to the Best Of post.
2) Tuesday, 29 April -- Court time was 9:15 AM, so I read email and blogs and checked that Tuesday's Tip - Michigan Collections on FamilySearch posted, and wrote a blog post for later, and left at 8:45 AM for the courthouse.
We heard testimony all morning and for 90 minutes in the afternoon and were sent home early. Had lunch in the deli and walked and read my book during the lunch break - it was hot outside. Stayed updated on my phone.
Was home by 3 p.m. and noted that Become an FGS 2014 Conference Ambassador and New Options on FamilySearch Family Tree "Tree View" posted. I checked email and blogs but not much else.
The termite guy came and we signed up for fumigation, insulation and wood repair jobs. We had dinner, and I wrote two blog posts before the Padres game. We lost 6-0 to the Giants.
Online at 10:30 p.m. to read, add to the Best Of post, check Facebook, and off to bed tired out.
3) Wednesday - 30 April -- Read email and blogs, wrote a blog post for later, and then left at 8:45 AM for the courthouse, and was there for 9:15 AM opening. We had judge's instructions and final arguments in the morning. The judge sent the jury to deliberate at 11:30 AM, but the two alternates got to leave subject to recall on 30 minute notice.
* I headed to the library for the CVGS program meeting - ate the sandwich, fruit, crackers and cookies there for lunch, and enjoyed the Orphan Train program.
* Got home by 2:30 PM, and noted that A Proud and Pensive Father in 1919 -- Post 305 for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday, Dear Randy: How Do I Remove the Whole Tree From My Account? and Rest in Peace -- John Charles "Jack" Wood (1930-2014)
had posted. Wrote Tattoos, Pigeon Theft and Financial Fraud in Victorian Youth Offenders Database on Ancestry.com.
* Did a little research before dinner in Ancestry, then went in for dinner, to watch TV, and back online at 6:15 PM to read and write a post for Thursday morning.
* Went in at 7:15 PM to watch the Padres game, read the paper, did the dishes, and read my book - almost done! Padres lost 3-2 to the Giants, so no 13-16 on the year. Still can't hit for average or with power.
* Online at 9:30 PM to read, add to the Best Of post, check Facebook and Google+, and write this post.
Here are the numbers from my RootsMagic database as of 30 April (with increases in the numbers from 31 March 2014 in parentheses):
* 42,772 persons (+ 35)
* 17,111 families (+ 23)
* 130,086 events (+ 512)
* 7,155 places (+ 56)
* 1040 sources (+ 15)
* 51,425 citations (+ 564)
* 820 Multi-media Items (+ 51)
* 2,287 Multimedia links (+ 110)
I'm up to 39.53% (+0.28%) for citations/events and 120.23% (+1.22%) for citations/persons.
Genea-Musings statistics for 30 April (compared to stats as of 31 March 2014):
* Genea-Musings traffic rank: Worldwide: 217,400; US: 147,994 (Alexa)
* 119,570 page views (3,857 per day, Blogger Stats, -1130)
* 26,477 web page visits (854 per day, Site-meter) (-136)
* 38,968 page views (1,257 per day, Site-meter) (- 167)
* 26,477 web page visits (854 per day, Site-meter) (-136)
* 38,968 page views (1,257 per day, Site-meter) (- 167)
* >1,000 readers on Feedly (+??)
* 1,385 readers via email (Feedburner) (+37)