This was the day I had set aside to work on the July CVGS newsletter and I got quite a bit done. I also blogged, of course, and even explored some online family tree programs.
* On computer before 8 a.m., read email, blogs and Twitter before posting Checking out the SCGS Jamboree Exhibits - Post 2 and Genealogy Days in Chula Vista - July 2009.
* Decided to add thumbnail and some family photos to FTM 16 database and to the same FTM 2009 database just to see how easy it is. Both were easy...although the FTM16 images were stored within the database itself, while the FTM2009 images were put in a separate file folder. Then created a GEDCOM of FTM 2009 database and uploaded to Member Trees. The images did not come into the Ancestry Member Tree as I hoped they would. Messed around in my Member Tree.
* Got cleaned up, had lunch, and posted What really happened at Jamboree? Elizabeth tells all! Great work by Elizabeth! Updated California Assembly Bill AB130 - IAJGS Letter post.
* Started on CVGS newsletter. Found the master format, but it needs modification. Got upcoming program, past program, research group, computer news, local programs, and several articles into the 10 pages. Needs Presidents report and minutes of the meetings and it's pretty much done as long as it all fits!
* At 5:30, went in to watch TV, and Linda came home from Padres game and we went to Lolita's for dinner. Home by 6:30.
* Came in to prepare for ProGen chat at 7, but found out it was at 8. Researched and wrote Online Family Trees - Post 1: What I Want before 8 p.m. chat.
* Chat started with four of us, but not Sheri and Jeff. Decided to postpone so that they could participate next week or another week. What to do? Read everything, plus Facebook, and explored Family Pursuit where I had uploaded my Seaver file two years ago.
* Wrote this post and will go to bed early tonight, I think. Tami and the family may come tomorrow - gotta get my grandpa face ready!
Genealogy today was 11.0 hours - 2.0 hours reading everything, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 1.0 hour in FTM databases, 1.0 hour in Ancestry, 0.5 hour in Family Pursuit, 3.5 hours working on CVGS newsletter, and 0.5 hour in ProGen chat.
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