This was a fairly full genealogy day...and I got very little of significant value done. Oh well.
After reading email and blogs, I posted Family Photographs - Post 46: Mother and Daughter and My Y-DNA Results - Post 2: Reading the Markers before getting cleaned up to go out before noon. I played around with the Genebase Y-DNA pages to see possible matches and made more screens for future posts. After gathering up my news summary, the Y-DNA material and other items, I ate lunch at home then went off to the library at 11:45.
We had our CVGS Research Group today, but only 8 were there. That was great - we had lots to talk about! Afterwards, Virginia took me downstairs to the donated book area and we decided that four books that came in should go into our collection. I was home by 2:45. I quickly posted British Isles Panel forum at SDGS Meeting on Saturday and the Genealogy News for March before going in to read the paper, watch TV and take a nap. Read email, read blogs, checked Facebook and Twitter at 4:30 and we went out to dinner with the neighbors at 5:30, back at 7:30.
Posted CVGS Research Group Summary - 11 March 2009 and then Genealogy News and Research Group Summary - 11 March 2009 and spent awhile on Twitter and Facebook - they changed the format a bit on Facebook. Requested more Friends, checked my Groups, and tweeted several times. Put my ProGen homework on Google Docs and commented on Sheri's homework. Then I wrote this post and I'm done!
Genealogy today - 9.0 hours - 0.5 hour on email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 1.5 hours on Twitter/Facebook, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 2.5 hours on CVGS activities, 0.5 hour on ProGen tasks, and 1.0 hour on Y-DNA stuff.
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