We got home late from the Padres game on Friday night and I decided to skip the daily post. Now it's late on Saturday night but i'm going to plunge ahead here.
1) Friday, 28 September 2012
* Read email and blogs, wrote My Top Ten Genealogy Websites. Discovered the Mass town records sert on FamilySearch, and researched and wrote Massachusetts Town Clerk, Vital, and Town Records on FamilySearch.
* Did I mention FabriClear before? They kept calling back in early September trying to sell us bedbug spray for some reason. They wanted to talk to Linda. Linda swears she didn't order it. I know I didn't. They wanted to give us gas vouchers, but we'd have to sign up for $29.95 a month to our credit card for more free things. Yeah, right. I finally told them we didn't want it, cancel any order they say they have from us, and don't charge our credit card, and we don't want anything free. They did, of course, charge our credit card for the FabriClear, and the box came in the mail on Tuesday. I called on Friday, got a return number, and packed it up and off to the Post Office to send it back. "What is it?" the clerk asked. "Insecticide" I said. He said, "Nope, can't ship it." So off to the UPS and they will ship it for only $13.40. Done! Now we'll see if the $39.95 on the credit card gets refunded. I'm not holding my breath. I have no idea how they got Linda's card number, but it's on the bill. A scam, I fear, and crooks behind it.
* Back at 2:30 p.m. to read, add more info to the database for Shrewsbury MA, and make more reports using Legacy this time. Better format than RootsMagic, and much smaller file size.
* We left at 4:45 for the trolley station, ate at the Tin Fish, met a guy and his mother going to the game also, they ate with us, and into Petco Park at 6:30 for the game. Giants won 3-1.
* Home by 11 p.m. to read, check Facebook, add to the Best Of post, and not much else!
Genealogy this day was 7.5 hours.
2) Saturday, 29 September:
* Read email and blogs, then wrote Surname Saturday - WHEELER (England > Massachusetts). Wrote Guest Post - Old German Script Need not Fade and then Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - What is Your Matrlineal Line? and set it for early afternoon.
* Listened to the FGS MySociety radio program and shared on the chat board about CVGS round-table activities.
* After lunch, worked in the database adding sources for Westminster vital records using the Legacy report for the place. Had to cross check with the source usage list to determine what had already been sourced.
* We left at 3:45 p.m. for the trolley, got to Petco Park by 5 p.m., ate dinner (I had pizza, Linda a Subway sandwich), and the game started at 5:35. Padres beat the Giants 7-3. It was our last game for the year - I think we were 8-13 on the season when attending. The team is 40-40 in home.
* Home by 9:20 p.m. to watch the Aztecs game - lost 52-40 to Fresno State. Online to read, add to the Best Of post, check Facebook and write this post.
Genealogy this day was 7.5 hours.
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