Friday, May 27, 2011

My genealogy day - 27 May 2011

Yikes, May is almost over...where did the time go?  Jamboree is just around the corner...two weeks.  And my presentation is next Saturday.  Yikes!

*  Read email and blogs, then wrote GeneaBlogging Works!  Had to take Linda to Rogers School.  Managed to stay out of nFS today. 

*  Answered some emails, then went to get Linda at the school at 10:30.  Left at 11:10 for lunch at MickieD's, stopped at the library for a book, and then walked with George on the bayfront.  Home by 1 p.m.

*  Collected screens and wrote Navigating Old and New Search on - Post 1: New Search, Advanced Form. 

*  Was thinking about working on the presentation when Linda said we had to go to Kurt's house.  I sat with him while Linda took Ruth to the doctor.

*  Home at 4 p.m. to watch the Padres game.  We left at 4:45 p.m. for Oggi's for dinner, and home by 6 p.m. to watch the end of the game.  Pads lost 2-1 on a walk-off homer in the 9th to Washington.

*  Quickly in to listen to Geneabloggers Radio   and the chat.  A fun 90 minutes punctuated by panic when the computer froze up.  Had to press the button and reboot.  Now I need to log in to all websites.

*  Added to the Best Of post, wrote two posts for Saturday, checked Facebook, and wrote this post.

Genealogy today was 6.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 1.0 hour reading blog posts, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 1.5 hours on Geneabloggers Radio, and 0.5 hour in

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